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Lambda Introduction
Lambda expressions are an important new feature in Java SE 8. Lambda expressions allow you to replace functional interfaces with expressions. A lambda expression is just like a method, it provides a normal parameter list and a body (body, which can be an expression or a code block) that uses these parameters.
Lambda expressions also enhance the collection library. Java SE 8 adds two packages for batch operations on collection data: the java.util.function package and the java.util.stream package. A stream is just like an iterator, but with many additional features. Overall, lambda expressions and streams are the biggest changes to the Java language since the addition of generics and annotations.
Lambda expression is essentially an anonymous method, and its bottom layer is implemented through the invokedynamic instruction to generate an anonymous class. It provides a simpler syntax and writing style, allowing you to replace functional interfaces with expressions. In the opinion of some people, Lambda can make your code more concise and can be avoided at all. This view is of course fine, but the important thing is that lambda brings closure to Java. Thanks to Lamdba's support for collections, the performance of collection traversal through Lambda is greatly improved under multi-core processor conditions. In addition, we can process collections in a data flow manner - which is very attractive.
Lambda syntax
The syntax of Lambda is extremely simple, similar to the following structure:
(parameters) -> expression
(parameters) -> { statements; }
Lambda expression consists of three parts:
1. Paramaters: Similar to the formal parameter list in a method, the parameters here are parameters in the functional interface. The parameter types here can be explicitly declared or not declared and implicitly inferred by the JVM. In addition, the parentheses can be omitted when there is only one inferred type.
2. ->: Can be understood as meaning "to be used for"
3. Method body: It can be an expression or a code block, or a function The implementation of the methods in the interface. A code block can return a value or nothing. The code block here is equivalent to the method body of the method. If it is an expression, it can also return a value or nothing.
We use the following examples to illustrate:
//示例1:不需要接受参数,直接返回10 ()->10 //示例2:接受两个int类型的参数,并返回这两个参数相加的和 (int x,int y)->x+y; //示例2:接受x,y两个参数,该参数的类型由JVM根据上下文推断出来,并返回两个参数的和 (x,y)->x+y; //示例3:接受一个字符串,并将该字符串打印到控制到,不反回结果 (String name)->System.out.println(name); //示例4:接受一个推断类型的参数name,并将该字符串打印到控制台 name->System.out.println(name); //示例5:接受两个String类型参数,并分别输出,不反回 (String name,String sex)->{System.out.println(name);System.out.println(sex)} //示例6:接受一个参数x,并返回该该参数的两倍 x->2*x
Where is Lambda used?
In [ Functional interface][1] We know that the target type of a Lambda expression is a functional interface - each Lambda can be matched with a given type through a specific functional interface. Therefore, a lambda expression can be used anywhere that matches its target type. The lambda expression must have the same parameter types as the abstract function description of the functional interface. Its return type must also be compatible with the return type of the abstract function, and it must be The exceptions that can be thrown are also limited to the description scope of the function.
Next, let’s look at an example of a custom functional interface:
@FunctionalInterface interface Converter<F, T>{ T convert(F from); }
First use the interface in the traditional way:
Converter<String ,Integer> converter=new Converter<String, Integer>() { @Override public Integer convert(String from) { return Integer.valueOf(from); } }; Integer result = converter.convert("200"); System.out.println(result);
Obviously there is no problem with this, then the next step is when Lambda comes on stage. Use Lambda to implement the Converter interface:
Converter<String ,Integer> converter=(param) -> Integer.valueOf(param); Integer result = converter.convert("101"); System.out.println(result);
Through the above example, I think you have already We have a simple understanding of the use of Lambda. Below, we are using a commonly used Runnable to demonstrate:
In the past we might have written this kind of code:
new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { System.out.println("hello lambda"); } }).start();
In some cases, a large number of anonymous classes will make the code appear cluttered. Now you can use Lambda to make it concise:
new Thread(() -> System.out.println("hello lambda")).start();
Method reference
Method reference is a simplified way of writing Lambda expression. The referenced method is actually the implementation of the method body of the Lambda expression. Its syntax structure is:
The left side can be the class name or instance name, and the middle is the method reference symbol":: ", the right side is the corresponding method name.
Method references are divided into three categories:
1. Static method references
In some cases, we may write code like this:
public class ReferenceTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Converter<String ,Integer> converter=new Converter<String, Integer>() { @Override public Integer convert(String from) { return ReferenceTest.String2Int(from); } }; converter.convert("120"); } @FunctionalInterface interface Converter<F,T>{ T convert(F from); } static int String2Int(String from) { return Integer.valueOf(from); } }
If you use static references at this time, the code will be more concise:
Converter<String, Integer> converter = ReferenceTest::String2Int; converter.convert("120");
##2. Instance method QuotingWe may also write code like this:
public class ReferenceTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Converter<String, Integer> converter = new Converter<String, Integer>() { @Override public Integer convert(String from) { return new Helper().String2Int(from); } }; converter.convert("120"); } @FunctionalInterface interface Converter<F, T> { T convert(F from); } static class Helper { public int String2Int(String from) { return Integer.valueOf(from); } } }The same reference using instance methods will be more concise:
Helper helper = new Helper(); Converter<String, Integer> converter = helper::String2Int; converter.convert("120");3. Constructor referenceNow we will demonstrate the constructor reference. First we define a parent class Animal:
class Animal{ private String name; private int age; public Animal(String name, int age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; } public void behavior(){ } }Next, we define two subclasses of Animal: Dog, Bird
public class Bird extends Animal { public Bird(String name, int age) { super(name, age); } @Override public void behavior() { System.out.println("fly"); } } class Dog extends Animal { public Dog(String name, int age) { super(name, age); } @Override public void behavior() { System.out.println("run"); } }Then we define the factory interface:
interface Factory<T extends Animal> { T create(String name, int age); }
Factory factory=new Factory() { @Override public Animal create(String name, int age) { return new Dog(name,age); } }; factory.create("alias", 3); factory=new Factory() { @Override public Animal create(String name, int age) { return new Bird(name,age); } }; factory.create("smook", 2);I wrote more than ten codes just to create two objects. Now let’s try using constructor reference:
Factory<Animal> dogFactory =Dog::new; Animal dog = dogFactory.create("alias", 4); Factory<Bird> birdFactory = Bird::new; Bird bird = birdFactory.create("smook", 3);This way the code will look clean and neat. When constructing an object through Dog::new, the signature of the Factory.create function selects the corresponding constructor. Lambda’s domain and access restrictions
public class ReferenceTest { public static void main(String[] args) { int n = 3; Calculate calculate = param -> { //n=10; 编译错误 return n + param; }; calculate.calculate(10); } @FunctionalInterface interface Calculate { int calculate(int value); } }
public class ReferenceTest { public int count = 1; public static int num = 2; public void test() { Calculate calculate = param -> { num = 10;//修改静态变量 count = 3;//修改成员变量 return n + param; }; calculate.calculate(10); } public static void main(String[] args) { } @FunctionalInterface interface Calculate { int calculate(int value); } }
@Test public void predicateTest() { Predicate<String> predicate = (s) -> s.length() > 0; boolean test = predicate.test("test"); System.out.println("字符串长度大于0:" + test); test = predicate.test(""); System.out.println("字符串长度大于0:" + test); test = predicate.negate().test(""); System.out.println("字符串长度小于0:" + test); Predicate<Object> pre = Objects::nonNull; Object ob = null; test = pre.test(ob); System.out.println("对象不为空:" + test); ob = new Object(); test = pre.test(ob); System.out.println("对象不为空:" + test); }
@Test public void functionTest() { Function<String, Integer> toInteger = Integer::valueOf; //toInteger的执行结果作为第二个backToString的输入 Function<String, String> backToString = toInteger.andThen(String::valueOf); String result = backToString.apply("1234"); System.out.println(result); Function<Integer, Integer> add = (i) -> { System.out.println("frist input:" + i); return i * 2; }; Function<Integer, Integer> zero = add.andThen((i) -> { System.out.println("second input:" + i); return i * 0; }); Integer res = zero.apply(8); System.out.println(res); }
@Test public void supplierTest() { Supplier<String> supplier = () -> "special type value"; String s = supplier.get(); System.out.println(s); }
@Test public void consumerTest() { Consumer<Integer> add5 = (p) -> { System.out.println("old value:" + p); p = p + 5; System.out.println("new value:" + p); }; add5.accept(10); }
Lambda为java8带了闭包,这一特性在集合操作中尤为重要:java8中支持对集合对象的stream进行函数式操作,此外,stream api也被集成进了collection api,允许对集合对象进行批量操作。
对于集合来说,可以通过调用集合的stream()或者parallelStream()来创建,另外这两个方法也在Collection接口中实现了。对于数组来说,可以通过Stream的静态方法of(T … values)来创建,另外,Arrays也提供了有关stream的支持。
List<String> lists=new ArrayList<String >(); lists.add("a1"); lists.add("a2"); lists.add("b1"); lists.add("b2"); lists.add("b3"); lists.add("o1");
public static void streamFilterTest() { lists.stream().filter((s -> s.startsWith("a"))).forEach(System.out::println); //等价于以上操作 Predicate<String> predicate = (s) -> s.startsWith("a"); lists.stream().filter(predicate).forEach(System.out::println); //连续过滤 Predicate<String> predicate1 = (s -> s.endsWith("1")); lists.stream().filter(predicate).filter(predicate1).forEach(System.out::println); }
public static void streamSortedTest() { System.out.println("默认Comparator"); lists.stream().sorted().filter((s -> s.startsWith("a"))).forEach(System.out::println); System.out.println("自定义Comparator"); lists.stream().sorted((p1, p2) -> p2.compareTo(p1)).filter((s -> s.startsWith("a"))).forEach(System.out::println); }
public static void streamMapTest() { lists.stream().map(String::toUpperCase).sorted((a, b) -> b.compareTo(a)).forEach(System.out::println); System.out.println("自定义映射规则"); Function<String, String> function = (p) -> { return p + ".txt"; }; lists.stream().map(String::toUpperCase).map(function).sorted((a, b) -> b.compareTo(a)).forEach(System.out::println); }
public static void streamMatchTest() { //流对象中只要有一个元素匹配就返回true boolean anyStartWithA = lists.stream().anyMatch((s -> s.startsWith("a"))); System.out.println(anyStartWithA); //流对象中每个元素都匹配就返回true boolean allStartWithA = lists.stream().allMatch((s -> s.startsWith("a"))); System.out.println(allStartWithA); }
public static void streamCollectTest() { List<String> list = lists.stream().filter((p) -> p.startsWith("a")).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(list); }
public static void streamCountTest() { long count = lists.stream().filter((s -> s.startsWith("a"))).count(); System.out.println(count); }
public static void streamReduceTest() { Optional<String> optional = lists.stream().sorted().reduce((s1, s2) -> { System.out.println(s1 + "|" + s2); return s1 + "|" + s2; }); }
a1|a2 a1|a2|b1 a1|a2|b1|b2 a1|a2|b1|b2|b3 a1|a2|b1|b2|b3|o1
并行Stream VS 串行Stream
到目前我们已经将常用的中间操作和完结操作介绍完了。当然所有的的示例都是基于串行Stream。接下来介绍重点戏——并行Stream(parallel Stream)。并行Stream基于Fork-join并行分解框架实现,将大数据集合切分为多个小数据结合交给不同的线程去处理,这样在多核处理情况下,性能会得到很大的提高。这和MapReduce的设计理念一致:大任务化小,小任务再分配到不同的机器执行。只不过这里的小任务是交给不同的处理器。
List<String> bigLists = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); bigLists.add(uuid.toString()); }
private static void notParallelStreamSortedTest(List<String> bigLists) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); long count = bigLists.stream().sorted().count(); long endTime = System.nanoTime(); long millis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(endTime - startTime); System.out.println(System.out.printf("串行排序: %d ms", millis)); }
private static void parallelStreamSortedTest(List<String> bigLists) { long startTime = System.nanoTime(); long count = bigLists.parallelStream().sorted().count(); long endTime = System.nanoTime(); long millis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(endTime - startTime); System.out.println(System.out.printf("并行排序: %d ms", millis)); }
串行排序: 13336 ms
并行排序: 6755 ms
看到这里,我们确实发现性能提高了约么50%,你也可能会想以后都用parallel Stream不久行了么?实则不然,如果你现在还是单核处理器,而数据量又不算很大的情况下,串行流仍然是这种不错的选择。你也会发现在某些情况,串行流的性能反而更好,至于具体的使用,需要你根据实际场景先测试后再决定。
//递增序列 class NatureSeq implements Supplier<Long> { long value = 0; @Override public Long get() { value++; return value; } } public void streamCreateTest() { Stream<Long> stream = Stream.generate(new NatureSeq()); System.out.println("元素个数:"+stream.map((param) -> { return param; }).limit(1000).count()); }
以上就是Java Lambda快速入门详解的全部内容,看完本文后大家是不是对Java Lambda有了更深的了解,希望本文对大家学习Java Lambda能有所帮助。