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WeChat Mini Program Development MINA

2017-02-10 13:16:492563browse

MINA’s goal is to allow developers to develop services with native APP experience in WeChat in the simplest and most efficient way possible. Projects running MINA must have the AppID of the WeChat web developer tools and WeChat applet. Because it is still in the internal testing stage, most people do not have an AppID yet. Fortunately, a master has cracked the IDE and you can experience it first. Down.

MINA is a framework for developing mini programs on WeChat:

The goal of MINA is to allow developers to develop services with native APP experience in WeChat in the simplest and most efficient way possible.

Projects running MINA must have the AppID of the WeChat web developer tools and WeChat applet. Because it is still in the internal testing stage, most people do not have the AppID yet. Fortunately, some experts have cracked it. If you have an IDE, you can try it first. For details, please refer to the WeChat applet development information collection

There are four types of files in the MINA framework:

  • .js file is based on JavaScript The logical layer framework

  • .wxml view layer file is a set of tag language designed by MINA

  • ##.wxss style file for description WXML component style

  • .json file, configuration file, used for configuration of a single page and configuration of the entire project

Directory Structure

In order to reduce configuration items, the four files in a page in the mini program must have the same path and file name. Use the WeChat web developer tool to create a new project and you can see his The directory structure is like this:

WeChat Mini Program Development MINA

where app.js is the entry point of the program, app.json is the project configuration file, app.wxss is the global configuration style file, logs The and index folders are files for a single page, and utils is used to store commonly used tool folders.


app.js uses the App() function to register a mini program, and you can specify the life cycle of the mini program

The mini program There are three events in the App() life cycle that can be monitored: onLaunch, onShow, and onHide.

  • onLaunch: Called after the mini program is loaded. It is only triggered once globally.

  • onShow: Triggered when the mini program starts or goes from the background to the foreground. Once

  • onHide: The applet will trigger once from the foreground to the background

For example:

App({   onLaunch: function () {      console.log('App Launch')   },   onShow: function () {     console.log('App Show')   },   onHide: function () {     console.log('App Hide')   },   globalData: {     hasLogin: false   } })
where app.js globalData can set global variables. In a page, you can get the instance of the applet through the getApp() function. You can get the instance of the current page by using App's getCurrentPage().


app.json is the global configuration of the mini program, including: page path, window performance, setting network timeout, development mode, etc...

  • Page configuration pages: Set the path of the page

"pages":[  "pages/index/index",  "pages/logs/logs"  ]
Configure the paths of the index and logs pages. Use relative paths to configure the page here. path.

  • Window configuration windows: used to configure the color of the status bar, the style and color of the navigation bar, the title, and the background color of the window:

"window":{     "backgroundTextStyle":"light",     "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#ffffff",     "navigationBarTitleText": "WeChat",     "navigationBarTextStyle":"black"   }
The Color used is a hexadecimal color value, such as "#ffffff"


Among them, navigationBarTextStyle, the color of the navigation bar only supports black/white.

With backgroundTextStyle, the drop-down background style only supports dark/light.

  • tabBar: Set up the tab application. tabBar is an array. At least 2 need to be configured and up to 5 tabs can be configured. The tabs are sorted according to the order of data:

"tabBar":{     "color":"#dddddd",     "selectdColor":"#3cc51f",     "borderStyle":"black",     "backgroundColor":"#ffffff"   ,"list":[     {       "pagePath":"pages/index/index",       "iconPath":"image/wechat.png",       "selectedIconPath":"image/wechatHL.png",       "text":"主页"       },{     "pagePath":"pages/logs/logs",     "iconPath":"image/wechat.png",     "selectedIconPath":"image/wechatHL.png",     "text":"日志"   }] }
Two tab pages are set up here: index and log. The effect is as follows:

WeChat Mini Program Development MINA

  • networkTimeout sets the timeout period for network requests. The applet has four types of network requests

  1. wx.request ordinary http request, configured as request

  2. wx.connect stock link, configured as connectSocket

  3. wx.uploadFile upload file, configured as uploadFile

  4. wx.downloadFile download file, configured as downloadFile

  5. ##The configuration unit is milliseconds, for example:
"networkTimeout": {     "request": 10000,     "connectSocket": 10000,     "uploadFile": 10000,     "downloadFile": 10000   }

    debug: Enable debug mode in the development tool, which can be seen on the console panel For debugging information, we can also use console.log('onLoad') to input log to help us debug the program.
  • "debug": true

The styles defined in app.wxss are global styles, which apply to every page and are defined in the page The .wxss file is a local style, which only applies locally. The definition in the local style will override the style defined in app.wxss.

Definition of style:

.container {   height: 100%;   display: flex;   flex-direction: column;   align-items: center;   justify-content: space-between;   padding: 200rpx 0;   box-sizing: border-box; }

The rpx in 200rpx is reply pixel, which can be adapted according to the width of the screen. On iPhone6, 1rpx=0.5px=1 physical pixel. The recommended design of WeChat mini program is based on iPhone6


<view> </view>



  • data 页面的初始数据,可以使用setData更新定义的数据

  • onLoad 页面加载事件

  • onReady 页面渲染完成

  • onShow 页面显示

  • onHide 页面隐藏

  • onUnload 页面卸载


Page({   data: {     logs: []   },   onLoad: function () {     this.setData({       logs: (wx.getStorageSync('logs') || []).map(function (log) {         return util.formatTime(new Date(log))       })     })   } })


{     "navigationBarTitleText": "日志文件" }

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