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Java graphical interface layout design

2017-01-17 16:20:491517browse

In interface design, a container must place many components. For the sake of beauty, the components are arranged in the container's position. This is layout design. There are multiple layout classes defined in java.awt, and each layout class corresponds to a layout strategy. The following layout classes are commonly used:

•FlowLayout, which places components in sequence.
•BoarderLayout, places components on the border.
•CardLayout, stacks components like playing cards, and only one component can be displayed at a time.
•GridLayout divides the display area into equal grids by rows and columns, and puts components into these grids in turn.
•GridBagLayout divides the display area into many small rectangular units, and each component can occupy one or more small units.

Among them, GridBagLayout can perform fine position control and is also the most complex. This tutorial will not discuss this layout strategy for the time being and will explain it in detail in the special article.

Each container has a layout manager, which determines how to arrange the components placed in the container. A layout manager is a class that implements the LayoutManager interface.

1. FlowLayout layout (JApplet, JPanel, JScrollPane default layout)

FlowLayout layout arranges the components from left to right in the order they are added. When a row is full, go to it. The rows continue from left to right, with the components in each row centered. This is the simplest layout strategy. It is generally used when there are not many components. When there are many components, the components in the container will appear uneven, with each row being of different lengths.

FlowLayout is the default layout of small applications and panels. The construction methods of FlowLayout layout are:

1.FlowLayout(), generates a default FlowLayout layout. By default, the component is centered with a gap of 5 pixels.
2.FlowLayout(int alignment), sets the alignment of each component. The alignment value can be FlowLayout.LEFT, FlowLayout.CENTER, FlowLayout.RIGHT.
3.FlowLayout(int aligment, int horz, int vert), set the alignment, and set the horizontal spacing horz and vertical spacing vert of the component. Use the setLayout() method of the super class Container to set the layout for the container. For example, the code setLayout(new FlowLayout()) sets the FlowLayout layout for the container. The method to add a component to the container is add(component name).

2.BorderLayout layout (default layout of JWindow, JFrame, JDialog)

BorderLayout layout strategy is to simply divide the space in the container into East "East", West "West", and South " There are five areas: "South", "North" and "Center". When adding a component, you should specify the area in which the component should be placed. Place a component in one position. If multiple components are to be added to a certain location, the components to be added to that location should first be placed in another container, and then the container should be added to this location.

The construction methods of BorderLayout layout are:
(1) BorderLayout(), which generates a default BorderLayout layout. By default, there is no gap.
(2) BorderLayout(int horz,int vert), sets the horizontal spacing and vertical spacing between components.

The setting method of BorderLayout layout strategy is setLayout(new BorderLayout()). The method of adding a component to a container is add(component name, position). If no position is specified when adding a component, the default position is "middle".

BorderLayout layout is the default layout of JWindow, JFrame, and JDialog.
[Example 11-5] The application has five labels, which are placed in the east, west, south, north and center areas of the window.

import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;
public class J505{
  public static void main(String[]args){
    JLabel label1,label2,label3,label4,label5;
    JFrame mw=new JFrame("我是一个窗口");//创建一个窗口容器对象
    Container con=mw.getContentPane();
    con.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    label1=new JLabel("东标签");//默认左对齐
    label2=new JLabel("南标签",JLabel.CENTER);
    label3=new JLabel("西标签");
    label4=new JLabel("北标签",JLabel.CENTER);
    label5=new JLabel("中标签",JLabel.CENTER);

3.GridLayout layout

GridLayout layout divides the container into a grid of rows and columns. The number of rows and columns is controlled by the program, and the components are placed in the small grids of the grid. middle. GridLayout layout is characterized by relatively precise component positioning. Since each grid in the GridLayout layout has the same shape and size, components placed in the container should also remain the same size.

The construction methods of GridLayout layout are:
(1) GridLayout(), which generates a single-column GridLayout layout. By default, there is no gap.
(2) GridLayout(int row,int col), sets a GridLayout layout with row row and column col.
(3) GridLayout(int row,int col,int horz,int vert), sets the number of rows and columns of the layout, and the horizontal and vertical spacing of the components.

GridLayout layout is based on behavior. When the number of placed components exceeds the limit, columns will be automatically added; conversely, if there are too few components, the columns will be automatically reduced. The number of rows remains unchanged and the components are arranged in row priority order (according to the component Automatically increase or decrease columns). Each grid in the GridLayout layout must be filled with components. If you want a grid to be blank, you can replace it with a blank label (add(new Label())).

[Example 11-6] The applet first puts several buttons and labels into JPanel, then puts the JPanel into JScrollPane, and finally, puts the JScrollPane into the window of the applet. The program The created JScrollPane always has horizontal and vertical scroll bars. The visible range of the scroll panel is smaller than the actual requirement of the panel. You can move the slider of the scroll bar to display the area of ​​the panel that was not originally within the visible range.

import java.applet.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
class MyWindow extends JFrame{
  public MyWindow(int w,int h){
    Container con=getContentPane();
    con.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w,h));
    con.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    JPanel p=new JPanel();
    p.setLayout(new GridLayout(6,6));
    for (int i=0;i<6;i++){
      p.add(new JLabel());
      for(int j=1;j<=2;j++){
        p.add(new JButton("按钮"+(2*i+j)));
        p.add(new JLabel("标签"+(2*i+j)));
      p.add(new JLabel());
    p.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w+60,h+60));
    JScrollPane ScrollPane=new JScrollPane(p);
    ScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(w-60,h-60));
    setVisible(true); pack();
class ScrollPane extends JScrollPane{
  public ScrollPane(Component p){
public class J506 extends Applet{
  MyWindow myWindow;
  public void init(){
    myWindow=new MyWindow(400,350);





CardLayout myCard = new CardLayout();//创建CardLayout布局对象
JPanel p = new JPanel();//创建Panel对象

(1) 使用show(容器名,组件代号)形式的代码,指定某个容器中的某个组件显示。例如,以下代码指定容器p的组件代号k,显示这个组件:
(2) 按组件加入容器的顺序显示组件。

last(容器):例如 , myCard.last(p);


import java.applet.*;import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;
class MyPanel extends JPanel{
  int x;JLabel label1;
  MyPanel(int a){
    label1=new JLabel("我是第"+x+"个标签");add(label1);
  public Dimension getPreferredSize(){
    return new Dimension(200,50);
public class J507 extends Applet implements ActionListener{
  CardLayout mycard;MyPanel myPanel[];JPanel p;
  private void addButton(JPanel pan,String butName,ActionListener listener){
    JButton aButton=new JButton(butName);
  public void init(){
    setLayout(new BorderLayout());//小程序的布局是边界布局
    mycard=new CardLayout();
    p=new JPanel();p.setLayout(mycard);//p的布局设置为卡片式布局
    myPanel=new MyPanel[10];
    for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
      myPanel[i]=new MyPanel(i+1);
    JPanel p2=new JPanel();
    add(p,"Center"); add(p2,"South");
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
    if (e.getActionCommand().equals("第一个"))mycard.first(p);
    else if(e.getActionCommand().equals("最后一个"))mycard.last(p);
    else if(e.getActionCommand().equals("前一个"))mycard.previous(p);
    else if(e.getActionCommand().equals("后一个"))mycard.next(p);


    setBounds(int x,int y,int width,int height)

3.setVgap(ing vgap)
4.setHgap(int hgap);


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