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What is a variable?
Variables are containers used to store information
Declaration of variables
var 变量名
Variable name = Value;
Variables must be declared first and then assigned a value
Variables can be assigned repeatedly
Naming rules for variables
Variables Must start with a letter;
Variables can also start with $ and _ symbols (but we do not recommend this);
Variable names are case-sensitive (a and A is a different variable).
A statement ends with a semicolon; if the semicolon is omitted, the parser determines the end of the statement.
A good coding habit should end with;
Data type
In JavaScript, a piece of information is a value (value) . Values come in different types, the most familiar type being numbers. A string value is one or more words enclosed in
Number Any numeric value. The number can be with a decimal point or without 68.57
string characters in quotation marks. You can use single or double quotes "hello, world"
Boolean true or false true
Undefined and Null Undefined This value indicates that the variable does not contain a value. A variable can be cleared by setting its value to null.
Object Any value associated with the object
Function The value returned by the function
1 var a; //a为undefined 2 var a = 6; //a 为数字 3 var a = "Jason"; // a 为字符串
What is a function?
A function is a set of JavaScript statements that perform a certain task
Basic syntax:
function 函数名(){ 函数代码; }
Function name ();
function defines the function keyword.
"Function name" is the name you give the function.
Replace "function code" with code that completes a specific function.
A type of "second function name" function call
1 function add2(){ 2 var sun = 3 + 2; 3 alert(sun); 4 } 5 add2();//调用函数直接写函数名直接弹出函数代码
1 <input type="button" value="点击我" onclick="add2()" /> 2 <!-- 单击按钮后,调用函数,onclick为点击事件 -->
Output content (document.write)
document.write() directly Output content in a web page.
First method: The output content is enclosed in "", and the content within the "" is directly output.
document.write("I love JavaScript!");
The second type: output content through variables
var mystr = "hello world"; document.write(mysrt);//直接写变量名,输出变量存储的内容
The third type: output multiple contents, and connect the contents with a + sign.
var mystr = "hello"; document.write(mystr + "I love Java Script");//多项内容之间用+号连接
The fourth method: output HTML tags and work. The tags are enclosed in "".
var mystr="hello"; document.write(mystr+"<br>");//输出hello后,输出一个换行符 document.write("JavaScript");
Warning (alert message dialog box)
When we visit the website, sometimes a small window will pop up suddenly with a prompt message written on it. If you don't click "OK", you can't do any
operations on the web page. This small window is implemented using alert.
Syntax: alert(string or variable);
var mynum = 30; alert("hello!"); alert(mynum);
Result: Pop up message boxes in order (the alert pop-up message dialog box contains an OK button)
1. No other operations can be performed before clicking the "OK" button in the dialog box.
2. The message dialog box can usually be used to debug the program.
3. alert output content can be a string or variable, similar to document.write
Confirm selection (confirm message dialog box)
In addition to providing information to the user, We also want to get information from our users. The confirm message dialog box is used here.
confirm message dialog box is usually used to allow the user to make a choice, such as: "Are you right?" etc. Pops up a dialog box (including an OK button and a Cancel button).
Syntax: confirm(str);
Parameter description: str: The text to be displayed in the message dialog box Return value: Boolean value
Return value:
When the user clicks the "OK" button, return true
When the user clicks the "Cancel" button, return false
Note: The return value can be used to determine which button the user clicked
<script type="text/javascript"> var mymessage=confirm("你喜欢JavaScript吗?"); if(mymessage==true){ document.write("很好,加油!"); }else{ document.write("JS功能强大,要学习噢!"); } </script>
Ask a question (prompt message dialog box)
Sometimes, not only do you want the user to answer Yes/No. Rather, expect a more specific response. In this case we can use prompt.
prompt pops up a message dialog box, usually used to ask for some information that needs to be interacted with the user. Pops up a message dialog box (including an OK button, a Cancel button and a text input box).
Parameter description:
str1: Text to be displayed in the message dialog box, cannot be modified
str2: Text The content in the box can be modified
Return value:
1. Click the OK button, and the content in the text box will be used as the function return value
2. Click the Cancel button, Will return null
function rec(){ var score; //score变量,用来存储用户输入的成绩值。 score = prompt("请输入你的成绩","90"); if(score>=90){ document.write("你很棒!"); }else if(score>=75){ document.write("不错吆!"); }else if(score>=60){ document.write("要加油!"); }else{ document.write("要努力了!"); }; } ;
<script> var myName = prompt("输入您的名字"); if(myName != null && myName != ""){ document.write("welcom to" + myName); }else{ document.write("welcom to my friend"); } </script>
Open a new window (window.open)
window.open([URL], [窗口名称], [参数字符串])
Parameter description:
URL: Optional parameter, the URL or path of the web page to be displayed in the window. If this parameter is omitted, or its value is an empty string, no document will be displayed in the window.
Window name: Optional parameter, the name of the opened window.
1. The name consists of letters, numbers and underscore characters.
2. Window name: Optional, this string is a comma-separated list of characteristics that declares the name of the opened window. Can
_blank 在新窗口显示目标网页
_selft 在当前窗口显示目标网页
_parent 框架网页中当前整个窗口位置显示目标网页
_top 框架网页中在上部窗口中显示目标网页
3.相同 name 的窗口只能创建一个,要想创建多个窗口则 name 不能相同。
4.name 不能包含有空格。
top Number 窗口顶部离开屏幕顶部的像素数
left Number 窗口左端离开屏幕左端的像素数
width Number 窗口的宽度
height Number 窗口的高度
menubar yes,no 窗口有没有菜单
toolbar yes,no 窗口有没有工具条
scrollbars yes,no 窗口有没有滚动条
status yes,no 窗口有没有状态栏
<script type="text/javascript"> window.open('http://','_blank','width=300,height=200,menubar=no,toolbar=no, status=no,scrollbars=yes') </script>
1 window.close();//关闭本窗口 2 <窗口对象>.close();//关闭指定的窗口
1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 var mywin=window.open('http://www.jb51.net'); //将新打的窗口对象,存储在变量mywin中 3 mywin.close(); 4 </script>
<h2 id="con">javascript</H2>
<script type="text/javascript"> var mychar=document.getElementById("con"); document.write("原标题:"+mychar.innerHTML+"<br>"); //输出原h2标签内容 mychar.innerHTML="hello world" document.write("修改后的标题:"+mychar.innerHTML); //输出修改后h2标签内容 </script>
Object.style.property=new style;
<h2 id="con">I love JavaScript</h2>
<script type="text/javascript"> var mychar= document.getElementById("con"); mychar.style.color="red"; mychar.style.background="#ccc"; mychar.style.width="300px"; </script>
Object.style.display = value
none 此元素不会被显示(及隐藏)
block 此元素将显示为块级元素(即显示)
mychar.style.display = "block"
object.className = classname
p2.className = "two";