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Self-study C#11 from 0--A summary of multi-thread creation methods and their advantages and disadvantages

2017-02-04 11:06:472001browse

Basic concepts

1. Process

Process is a basic concept in the Windows system, which contains the resources required to run a program. Processes are relatively independent. One process cannot directly access the data of another process (unless distributed computing is used). The failure of one process will not affect the operation of other processes. The Windows system uses processes to divide work into of multiple independent areas. Process can be understood as the basic boundary of a program.

2. Application domain

The executable program *.exe created using .NET is not directly hosted in the process, but is hosted in the application domain (AppDomain). The application domain is a new concept introduced by .NET. It occupies less resources than the process and can be regarded as a lightweight process.

A process can contain multiple application domains, and one application domain can load an executable program (.exe) or multiple assemblies (.dll). This enables deep isolation between application domains. Even if an error occurs in one application domain in the process, it will not affect the normal operation of other application domains.

When an assembly is called by multiple application domains at the same time, two situations will occur:
The first situation: CLR loads this assembly for different application domains respectively.
Second case: CLR loads this assembly outside all application domains and implements assembly sharing. This situation is special and is called Domain Neutral.

3. Thread

Thread (Thread) is the basic execution unit in the process and the smallest unit of program execution flow. The first thread executed at process entry is considered the main thread of the process. In .NET applications, the Main() method is used as the entry point. When this method is called, the system will automatically create a main thread.

Threads are mainly composed of CPU registers, call stacks and thread local storage (Thread Local Storage, TLS). The CPU registers mainly record the status of the currently executing thread, the call stack is mainly used to maintain the memory and data called by the thread, and TLS is mainly used to store the status information of the thread.

4. The relationship between the three

The relationship between process, application domain, and thread is as shown below. A process can include multiple application domains and multiple threads. Threads can also Travel between multiple application domains. But at the same time, the thread will only be in one application domain.

Self-study C#11 from 0--A summary of multi-thread creation methods and their advantages and disadvantages

Creation method

1. The following uses the train ticket system to introduce the method of creating multi-threads.

First create a new console program project, create the train ticket class and humans: Ticket and Person.

class Ticket
{    private int count =100;    public int Count
    {        get
        {            return this.count;
    }    public string GetTicket()
    {        //while (true)
            Thread.Sleep(50);            this.count--;        //}
        return "G" + this.count--;

class Person
{    private string name, id;    private int age;    public string Name
    {        get
        {            return this.name;
        }        set
        {            if (value.Length > 0 && value.Length < 8)
            {                this.name = value;
            }            else
            {                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Length of name is out of 0~8.");
    }    public int Age
    {        get
        {            return this.age;
        }        set
        {            if (value > 0)
            {                this.age = value;
            }            else
            {                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Age must be more than 0.");
    }    public string ID//身份证
    {        get
        {            return this.id;
        }        set
        {            if (value.Length == 18)
            {                this.id = value;
            }            else
            {                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Lengh of ID must be 16.");
    }    public Person(string nameOfPerson, int ageOfPerson, string idOfPerson)
    {        this.name = nameOfPerson;        this.age = ageOfPerson;        this.id = idOfPerson;

Secondly, in the Program class, create a public static method, and later create a multi-threaded method. Called to.

class Program
{    static void BuyTicket(object state)
        Ticket newTic = (Ticket)state;
    }    static string BuyTicket(Ticket newTic)
    {        lock (newTic)
            ThreadMessage("Async Thread start:");
            Console.WriteLine("Async thread do work!");            string message = newTic.GetTicket();
            Console.WriteLine(message + "\n");            return message;
    }    static void ThreadMessage(string data)
    {        string message = string.Format("{0}\nCurrentThreadId is {1}", data, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

2. Created through the Thread class

It can create and control threads, set its priority and obtain its status. Creating a new thread through ThreadStart is the most direct method and will not be introduced here. The ParameterizedThreadStart delegate is very similar to the ThreadStart delegate, but the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate is for methods with parameters. Note that the parameter of the corresponding method of ParameterizedThreadStart is object. This parameter can be a value object or a custom object.

Here we introduce creation through ParameterizedThreadStart.


static void Main(string[] args)
    Ticket tic = new Ticket();
    Person[] person = new Person[10]
        {            new Person("Nicholas", 21, "000000000000000000"),            
new Person("Nate", 38, "111111111111111111"),            
new Person("Vincent", 21, "222222222222222222"),            
new Person("Niki", 51, "333333333333333333"),            
new Person("Gary", 28, "444444444444444444"),            
new Person("Charles", 49, "555555555555555555"),            
new Person("Karl ", 55, "666666666666666666"),            
new Person("Katharine", 19, "777777777777777777"),            
new Person("Lee", 25, "888888888888888888"),            
new Person("Ann", 34, "99999999999999999"),

    ThreadMessage("MainThread start");
    Thread[] t = new Thread[person.Length];    for (int i = 0; i < person.Length; i++)
        t[i] = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(BuyTicket));
    }    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("Main thread do work!");


②Run result

MainThread startCurrentThreadId is 8Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 9Async thread do work!
Main thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 10Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 12Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 13Async thread do work!
Main thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 14Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 15Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 16Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 17Async thread do work!
Main thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 18Async thread do work!


A total of 11 threads were created.

It is very simple to create new threads using ThreadStart and ParameterizedThreadStart, but the threads created by this method are difficult to manage. If too many threads are created, it will affect the performance of the system. When a thread is started, a few hundred milliseconds are spent preparing some additional resources, such as a new private local variable stack. Each thread consumes (by default) 1MB of memory. In view of this, .NET introduced the concept of CLR thread pool.

3. Use thread pool

Thread pool (thread pool) can alleviate these overheads by sharing and recycling threads, allowing multi-threaded applications to be applied at a very small granularity without performance loss. The CLR thread pool does not create a thread immediately when the CLR is initialized. Instead, the thread pool initializes a thread when the application wants to create a thread to perform a task. Thread initialization is the same as other threads.


CLR线程池分为工作者线程(workerThreads)与I/O线程 (completionPortThreads) 两种,工作者线程是主要用作管理CLR内部对象的运作,I/O(Input/Output) 线程顾名思义是用于与外部系统交换信息。

3.1 通过QueueUserWorkItem使用线程池


static void Main(string[] args)
    Ticket tic = new Ticket();
    Person[] person = new Person[10]
new Person("Nicholas", 21, "000000000000000000"),            
new Person("Nate", 38, "111111111111111111"),            
new Person("Vincent", 21, "222222222222222222"),            
new Person("Niki", 51, "333333333333333333"),            
new Person("Gary", 28, "444444444444444444"),            
new Person("Charles", 49, "555555555555555555"),            
new Person("Karl ", 55, "666666666666666666"),            
new Person("Katharine", 19, "777777777777777777"),            
new Person("Lee", 25, "888888888888888888"),            
new Person("Ann", 34, "99999999999999999"),

    ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(1000, 1000);
    ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(2, 2);

    ThreadMessage("MainThread start");
    Console.WriteLine();    foreach(Person someone in person)
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(BuyTicket), tic);
    }    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("Main thread do work!");



MainThread startCurrentThreadId is 8Main thread do work!
Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 10Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 9Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 12Async thread do work!
Main thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 10Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 9Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 12Async thread do work!
Main thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 10Async thread do work!




3.2 通过委托使用线程池


delegate string MyDelegate(Ticket tic);//可以带多个参数static void Main(string[] args)
    Ticket tic = new Ticket();
    Person[] person = new Person[10]
        new Person("Nicholas", 21, "000000000000000000"),            
new Person("Nate", 38, "111111111111111111"),            
new Person("Vincent", 21, "222222222222222222"),            
new Person("Niki", 51, "333333333333333333"),            
new Person("Gary", 28, "444444444444444444"),            
new Person("Charles", 49, "555555555555555555"),            
new Person("Karl ", 55, "666666666666666666"),            
new Person("Katharine", 19, "777777777777777777"),            
new Person("Lee", 25, "888888888888888888"),            
new Person("Ann", 34, "99999999999999999"),
    ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(1000, 1000);
    ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(2, 2);

    ThreadMessage("MainThread start");
    Console.WriteLine();    foreach (Person someone in person)
        MyDelegate myDelegate = new MyDelegate(BuyTicket);
        myDelegate.BeginInvoke(tic, new AsyncCallback(Completed), someone);
    }    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("Main thread do work!");

}static void Completed(IAsyncResult result)
    ThreadMessage("Async Completed");    //获取委托对象,调用EndInvoke方法获取运行结果
    AsyncResult _result = (AsyncResult)result;
    MyDelegate myDelegate = (MyDelegate)_result.AsyncDelegate;    string data = myDelegate.EndInvoke(_result);    //获取Person对象
    Person person = (Person)result.AsyncState;
    Console.WriteLine("Person name is " + person.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Person age is " + person.Age);
    Console.WriteLine("Person ID is " + person.ID);
    Console.WriteLine("Tick ID is "+ data);


MainThread start
CurrentThreadId is 8Main thread do work!Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 10Async thread do work!
G100Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 9Async thread do work!Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 10Person name is Nicholas
Person age is 21Person ID is 000000000000000000Tick ID is G100

G99Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 9Person name is Nate
Person age is 38Person ID is 111111111111111111Tick ID is G99

G98Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 11Person name is Niki
Person age is 51Person ID is 333333333333333333Tick ID is G98Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 12Async thread do work!

Main thread do work!
G97Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 10Async thread do work!Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 12Person name is Vincent
Person age is 21Person ID is 222222222222222222Tick ID is G97

G96Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 9Async thread do work!Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 10Person name is Gary
Person age is 28Person ID is 444444444444444444Tick ID is G96

G95Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 9Person name is Charles
Person age is 49Person ID is 555555555555555555Tick ID is G95

G94Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 12Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 11Person name is Karl
Person age is 55Async thread do work!
Person ID is 666666666666666666Tick ID is G94

Main thread do work!
G93Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 10Async thread do work!Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 12Person name is Katharine
Person age is 19Person ID is 777777777777777777Tick ID is G93

G92Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 9Async thread do work!Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 10Person name is Lee
Person age is 25Person ID is 888888888888888888Tick ID is G92

G91Async Completed
CurrentThreadId is 9Person name is Ann
Person age is 34Person ID is 99999999999999999Tick ID is G91



4. 通过TPL创建

从 .NET Framework 4 开始,TPL 是编写多线程代码和并行代码的首选方法。我们先看下MSDN的解释。

Self-study C#11 from 0--A summary of multi-thread creation methods and their advantages and disadvantages

对于多线程,我们经常使用的是Thread。在我们了解Task之前,如果我们要使用多核的功能可能就会自己来开线程,然而这种线程模型在.net 4.0之后被一种称为基于“任务的编程模型”所冲击,因为task会比thread具有更小的性能开销,不过大家肯定会有疑惑,任务和线程到底有什么区别呢?




4.1 通过Parallel类创建


static void Main(string[] args)
    Ticket tic = new Ticket();
    Person[] person = new Person[10]
        new Person("Nicholas", 21, "000000000000000000"),            
new Person("Nate", 38, "111111111111111111"),            
new Person("Vincent", 21, "222222222222222222"),            
new Person("Niki", 51, "333333333333333333"),            
new Person("Gary", 28, "444444444444444444"),            
new Person("Charles", 49, "555555555555555555"),            
new Person("Karl ", 55, "666666666666666666"),            
new Person("Katharine", 19, "777777777777777777"),            
new Person("Lee", 25, "888888888888888888"),            
new Person("Ann", 34, "99999999999999999"),
    Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

    ThreadMessage("MainThread start");

    Parallel.For(0, person.Length, item =>
    Console.WriteLine("Parallel running need " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms."); 

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        Console.WriteLine("Main thread do work!");



MainThread startCurrentThreadId is 9Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 9Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 6Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 10Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 12Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 9Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 6Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 10Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 12Async thread do work!

Parallel running need 534 ms.
Main thread do work!
Main thread do work!
Main thread do work!



4.2 通过Task类创建


static void Main(string[] args)
    Ticket tic = new Ticket();
    Person[] person = new Person[10]
        {            new Person("Nicholas", 21, "000000000000000000"),            
new Person("Nate", 38, "111111111111111111"),            
new Person("Vincent", 21, "222222222222222222"),            
new Person("Niki", 51, "333333333333333333"),            
new Person("Gary", 28, "444444444444444444"),            
new Person("Charles", 49, "555555555555555555"),            
new Person("Karl ", 55, "666666666666666666"),            
new Person("Katharine", 19, "777777777777777777"),            
new Person("Lee", 25, "888888888888888888"),            
new Person("Ann", 34, "99999999999999999"),
    Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

    ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(1000, 1000);
    ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(2, 2);
    ThreadMessage("MainThread start");
    Dictionary<Person, string> result = new Dictionary<Person, string>();
    Task<string>[] tasks = new Task<string>[person.Length];

    watch.Start();    for (int i = 0; i < person.Length; i++)
        tasks[i] = Task.Factory.StartNew<string>(() => (BuyTicket(tic)));                
    }    Task.WaitAll(tasks, 5000);//设置超时5s
    watch.Stop();    Console.WriteLine("Tasks running need " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds + " ms." + "\n"); 

    for (int i = 0; i < tasks.Length; i++)
        //超时处理        if (tasks[i].Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
        {            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} Error!", i + 1);
        }        else
            //save result
            result.Add(person[i], tasks[i].Result);            
Console.WriteLine("Person name is " + person[i].Name);            
Console.WriteLine("Person age is " + person[i].Age);            
Console.WriteLine("Person ID is " + person[i].ID);            
Console.WriteLine("Tick ID is " + tasks[i].Result);            
    }    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    {        Console.WriteLine("Main thread do work!");        
    }    Console.ReadKey();


MainThread startCurrentThreadId is 10Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 6Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 12Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 13Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 6Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 12Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 13Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 6Async thread do work!

Async Thread start:
CurrentThreadId is 11Async thread do work!

Tasks running need 528 ms.

Person name is Nicholas
Person age is 21Person ID is 000000000000000000Tick ID is G100

Person name is Nate
Person age is 38Person ID is 111111111111111111Tick ID is G99

Person name is Vincent
Person age is 21Person ID is 222222222222222222Tick ID is G97

Person name is Niki
Person age is 51Person ID is 333333333333333333Tick ID is G98

Person name is Gary
Person age is 28Person ID is 444444444444444444Tick ID is G96

Person name is Charles
Person age is 49Person ID is 555555555555555555Tick ID is G95

Person name is Karl
Person age is 55Person ID is 666666666666666666Tick ID is G94

Person name is Katharine
Person age is 19Person ID is 777777777777777777Tick ID is G93

Person name is Lee
Person age is 25Person ID is 888888888888888888Tick ID is G92

Person name is Ann
Person age is 34Person ID is 99999999999999999Tick ID is G91

Main thread do work!
Main thread do work!
Main thread do work!










1. 线程池

这里简要的分析下CLR线程池,其实线程池中有一个叫做“全局队列”的概念,每一次我们使用QueueUserWorkItem的使用都会产生一个“工作项”,然后“工作项”进入“全局队列”进行排队,最后线程池中的的工作线程以FIFO(First Input First Output)的形式取出,这里值得一提的是在.net 4.0之后“全局队列”采用了无锁算法,相比以前版本锁定“全局队列”带来的性能瓶颈有了很大的改观。


Self-study C#11 from 0--A summary of multi-thread creation methods and their advantages and disadvantages


2. Task




Self-study C#11 from 0--A summary of multi-thread creation methods and their advantages and disadvantages

从上面种种情况我们看到,这些分流和负载都是普通ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem所不能办到的,所以说在.net 4.0之后,我们尽可能的使用TPL,抛弃ThreadPool。

附录 Task的嵌套

1. 非关联嵌套


static void Main(string[] args)
      {         var pTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 
         {            var cTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
               Console.WriteLine("Childen task finished!");
            Console.WriteLine("Parent task finished!");
         });         pTask.Wait();         Console.WriteLine("Flag");         Console.Read();


Self-study C#11 from 0--A summary of multi-thread creation methods and their advantages and disadvantages


2. 关联嵌套


static void Main(string[] args)
      {         var pTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 
         {            var cTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
               Console.WriteLine("Childen task finished!");
            Console.WriteLine("Parent task finished!");
         });         pTask.Wait();         Console.WriteLine("Flag");         Console.Read();


Self-study C#11 from 0--A summary of multi-thread creation methods and their advantages and disadvantages


3. 综合


Self-study C#11 from 0--A summary of multi-thread creation methods and their advantages and disadvantages


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace TaskDemo
{    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
            {                var t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>(() => 
                    Console.WriteLine("Task 1 running...");                    return 1;
                t1.Wait(); //等待任务一完成                var t3 = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>(() =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Task 3 running...");                    return t1.Result + 3;
                });                var t4 = Task.Factory.StartNew<int>(() =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Task 2 running...");                    return t1.Result + 2;
                }).ContinueWith<int>(task =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Task 4 running...");                    return task.Result + 4;
                Task.WaitAll(t3, t4);  //等待任务三和任务四完成                var result = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Task Finished! The result is {0}",t3.Result + t4.Result);
            });            Console.Read();


Self-study C#11 from 0--A summary of multi-thread creation methods and their advantages and disadvantages



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