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Detailed explanation of the usage of ASP.NET configuration file Web.config

2017-01-13 13:46:171176browse

The example in this article describes the usage of the ASP.NET configuration file Web.config and is shared with everyone for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:

1. Understanding the Web.config file

The Web.config file is an XML text file, which is used to store the configuration information of the ASP.NET Web application (such as the most commonly used Setting the authentication method for an ASP.NET Web application), which can appear in every directory of the application. When you create a new Web application through VB.NET, a default Web.config file is automatically created in the root directory by default, including default configuration settings, and all subdirectories inherit its configuration settings. If you want to modify the configuration settings of a subdirectory, you can create a new Web.config file in the subdirectory. It can provide configuration information in addition to the configuration information inherited from the parent directory, and can also override or modify settings defined in the parent directory.

Modifications to the Web.config file during runtime can take effect without restarting the service (Note: Exception in the 8b8cd1dbb5a33604e3cb18bedb4a3ff2 section). Of course the Web.config file is extensible. You can customize new configuration parameters and write configuration section handlers to handle them.

2. web.config configuration file (default configuration settings) All the following codes should be located between f9d9f4a8f32d97f3ef0c10742ed312402dc15ec6bc814c3aa45b55d017848bed and 4ec4537ca3582453b3a7c44816bcf4804b1b9d85fe86862ae3eab7e2045cf8a0 Time, for learning purposes, the following examples have omitted this XML tag

1, 80d2680783d84d323c0b46b6b9a1b282 section

Function: Configure ASP.NET authentication support (for Windows, Forms , PassPort, None). This element can only be declared at the computer, site, or application level. The 80d2680783d84d323c0b46b6b9a1b282 element must be used with the e4313658e6823a84c0d534d9c597317f section.
The following example is a form-based authentication configuration site. When a user who is not logged in accesses a webpage that requires authentication, the webpage automatically jumps to the login webpage.

<authentication mode="Forms" > 
  <forms loginUrl="logon.aspx" name=".FormsAuthCookie"/> 

The element loginUrl represents the name of the login web page, and name represents the cookie name

##2, e4313658e6823a84c0d534d9c597317f section

Function: Control client access to URL resources (such as allowing anonymous user access). This element can be declared at any level (computer, site, application, subdirectory, or page). Required in conjunction with the 80d2680783d84d323c0b46b6b9a1b282 section.

Example: The following example prohibits access by anonymous users
Note: You can use user .identity.name to get the current authenticated user name; you can use the web.Security.FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage method to redirect the authenticated user to the page the user just requested. For specific examples, please refer to:
Forms Verification http://XXXXX/websample/dataauth.aspx

3, eb1e998bd0c2951b98f5b6c85c7e4615 section

Function: Configure all compilation settings used by ASP.NET. The default debug attribute is "True". It should be set to True after the program is compiled and delivered for use (details are described in the Web.config file, examples are omitted here)

4, 930ac17b94b9e98609d20e97126e0d94

Role: Provide information about custom error messages for ASP.NET applications. It does not apply to errors that occur in XML Web services.

Example: When an error occurs, jump the web page to a customized error page.

<customErrors defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.aspx" mode="RemoteOnly"> 

The element defaultRedirect represents the name of the customized error web page. The mode element indicates: Display custom (friendly) information to users who are not running on the local Web server

5, ed4fc545903c54f8016479f974509b32 section

Function: Configure ASP.NET HTTP runtime settings . This section can be declared at the computer, site, application, and subdirectory levels.

Example: Control the maximum size of user upload files to 4M, the maximum time to 60 seconds, and the maximum number of requests to 100

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="4096" executi appRequestQueueLimit="100"/>

6, 98a781c16ebd9970b20c936d9f199ebe

Function: Identify pages specific Configuration settings (such as whether to enable session state, view state, whether to detect user input, etc.). 98a781c16ebd9970b20c936d9f199ebe can be declared at the computer, site, application, and subdirectory levels.

Example: Do not detect whether there is potentially dangerous data in the content entered by the user in the browser (Note: This item defaults to detection. If you use non-detection, you must encode or verify the user's input). The encrypted view state is checked when the page is posted back from the client to verify that the view state has not been tampered with on the client side. (Note: This item is not verified by default)

<pages buffer="true" enableViewStateMac="true" validateRequest="false"/>

7. 5717e0daa4654c02232c8f843dae6721

Function: Configure session state settings for the current application (such as setting whether to enable session state, and save session state Location).

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="true" timeout="20"/> 


mode="InProc" means: store session state locally (you can also choose to store it in a remote server or SAL server or disable session state)
cookieless="true "Indicates: If the user's browser does not support cookies, enable session state (default is False)
timeout="20" means: The number of minutes the session can be idle

8, aaee0798d61f0c1688dd8c23d7e1cc45

作用:配置 ASP.NET 跟踪服务,主要用来程序测试判断哪里出错。
示例:以下为Web.config中的默认配置:      d31fbf792f4e014a7b7bfe287e64b7a8
localOnly="true" 表示跟踪查看器 (trace.axd) 只用于宿主 Web 服务器


一是在在配置文件顶部 f0c345cb8609a7447fbc7220c375eedc 和 107179cec9ad9ec61c47a52cad36d19f标记之间声明配置节的名称和处理该节中配置数据的 .NET Framework 类的名称。
二是在 f0c345cb8609a7447fbc7220c375eedc 区域之后为声明的节做实际的配置设置。

   <section name="appSettings" type="System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089"/> 
    <add key="scon" value="server=a;database=northwind;uid=sa;pwd=123"/> 


你可以通过使用ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings 静态字符串集合来访问 Web.config 文件示例:获取上面例子中建立的连接字符串。



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