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Detailed explanation of jQuery.parseHTML() function

2017-01-11 09:12:501484browse

Definition and usage

$.parseHTML() function is used to parse HTML strings into corresponding DOM node arrays.


1. This function will use the native DOM element creation function to convert the HTML string into a collection of DOM elements. You can insert these DOM elements into the document.

2. If the context parameter is not specified, or the parameter is null or undefined, it defaults to the current document. If you create a DOM element for use in another document, such as an iframe, you should specify the document object of that iframe.

Security considerations: Most jQuery APIs allow HTML strings to be included in HTML to run scripts. jQuery.parseHTML() will not run scripts in the parsed HTML unless you explicitly specify the keepScripts parameter to true. However, most environments can still execute scripts indirectly, for example through properties. Callers should avoid doing this and sanitize or escape any untrusted input from sources such as URLs, cookies, etc. to prevent this situation. For future compatibility reasons, callers should not rely on any ability to run script content when the keepScripts parameter is omitted or false.


$.parseHTML(htmlString [, context] [, keepScripts])

jQuery.parseHTML() 函数详解


Usage Create an array of Dom nodes from an HTML string and insert it into a div


Example & Description

The following is done with jQuery. jQuery sample code related to the parseHTML() function to demonstrate the specific usage of the jQuery.parseHTML() function:

// "<\/script>"必须通过\将/转义,否则JS会认为已经到了脚本结束的位置
var html = 'Hello,CodePlayer