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PHP development framework Yii Framework tutorial (5) URL management

2017-01-21 09:42:351107browse

In the previous Yii Framework development concise tutorial (4) Hangman word guessing game example, several issues were omitted. One is the URLManager of the configuration file main.php, the other is the base class CComponent of the Controller, and the third is the definition. CHtml helper class used by View. This article begins with an introduction to URLManager, URL management.

return array(

Complete URL management of Web applications includes two aspects. First, when a user requests a specified URL, the application needs to parse it into understandable parameters. Second, the application needs to provide a way to create URLs so that the created URLs can be understood by the application. For Yii applications, this is done with the help of CUrlManager.

When using path format URL, we can specify certain URL rules to make our URL more user-friendly. For example, we can generate a short URL /post/100 instead of the lengthy /index.php/post/read/id/100. URL creation and parsing are done by specifying URL rules through CUrlManager.

To specify URL rules, we must set the rules attribute of the urlManager application element:


These rules are specified as a series of arrays in the route format, each pair corresponding to a single rule . The format of the route must be a valid regular expression without delimiters or modifiers. It is the path information part used to match URLs. Also route should point to a valid route controller.

Rules can bind a small number of GET parameters. The general format of parameters is as follows:

ParamName represents the GET parameter name, and the optional ParamPattern represents the regular expression that will be used to match the GET parameter value. When generating a web address (URL), these parameter tokens will be replaced by the corresponding parameter values; when parsing a URL, the corresponding GET parameters will be generated by parsing the results.

We use some examples to explain the URL working rules. Let's assume that our rules include the following three:


In summary, when using createUrl to generate a URL, the route and GET parameters passed to the method are used to determine which URL rules apply. If each parameter in the association rule can be found in the GET parameter, it will be passed to createUrl. If the route rule also matches the route parameter, the rule will be used to generate the URL.

If the GET parameter passed to createUrl is one of the rules required above, the other parameters will appear in the query string. For example, if we call $this- >createUrl('post/read',array('id'=>100,'year'=>2008)) , we will get /index.php/post/100? year=2008. To make these extra parameters appear as part of the path information, we should append /* to the rule. So with the rule post//* , we can get the URL /index.php/post/100/year/2008 .

As we mentioned, other uses of URL rules are to parse request URLs. Of course, this is a reverse process of URL generation. For example, when the user requests /index.php/post/100, the second rule from the above example will be applied to parse the route post/read and the GET parameter array('id'=>100) (available via $_GET).

The createurl method generates a relative address. In order to get an absolute url, we can prefix it with yii">

Note: Using URL rules will reduce the performance of the application. This is because when parsing the requested URL, [CUrlManager] tries to use every rule to match it until a certain rule can be applied. Therefore, high-traffic website applications should minimize the URL rules they use.

Look at the rule 'game/guess/'=>' used in Hangman. game/guess',

That is to say, all similar /game/guess/xx are mapped to game/guess, which is the actionGuess method of GameController, and the GET parameter is passed in as g='x'. Refer to each. The link of letters


The clicked letter link is /game/guess/?g=x or /game/guess/x. According to the matching rules of urlManager defined in main.php, the Yii framework calls the actionGuess method of GameController. Pass in the GET parameter. In this way, you can access the value of this parameter through $_GET['g']

// check to see if the letter is guessed correctly
if(isset($_GET['g'][0]) && ($result=$this->guess($_GET['g'][0]))!==null)
$this->render($result ? 'win' : 'lose');
else // the letter is guessed correctly, but not win yet
}使用urlManager 也允许自定义规则,或者隐藏 index.php 。

The above is the content of the PHP development framework Yii Framework tutorial (5) URL management, more For related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!


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