Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >JavaScript realizes the left and right scrolling effect of pictures [can automatically scroll, has left and right buttons]
The example in this article describes the javascript implementation of the left and right scrolling effect of images. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
html code:
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"/> <meta name="renderer" content="webkit"/> <meta name="keywords" content=""/> <meta name="description" content=""/> <title>图片滚动</title> <style> *{margin:0;padding:0;} ul{list-style:none;} img{border:0;} .scroll{width:358px;height:63px;} .scroll_left{width:23px;height:63px;background:url(images/btn_left.jpg) no-repeat;float:left;} .scroll_right{width:23px;height:63px;background:url(images/btn_right.jpg) left no-repeat;float:left;} .pic{width:312px;height:73px;float:left;} .pic ul{display:block;} .pic li{float:left;display:inline;width:104px;text-align:center;} </style> </head> <body> <p style="margin:100px auto;width:358px;"> <p> <p id="LeftArr"></p> <p id="scrollPic"> <ul> <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic01.png" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic02.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic03.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic04.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic05.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li> <li><a href="#" target="_blank" title=""><img src="images/pic06.jpg" width="100" height="63" alt="" /></a></li> </ul> </p> <p id="RightArr"></p> </p> </p> </body> </html> <script src="scrollPic.js"></script> <script> window.onload = function(){ scrollPic(); } function scrollPic() { var scrollPic = new ScrollPic(); scrollPic.scrollContId = "scrollPic"; //内容容器ID scrollPic.arrLeftId = "LeftArr";//左箭头ID scrollPic.arrRightId = "RightArr"; //右箭头ID scrollPic.frameWidth = 312;//显示框宽度 scrollPic.pageWidth = 104; //翻页宽度 scrollPic.speed = 10; //移动速度(单位毫秒,越小越快) scrollPic.space = 10; //每次移动像素(单位px,越大越快) scrollPic.autoPlay = true; //自动播放 scrollPic.autoPlayTime = 3; //自动播放间隔时间(秒) scrollPic.initialize(); //初始化 } </script>
scrollPic.js code:
var sina = { $ : function (objName) { if (document.getElementById) { return eval('document.getElementById("' + objName + '")') } else { return eval('document.all.' + objName) } }, isIE : navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 ? true : false, addEvent : function (l, i, I) { if (l.attachEvent) { l.attachEvent("on" + i, I) } else { l.addEventListener(i, I, false) } }, delEvent : function (l, i, I) { if (l.detachEvent) { l.detachEvent("on" + i, I) } else { l.removeEventListener(i, I, false) } }, readCookie : function (O) { var o = "", l = O + "="; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { var i = document.cookie.indexOf(l); if (i != -1) { i += l.length; var I = document.cookie.indexOf(";", i); if (I == -1) I = document.cookie.length; o = unescape(document.cookie.substring(i, I)) } }; return o }, writeCookie : function (i, l, o, c) { var O = "", I = ""; if (o != null) { O = new Date((new Date).getTime() + o * 3600000); O = "; expires=" + O.toGMTString() }; if (c != null) { I = ";domain=" + c }; document.cookie = i + "=" + escape(l) + O + I }, readStyle : function (I, l) { if (I.style[l]) { return I.style[l] } else if (I.currentStyle) { return I.currentStyle[l] } else if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { var i = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(I, null); return i.getPropertyValue(l) } else { return null } } }; //滚动图片构造函数 //UI&UE Dept. mengjia //080623 function ScrollPic(scrollContId, arrLeftId, arrRightId, dotListId) { this.scrollContId = scrollContId; this.arrLeftId = arrLeftId; this.arrRightId = arrRightId; this.dotListId = dotListId; this.dotClassName = "dotItem"; this.dotOnClassName = "dotItemOn"; this.dotObjArr = []; this.pageWidth = 0; this.frameWidth = 0; this.speed = 10; this.space = 10; this.pageIndex = 0; this.autoPlay = true; this.autoPlayTime = 5; var _autoTimeObj, _scrollTimeObj, _state = "ready"; this.stripDiv = document.createElement("DIV"); this.listDiv01 = document.createElement("DIV"); this.listDiv02 = document.createElement("DIV"); if (!ScrollPic.childs) { ScrollPic.childs = [] }; this.ID = ScrollPic.childs.length; ScrollPic.childs.push(this); this.initialize = function () { if (!this.scrollContId) { throw new Error("必须指定scrollContId."); return }; this.scrollContDiv = sina.$(this.scrollContId); if (!this.scrollContDiv) { throw new Error("scrollContId不是正确的对象.(scrollContId = \"" + this.scrollContId + "\")"); return }; this.scrollContDiv.style.width = this.frameWidth + "px"; this.scrollContDiv.style.overflow = "hidden"; this.listDiv01.innerHTML = this.listDiv02.innerHTML = this.scrollContDiv.innerHTML; this.scrollContDiv.innerHTML = ""; this.scrollContDiv.appendChild(this.stripDiv); this.stripDiv.appendChild(this.listDiv01); this.stripDiv.appendChild(this.listDiv02); this.stripDiv.style.overflow = "hidden"; this.stripDiv.style.zoom = "1"; this.stripDiv.style.width = "32766px"; if(-[1,]){ this.listDiv01.style.cssFloat = "left"; this.listDiv02.style.cssFloat = "left"; }else{ this.listDiv01.style.styleFloat = "left"; this.listDiv02.style.styleFloat = "left"; } sina.addEvent(this.scrollContDiv, "mouseover", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].stop()")); sina.addEvent(this.scrollContDiv, "mouseout", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].play()")); if (this.arrLeftId) { this.arrLeftObj = sina.$(this.arrLeftId); if (this.arrLeftObj) { sina.addEvent(this.arrLeftObj, "mousedown", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].rightMouseDown()")); sina.addEvent(this.arrLeftObj, "mouseup", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].rightEnd()")); sina.addEvent(this.arrLeftObj, "mouseout", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].rightEnd()")) } }; if (this.arrRightId) { this.arrRightObj = sina.$(this.arrRightId); if (this.arrRightObj) { sina.addEvent(this.arrRightObj, "mousedown", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].leftMouseDown()")); sina.addEvent(this.arrRightObj, "mouseup", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].leftEnd()")); sina.addEvent(this.arrRightObj, "mouseout", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].leftEnd()")) } }; if (this.dotListId) { this.dotListObj = sina.$(this.dotListId); if (this.dotListObj) { var pages = Math.round(this.listDiv01.offsetWidth / this.frameWidth + 0.4), i, tempObj; for (i = 0; i < pages; i++) { tempObj = document.createElement("span"); this.dotListObj.appendChild(tempObj); this.dotObjArr.push(tempObj); if (i == this.pageIndex) { tempObj.className = this.dotClassName } else { tempObj.className = this.dotOnClassName }; tempObj.title = "第" + (i + 1) + "页"; sina.addEvent(tempObj, "click", Function("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].pageTo(" + i + ")")) } } }; if (this.autoPlay) { this.play() } }; this.leftMouseDown = function () { if (_state != "ready") { return }; _state = "floating"; _scrollTimeObj = setInterval("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].moveLeft()", this.speed) }; this.rightMouseDown = function () { if (_state != "ready") { return }; _state = "floating"; _scrollTimeObj = setInterval("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].moveRight()", this.speed) }; this.moveLeft = function () { if (this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + this.space >= this.listDiv01.scrollWidth) { this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft = this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + this.space - this.listDiv01.scrollWidth } else { this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft += this.space }; this.accountPageIndex() }; this.moveRight = function () { if (this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft - this.space <= 0) { this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft = this.listDiv01.scrollWidth + this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft - this.space } else { this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft -= this.space }; this.accountPageIndex() }; this.leftEnd = function () { if (_state != "floating") { return }; _state = "stoping"; clearInterval(_scrollTimeObj); var fill = this.pageWidth - this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft % this.pageWidth; this.move(fill) }; this.rightEnd = function () { if (_state != "floating") { return }; _state = "stoping"; clearInterval(_scrollTimeObj); var fill = -this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft % this.pageWidth; this.move(fill) }; this.move = function (num, quick) { var thisMove = num / 5; if (!quick) { if (thisMove > this.space) { thisMove = this.space }; if (thisMove < -this.space) { thisMove = -this.space } }; if (Math.abs(thisMove) < 1 && thisMove != 0) { thisMove = thisMove >= 0 ? 1 : -1 } else { thisMove = Math.round(thisMove) }; var temp = this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + thisMove; if (thisMove > 0) { if (this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + thisMove >= this.listDiv01.scrollWidth) { this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft = this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft + thisMove - this.listDiv01.scrollWidth } else { this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft += thisMove } } else { if (this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft - thisMove <= 0) { this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft = this.listDiv01.scrollWidth + this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft - thisMove } else { this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft += thisMove } }; num -= thisMove; if (Math.abs(num) == 0) { _state = "ready"; if (this.autoPlay) { this.play() }; this.accountPageIndex(); return } else { this.accountPageIndex(); setTimeout("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].move(" + num + "," + quick + ")", this.speed) } }; this.next = function () { if (_state != "ready") { return }; _state = "stoping"; this.move(this.pageWidth, true) }; this.play = function () { if (!this.autoPlay) { return }; clearInterval(_autoTimeObj); _autoTimeObj = setInterval("ScrollPic.childs[" + this.ID + "].next()", this.autoPlayTime * 1000) }; this.stop = function () { clearInterval(_autoTimeObj) }; this.pageTo = function (num) { if (_state != "ready") { return }; _state = "stoping"; var fill = num * this.frameWidth - this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft; this.move(fill, true) }; this.accountPageIndex = function () { this.pageIndex = Math.round(this.scrollContDiv.scrollLeft / this.frameWidth); if (this.pageIndex > Math.round(this.listDiv01.offsetWidth / this.frameWidth + 0.4) - 1) { this.pageIndex = 0 }; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.dotObjArr.length; i++) { if (i == this.pageIndex) { this.dotObjArr[i].className = this.dotClassName } else { this.dotObjArr[i].className = this.dotOnClassName } } } };
Parameter description:
var scrollPic = new ScrollPic(); //Define variables and initialize methods
scrollContId //Scroll container ID
arrLeftId //Left button ID
arrRightId //Right button ID
frameWidth //Display frame width
pageWidth //Page turning width
speed //Moving speed (unit milliseconds, the smaller the faster)
space //Move pixels each time (unit px, the larger the faster)
autoPlay / /Autoplay
autoPlayTime //Autoplay interval (seconds)
initialize() //Initialization
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in JavaScript programming.
For more javascript to achieve the left and right scrolling effect of images [can automatically scroll, with left and right buttons] please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website for related articles!