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Examples to explain Java's internal classes and class loaders

2017-01-13 09:47:581261browse

Internal class

class A { 
  //Inner1 要在 A 初始化后 才能使用,即要被A的对象所调用  
  class Inner1 { 
    int k = 0; 
    // static int j = 0; //A加载后,Inner1没有加载,所以这个 静态变量j 无法立即使用,报错 
    final int z = 0; 
    /*static void say1() { 
    void say2() { 
  //Inner2 在A加载好后就可以使用了  
  static class Inner2 { 
    int k = 0; 
    static int j = 0; 
    final int z = 0; 
    static void say1() { 
    void say2() { 
  // 调用内部类 
  void c() { 
    final int x = 0;// final 修饰后,可以由局部内部类调用 
    new A().new Inner1();// 非静态内部类Inner1,需要它所属的类的对象调用 
    new A().new Inner1().say2(); 
    new A.Inner2().say2();// 非静态方法say2(),需要它所属的类的对象调用 
    class Inner3 { 
      void print() { 
     * 方法中的局部内部类的调用,需要在声明后 因为, 
     * 在方法里的执行顺序是 从上往下,而这个类 
     * 就相当于一个 局部 变量 当然 要先声明,再使用 
    new Inner3().print(); 

Class loader java.lang.ClassLoader
java.lang.ClassLoader The basic responsibility of the class is to find or generate the corresponding bytes based on the name of a specified class. code, and then define a Java class from these byte codes, that is, an instance of the java.lang.Class class. In addition, ClassLoader is also responsible for loading the resources required by Java applications, such as image files and configuration files. However, this article only discusses its function of loading classes. In order to complete this responsibility of loading classes, ClassLoader provides a series of methods:
getParent() returns the parent class loader of the class loader.
loadClass(String name) loads the class named name, and the returned result is an instance of the java.lang.Class class.
findClass(String name) Finds the class named name, and the returned result is an instance of the java.lang.Class class.
findLoadedClass(String name) Finds the loaded class named name, and the returned result is an instance of the java.lang.Class class.
defineClass(String name, byte[] b, int off, int len) Converts the content in byte array b into a Java class, and the returned result is an instance of the java.lang.Class class. This method is declared final.
resolveClass(Class> c) Links the specified Java class.

public class ClassLoaderTest extends ClassLoader { 
  public static void main(String[] args) throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException { 
    // 根类加载器,加载的核心类库 
     URL[] urls = sun.misc.Launcher.getBootstrapClassPath().getURLs(); 
     for (URL u : urls) { 
    // 扩展类 加载器,,加载的系统属性:java.ext.dirs 返回的路径下的 class 
    System.err.println("扩展类(extention classLoader)加载器"
        + ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getParent());//非继承关系,只是意义上 
    // 应用(系统 application classLoader)类加载器,, 加载系统环境变量 PATH 或 CLASSPATH 
    // 指定的JAR包和类路径 
    System.err.println("应用(系统)类加载器" + ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); 
    // System.out.println(System.getenv("PATH")); 
    // System.out.println(System.getenv("CLASSPATH")); 

For more examples explaining Java’s internal classes and class loaders, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!

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