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PHP system learning roadmap

2017-01-16 10:08:262676browse

After surveying many students who are learning PHP, we found that a large number of self-learners have the problem of not knowing how to learn systematically during the learning process. To this end, our PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn) spent a long time to create a detailed learning road map. Not only have we summarized a detailed learning roadmap, this website also provides a large number of free text and video tutorials for self-learners, so that self-learners can learn the most comprehensive and authoritative PHP Chinese website without spending a penny. Computer knowledge, not just PHP. Our goal is to allow self-learners to find a suitable job immediately after completing their studies and get started quickly. This is what our PHP Chinese website can do for a large number of self-learners.

For learning PHP, we can roughly summarize it into six stages, namely the first stage of web page entry, the second stage of PHP entry, the third stage of PHP intermediate, the fourth stage of PHP advanced, and the fifth stage of enterprise-level development. , the sixth stage of PHP expansion. Below we will explain in detail the content and order of learning at each stage.

The first stage of web page entry includes HTML, CSS, HTML5, CSS3, JS, Jq, etc. The learning steps for the introductory stage of web pages are as follows:

1. Html (mastery)

html text layout, tables and hyperlinks, forms and frames

Corresponding courses:

HTML form http://www.php.cn/code/476.html

HTML framework http://www.php.cn/code /516.html

HTML form and input http://www.php.cn/code/512.html

HTML link http ://www.php.cn/code/450.html


Corresponding course:

CSS box model


CSS Grammar http://www.php.cn/code/729.html

DIV+CSS layout video http://www.php.cn/course/251.html

3, Html5+Css3 (master)

html5, css3

Corresponding courses:

HTML5 tutorial


CSS3 Tutorial http://www.php.cn/course/23.html

4. Bootstrap (Key Points)

Bootstrap deployment, global CSS styles, CSS components

Corresponding courses:

Bootstrap Getting Started Video


5, Javascript (key)

Introduction to JS, JS introduction methods, JS syntax, JS built-in objects, BOM model, DOM model, event programming

Corresponding courses:

Javascript tutorial

http://www .php.cn/course/108.html

6. Jquery (Key Points)

jquery various selectors, DOM and jquery objects , attribute operation, event operation, jquery special effects, document processing, jquery plug-in mechanism

Corresponding tutorial:

Jquery tutorial

http://www.php.cn/course/117. html

#The above is a summary of the first step of learning PHP and the learning steps of relevant knowledge points for getting started with web pages. For all the knowledge points, there are a large number of related videos and texts on our PHP Chinese website for learners to learn, and they are all free! ! !

The second stage of PHP introduction:

1. PHP environment construction (mastery)

The difference between static websites and dynamic websites, the access process of WEB programs, building a wamp environment, Customized environment construction, building a domain name-based virtual host, environment experience-installation discuz forum

Corresponding course:

Build your own PHP framework from scratch

http://www. php.cn/course/276.html

2. PHP core (key)

Variables and constants, data types and operators, Process control, functions, file inclusion, operators, strings, arrays

PHP Tutorial


3. PHP typical technology (key)

http protocol, form value transfer, file processing, session technology, GD image processing

4. Mysql basics (key points)

Basic introduction to databases, basic SQL operations, character sets, column types and column attributes, table relationships, advanced data operations, Three major mysql queries, data backup and restoration, mysql user rights management, PHP operation Mysql

Mysql basic tutorial


The third stage of PHP intermediate stage:

1. PHP object-oriented (mastery)

Introduction to object-oriented, using object-oriented, three major characteristics of object-oriented, inheritance in PHP, objects Traversal, object serialization, reflection mechanism, namespace

PHP object-oriented programming example analysis http://www.php.cn/write/2313.html

Namespace http://www.php.cn/write/2279.html

2. PDO (familiar)

PDO Introduction, basic PDO operations and addition, deletion, modification, PDO preprocessing, PDO attribute control, PDO exception handling, PDO encapsulation                                                  Design pattern, framework construction

4, Smarty template (familiar)

Template technology principles, Smarty quick start, Smarty template design, Smarty programming, Smarty Caching technology

Smarty environment configuration and usage introductory tutorial


5. Project upgrade (key points)

Email technology, page staticization, regular expressions, content collection, functional improvements

Regular expressions

http://www.php. cn/course/328.html

The fourth stage of PHP advanced stage: 1. SVN (mastery)

SVN overview and Installation, detailed explanation of SVN usage, configuration of multiple warehouses and permission control, SVN server configuration and management, hook program

2, XML (familiar)

XML syntax, SimpleXML, XPath, cases-online dictionary

3. Ajax (Mastery)

Ajax quick start, Ajax objects, sending get, post requests, using XML, JSON to transmit data, Ajax cross-domain requests, Ajax cases - paging, chat rooms

4. ThinkPHP (Key Points)

ThinkPHP Quick Start, ThinkPHP Controller, ThinkPHP View, ThinkPHP Model, ThinkPHP Utility Items

5. Linux (Key Points)

Linux installation, shell usage, VI editor, users, groups, file management, Lamp environment construction     , URL optimization

The fifth stage of enterprise-level development stage:

1. Redis (master)

Nosql common product introduction, installation startup, data Type explanation, PHP supports redis, security authentication and advanced cases, persistence mechanism, master-slave configuration

Redis tutorial


2. Nine major interface programming (key points)

Payment, delivery, WeChat, SMS, email, map, Baidu API, Tencent API, local data interface

3. MongoDB (key)

MongoDB understanding, basic and common commands, index and user management, data export and backup, master-slave replication and partitioning Film, PHP supports MongoDB

MongoDB tutorial


4 , Mysql read-write separation (key points)

Principle, log-bin explanation, configuration steps, code to achieve read-write separation, use of read-write separation in ThinkPHP

5. Server architecture (key points)

WEB server cluster, Nginx load balancing, Session sharing, reverse proxy server

The sixth phase of expansion:

1. WebApp (key)

Framework foundation, PhoneGap underlying implementation, Hyrid hybrid development, application JS SDK class library

2, CMS In-depth development (key)

Understand the cms system, skillfully apply dedecms system tags, use dedecms to develop a67 movie network, and apply dedecms data collection

3, Hadoop (understanding)

Hadoop installation and configuration, HDFS configuration, Hadoop entry case, PHP writing MapReduce

4, Mysql advanced (key)

Foreign keys and paradigms, views and transaction security, triggers, functions, stored procedures, indexes

Mysql tutorial


5. Js advanced (key)

js common events, js object-oriented, js closure, js function call, js mini game Snake

js closure http://www.php.cn/write/1159.html

js object-oriented

http://www.php.cn/ write/228.html

js function call


The above is a summary of the PHP learning process. The content that needs to be focused on learning or generally mastered has been marked to guide everyone in the right direction of learning. There will be a large number of video tutorials on the knowledge points that need to be mastered. I hope everyone can use them reasonably. PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn) wishes all students to achieve success in their studies and find satisfactory jobs as soon as possible.

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