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How to improve JavaScript loading and execution efficiency

2017-02-03 13:23:511569browse


No matter whether the current JavaScript code is embedded or in an external link file, the downloading and rendering of the page must stop and wait for the script execution to complete. The longer the JavaScript execution process takes, the longer the browser waits to respond to user input. The reason why browsers block when downloading and executing scripts is that the script may change the namespace of the page or JavaScript, which affects the content of subsequent pages.

A typical example is to use document.write() on the page.

JavaScript code inline example

 <title>Source Example</title>
 <script type="text/javascript">
 document.write("Today is " + (new Date()).toDateString());

When the browser encounters the <script> tag, the current html page has no way of knowing whether JavaScript will send < The p> tag adds content, introduces other elements, or even removes the tag. Therefore, the browser will stop processing the page at this time, first execute the JavaScript code, and then continue to parse and render the page. The same situation occurs when loading JavaScript using the src attribute. The browser must first spend time downloading the code in the external link file, then parsing and executing it. During this process, page rendering and user interaction are completely blocked. <br/></script>

Script location

The HTML 4 specification states that the <script> tag can be placed in the <head> or <body> of an HTML document, and multiple occurrences are allowed. Second-rate. Web developers are generally used to loading the JavaScript of external links in <head>, and then using the <link> tag to load the CSS files of external links or other page information. <br/></script>

Inefficient script location example

 <title>Source Example</title>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="script1.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="script2.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="script3.js"></script>
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
 <p>Hello world!</p>

However, this conventional approach hides serious performance problems. In the example in Listing 2, when the browser parses the <script> tag (line 4), the browser will stop parsing the content after it and download the script file first and execute the code in it, which means, The subsequent styles.css style file and the <body> tag cannot be loaded. Since the <body> tag cannot be loaded, the page cannot be rendered. Therefore, the page will be blank until the JavaScript code is completely executed. <br/></script>

Since scripts will block the download of other resources on the page, it is recommended to place all <script> tags at the bottom of the <body> tag as much as possible to minimize the impact on the download of the entire page. <br/></script>

Example of recommended code placement

 <title>Source Example</title>
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
 <p>Hello world!</p>
 <!-- Example of efficient script positioning -->
 <script type="text/javascript" src="script1.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="script2.js"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript" src="script3.js"></script>

This code shows the recommended placement of the <script> tag in an HTML document. Even though the script download blocks another script, most of the page's contents are already downloaded and displayed to the user, so the page download doesn't appear to be too slow. This is the first rule of optimizing JavaScript: put your scripts at the bottom. <br/></script>

Organizing Scripts

Since each <script> tag blocks page rendering when it is initially downloaded, reducing the number of <script> tags a page contains can help improve this situation. This applies not only to external link scripts, but also to the number of embedded scripts. Every time the browser encounters a <script> tag during the process of parsing the HTML page, it will cause a certain delay due to executing the script. Therefore, minimizing the delay time will significantly improve the overall performance of the page. <br/></script>

This problem is slightly different when dealing with external link JavaScript files. Given the additional performance overhead associated with HTTP requests, downloading a single 100Kb file will be faster than downloading five 20Kb files. That said, reducing the number of external scripts on your page will improve performance.

Usually a large website or application relies on several JavaScript files. You can merge multiple files into one, so that you only need to reference one <script> tag, which can reduce performance consumption. File merging can be accomplished through offline packaging tools or some real-time online services. <br/></script>

It is important to note that placing an embedded script after a that references an external style sheet will cause the page to be blocked waiting for the style sheet to be downloaded. This is done to ensure that the inline script gets the most accurate style information when executed. Therefore, it is recommended not to place inline scripts immediately after the tag.

Non-blocking scripts

Reducing JavaScript file size and limiting the number of HTTP requests is not always feasible on feature-rich web applications or large websites. The more feature-rich a web application is, the more JavaScript code it requires, and although downloading a single larger JavaScript file only generates one HTTP request, it can lock up the browser for a long time. To avoid this, specific techniques are needed to gradually load JavaScript files into the page in a way that does not block the browser.

The secret to non-blocking scripts is to load JavaScript code only after the page has finished loading. This means that the script is downloaded after the onload event of the window object is triggered. There are several ways to achieve this effect.

Lazy loading script

HTML 4 为<script>标签定义了一个扩展属性:defer。Defer 属性指明本元素所含的脚本不会修改 DOM,因此代码能安全地延迟执行。defer 属性只被 IE 4 和 Firefox 3.5 更高版本的浏览器所支持,所以它不是一个理想的跨浏览器解决方案。在其他浏览器中,defer 属性会被直接忽略,因此<script>标签会以默认的方式处理,也就是说会造成阻塞。然而,如果您的目标浏览器支持的话,这仍然是个有用的解决方案。<br/></script>

defer 属性使用方法示例

<script type="text/javascript" src="script1.js" defer></script>


带有 defer 属性的<script>标签可以放置在文档的任何位置。对应的 JavaScript 文件将在页面解析到<script>标签时开始下载,但不会执行,直到 DOM 加载完成,即onload事件触发前才会被执行。当一个带有 defer 属性的 JavaScript 文件下载时,它不会阻塞浏览器的其他进程,因此这类文件可以与其他资源文件一起并行下载。<br/></script>

任何带有 defer 属性的<script>元素在 DOM 完成加载之前都不会被执行,无论内嵌或者是外链脚本都是如此。清单 5 的例子展示了defer属性如何影响脚本行为:<br/></script>

defer 属性对脚本行为的影响

 <title>Script Defer Example</title>
 <script type="text/javascript" defer>
 <script type="text/javascript">
 <script type="text/javascript">
 window.onload = function(){


这段代码在页面处理过程中弹出三次对话框。不支持 defer 属性的浏览器的弹出顺序是:“defer”、“script”、“load”。而在支持 defer 属性的浏览器上,弹出的顺序则是:“script”、“defer”、“load”。请注意,带有 defer 属性的<script>元素不是跟在第二个后面执行,而是在 onload 事件被触发前被调用。<br/></script>

如果您的目标浏览器只包括 Internet Explorer 和 Firefox 3.5,那么 defer 脚本确实有用。如果您需要支持跨领域的多种浏览器,那么还有更一致的实现方式。

HTML 5 为<script>标签定义了一个新的扩展属性:async。它的作用和 defer 一样,能够异步地加载和执行脚本,不因为加载脚本而阻塞页面的加载。但是有一点需要注意,在有 async 的情况下,JavaScript 脚本一旦下载好了就会执行,所以很有可能不是按照原本的顺序来执行的。如果 JavaScript 脚本前后有依赖性,使用 async 就很有可能出现错误。<br/></script>


文档对象模型(DOM)允许您使用 JavaScript 动态创建 HTML 的几乎全部文档内容。<script>元素与页面其他元素一样,可以非常容易地通过标准 DOM 函数创建:<br/></script>

通过标准 DOM 函数创建<script>元素</script>

var script = document.createElement ("script");
 script.type = "text/javascript";
 script.src = "script1.js";

新的<script>元素加载 script1.js 源文件。此文件当元素添加到页面之后立刻开始下载。此技术的重点在于:无论在何处启动下载,文件的下载和运行都不会阻塞其他页面处理过程。您甚至可以将这些代码放在<head>部分而不会对其余部分的页面代码造成影响(除了用于下载文件的 HTTP 连接)。<br/></script>

当文件使用动态脚本节点下载时,返回的代码通常立即执行(除了 Firefox 和 Opera,他们将等待此前的所有动态脚本节点执行完毕)。当脚本是“自运行”类型时,这一机制运行正常,但是如果脚本只包含供页面其他脚本调用调用的接口,则会带来问题。这种情况下,您需要跟踪脚本下载完成并是否准备妥善。可以使用动态 <script> 节点发出事件得到相关信息。<br/></script>

Firefox、Opera, Chorme 和 Safari 3+会在<script>节点接收完成之后发出一个 onload 事件。您可以监听这一事件,以得到脚本准备好的通知:<br/></script>

通过监听 onload 事件加载 JavaScript 脚本

var script = document.createElement ("script")
script.type = "text/javascript";
//Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari 3+
script.onload = function(){
 alert("Script loaded!");
script.src = "script1.js";

Internet Explorer 支持另一种实现方式,它发出一个 readystatechange 事件。<script>元素有一个 readyState 属性,它的值随着下载外部文件的过程而改变。readyState 有五种取值:<br/></script>

微软文档上说,在<script>元素的生命周期中,readyState 的这些取值不一定全部出现,但并没有指出哪些取值总会被用到。实践中,我们最感兴趣的是“loaded”和“complete”状态。Internet Explorer 对这两个 readyState 值所表示的最终状态并不一致,有时<script>元素会得到“loader”却从不出现“complete”,但另外一些情况下出现“complete”而用不到“loaded”。最安全的办法就是在 readystatechange 事件中检查这两种状态,并且当其中一种状态出现时,删除 readystatechange 事件句柄(保证事件不会被处理两次):<br/></script>

通过检查 readyState 状态加载 JavaScript 脚本

var script = document.createElement("script")
script.type = "text/javascript";
//Internet Explorer
script.onreadystatechange = function(){
 if (script.readyState == "loaded" || script.readyState == "complete"){
 script.onreadystatechange = null;
 alert("Script loaded.");
script.src = "script1.js";


大多数情况下,您希望调用一个函数就可以实现 JavaScript 文件的动态加载。下面的函数封装了标准实现和 IE 实现所需的功能:


function loadScript(url, callback){
 var script = document.createElement ("script")
 script.type = "text/javascript";
 if (script.readyState){ //IE
 script.onreadystatechange = function(){
 if (script.readyState == "loaded" || script.readyState == "complete"){
 script.onreadystatechange = null;
 } else { //Others
 script.onload = function(){
 script.src = url;


此函数接收两个参数:JavaScript 文件的 URL,和一个当 JavaScript 接收完成时触发的回调函数。属性检查用于决定监视哪种事件。最后一步,设置 src 属性,并将<script>元素添加至页面。此 loadScript() 函数使用方法如下:<br/></script>


loadScript("script1.js", function(){
 alert("File is loaded!");

您可以在页面中动态加载很多 JavaScript 文件,但要注意,浏览器不保证文件加载的顺序。所有主流浏览器之中,只有 Firefox 和 Opera 保证脚本按照您指定的顺序执行。其他浏览器将按照服务器返回它们的次序下载并运行不同的代码文件。您可以将下载操作串联在一起以保证他们的次序,如下:

通过 loadScript()函数加载多个 JavaScript 脚本

loadScript("script1.js", function(){
 loadScript("script2.js", function(){
 loadScript("script3.js", function(){
 alert("All files are loaded!");

此代码等待 script1.js 可用之后才开始加载 script2.js,等 script2.js 可用之后才开始加载 script3.js。虽然此方法可行,但如果要下载和执行的文件很多,还是有些麻烦。如果多个文件的次序十分重要,更好的办法是将这些文件按照正确的次序连接成一个文件。独立文件可以一次性下载所有代码(由于这是异步进行的,使用一个大文件并没有什么损失)。

动态脚本加载是非阻塞 JavaScript 下载中最常用的模式,因为它可以跨浏览器,而且简单易用。

使用 XMLHttpRequest(XHR)对象

此技术首先创建一个 XHR 对象,然后下载 JavaScript 文件,接着用一个动态 <script> 元素将 JavaScript 代码注入页面。清单 12 是一个简单的例子:<br/></script>

通过 XHR 对象加载 JavaScript 脚本

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("get", "script1.js", true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
 if (xhr.readyState == 4){
 if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 || xhr.status == 304){
 var script = document.createElement ("script");
 script.type = "text/javascript";
 script.text = xhr.responseText;


此代码向服务器发送一个获取 script1.js 文件的 GET 请求。onreadystatechange 事件处理函数检查 readyState 是不是 4,然后检查 HTTP 状态码是不是有效(2XX 表示有效的回应,304 表示一个缓存响应)。如果收到了一个有效的响应,那么就创建一个新的<script>元素,将它的文本属性设置为从服务器接收到的 responseText 字符串。这样做实际上会创建一个带有内联代码的<script>元素。一旦新<script>元素被添加到文档,代码将被执行,并准备使用。<br/></script>

这种方法的主要优点是,您可以下载不立即执行的 JavaScript 代码。由于代码返回在<script>标签之外(换句话说不受<script>标签约束),它下载后不会自动执行,这使得您可以推迟执行,直到一切都准备好了。另一个优点是,同样的代码在所有现代浏览器中都不会引发异常。<br/></script>

此方法最主要的限制是:JavaScript 文件必须与页面放置在同一个域内,不能从 CDN 下载(CDN 指"内容投递网络(Content Delivery Network)",所以大型网页通常不采用 XHR 脚本注入技术。


减少 JavaScript 对性能的影响有以下几种方法:

通过以上策略,可以在很大程度上提高那些需要使用大量 JavaScript 的 Web 网站和应用的实际性能。


function loadJs(url, callback, charset) {
 var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
 var script = document.createElement("script");
 if ( !!charset) script.charset = "utf-8";
 script.src = url;
 script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function() {
 var f = script.readyState;
 if (f && f != "loaded" && f != "complete") return;
 script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
 head.removeChild(script) if (callback) {
 callback() || callback
// js同步加载
function getScripts(i, linkArray, fn) {
 env || getEnv();
 var script = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
 script.type = &#39;text/javascript&#39;;
 script.src = linkArray[i];
 var head = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;head&#39;)[0];
 if (env.ie && &#39;onreadystatechange&#39; in script && !(&#39;draggable&#39; in script)){ //ie浏览器使用以下方式加载
 script.onreadystatechange = function () {
 if (/loaded|complete/.test(script.readyState)) {
 script.onreadystatechange = null;
 if(i === linkArray.length-1) {
 if (fn) {
 } else {
 getScripts(++i, linkArray, fn);
 script.onload = function() {
 if(i === linkArray.length-1) {
 if (fn) {
 } else {
 getScripts(++i, linkArray, fn);
// js存在依赖关系 依次加载
getScripts(0, [
 &#39;http://caibaojian.com/demo/reset.js&#39;], function() {



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