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In-depth analysis of java automatic boxing and unboxing

2017-01-24 14:16:011631browse

This is a new content introduced after jdk1.5. As I insist that publishing is the best memory, I decided to replace my memory with a blog:
The Java language specification says: In many cases Packaging and unpacking are done by the compiler itself (in this case, packaging is called boxing, and unpacking is called unboxing);
In fact, according to my own understanding, automatic boxing can be simply understood as Basic data types are encapsulated into object types to comply with Java's object orientation; for example, use int as an example:

Integer num = 10; 
Integer num = new Integer(10);以上就是一个很好的体现,因为10是属于基本数据类型的,原则上它是不能直接赋值给一个对象Integer的,但jdk1.5后你就可以进行这样的声明,这就是自动装箱的魅力 
Integer num = 10; 
int num1 = num;自动拆箱有个很典型的用法就是在进行运算的时候:因为对象时不恩直接进行运算的,而是要转化为基本数据类型后才能进行加减乘除 
Integer num = 10; 
System.out.print(num--);哈哈 应该感觉很简单吧,下面我再来讲点稍微难点的, 
//在-128~127 之外的数 
Integer num1 = 297; Integer num2 = 297; 
System.out.println("num1==num2: "+(num1==num2)); 
// 在-128~127 之内的数 
Integer num3 = 97; Integer num4 = 97; 
System.out.println("num3==num4: "+(num3==num4)); 打印的结果是:num1==num2: false num3==num4: true

It's strange: this is due to Java's design of automatic boxing and unboxing of Integer and int , is a mode: called flyweight mode (flyweight)
In order to increase the reuse of simple numbers, java defines: During automatic boxing, for values ​​​​from –128 to 127, they are boxed After being an Integer object, it will be stored in the memory and be reused. There will always be only one object
And if it exceeds the value from –128 to 127, the boxed Integer object will not be reused, which is equivalent to A new Integer object is created every time it is boxed; you understand
The above phenomenon is caused by the use of automatic boxing. If you do not use automatic boxing, but use new like a general class. Instantiation will create a new object every time new is created;
This automatic boxing and unboxing is not only used in basic data types, but also in the String class. For example, when we often declare a String object:

String str = "sl"; 
String str = new String("sl");

Autoboxing and unboxing of basic data (Primitive) types are functions provided since J2SE 5.0. Although it provides convenience for you to package basic data types, it also hides the details. It is recommended to use it only when you can distinguish the difference between basic data types and objects.
autoboxing and unboxing
In Java, almost everything to be processed is an object (Object). For example, the Scanner used before is an object, and the string (String) is also an object. You will see more later Object. However, basic data types are not objects, that is, variables you define using int, double, boolean, etc., and literal constants you write directly in.
In the previous section, we have roughly seen the convenience of operating objects, and anyone who has used Java for a while knows that sometimes it is necessary to convert basic data types into objects. For example, when using the put() method of a Map object, the parameters that need to be passed in are objects rather than basic data types.
You need to use wrapper types (Wrapper Types) to wrap basic data types into objects. In the previous section, you already know that before J2SE 5.0, you need to use the following statement to wrap int into an Integer object: Integer integer = new Integer (10);
The automatic boxing function is provided after J2SE 5.0. You can directly use the following statement to package basic data types: Integer integer = 10;
When compiling, the compiler will automatically Write the statement to determine whether to perform automatic boxing action. In the above example, integer refers to an instance of the Integer class. The same action can be applied to basic data types such as boolean, byte, short, char, long, float, double, etc., and the corresponding wrapper types (Wrapper Types) Boolean, Byte, Short, Character, Long, Float or Double will be used respectively. Let's directly use the autoboxing function to rewrite Example 4.4.

Example 4.5 AutoBoxDemo.java

public class AutoBoxDemo { 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
Integer data1 = 10; 
Integer data2 = 20; 
// 转为double值再除以3 
System.out.println(data1.doubleValue() / 3); 
// 进行两个值的比较 

The program seems much simpler. data1 and data2 are instances of Integer at runtime and can directly perform object operations. The result is as follows:
The method of using automatic boxing can also be as follows:

int i = 10; 
Integer integer = i;

You can also use the more general java.lang.Number class to automatically box . For example:
Number number = 3.14f;
3.14f will be automatically boxed as Float first and then assigned to number.
Starting from J2SE 5.0, automatic boxing and automatic unboxing are available, that is, the basic data form information in the object is automatically taken out of the object. For example, it is possible to write as follows:

Integer fooInteger = 10; 
int fooPrimitive = fooInteger;

After fooInteger is referenced to an instance that is automatically boxed as Integer, if it is assigned to an int type variable fooPrimitive, it will automatically become int type and then assigned to fooPrimitive. During operation, automatic boxing and unboxing can also be performed. For example:

Integer i = 10; 
System.out.println(i + 10); 

In the above example, 20 and 10 will be displayed. The compiler will automatically perform automatic boxing and unboxing, that is, 10 will be boxed first, and then unboxed first when i + 10. Perform addition operation; i++ line also unboxes first and then performs increment operation. Let’s look at another example:

Boolean boo = true; 
System.out.println(boo && false);

装箱:从基本类型转换成Object类型,称之为装箱;***拆箱:从Object转换乘基本类型的操作,称之为拆箱。 这个操作在反射过程中用的比较的多。 

int i=123; 
object o=i;


int i=123; 
ojbect o=(object)i;


int i=123; 
object box=i; 
int j=(int)box;


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