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PHP connects to MySQL to perform add, delete, modify and query operations

2017-02-21 15:31:281364browse

This article mainly introduces the method of PHP connecting to MySQL to perform add, delete, modify and query operations. It has a very good reference value. Let’s take a look at it with the editor.

Not much to say Please look at the code:

# , ,

# Fetch_all () Back to all arrays


# FETCH_ASSOC () Return to the associated array

FETCH_OBJECT () Return to the object

# FETCH_ARAY () The array of arrays returned has both indexes and associated

steals Delete, add, and modify operations

while($attr = $reslut->fetch_row())
echo "";
代号 姓名 性别 民族 生日
{$attr[0]} {$attr[1]} {$attr[2]} {$attr[3]} {$attr[4]}

For more articles related to PHP connecting to MySQL for add, delete, modify, and check operations, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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