Syntax for adding fields: alter table tablename add (column datatype [default value][null/not null],….);
Syntax for modifying fields: alter table tablename modify (column datatype [default value][null/not null],….);
Syntax for deleting fields: alter table tablename drop (column);
If you add, modify, or delete multiple columns, separate them with commas open.
Example of using alter table to add, delete and modify a column.
Create table structure:
create table test1
(id varchar2(20) not null);
Add a field:
alter table test1 add (name varchar2(30) default ‘无名氏' not null);
Use a SQL statement Add three fields at the same time:
alter table test1 add (name varchar2(30) default ‘无名氏' not null, age integer default 22 not null, has_money number(9,2) );
Modify a field
alter table test1 modify (name varchar2(16) default ‘unknown');
Another: The more formal way of writing is:
-- Add/modify columns alter table TABLE_NAME rename column FIELD_NAME to NEW_FIELD_NAME;
Delete a field
alter table test1 drop column name;
Need to pay attention The problem is that if there are already values in a column, an error will occur if you want to modify the column width to be smaller than these values.
For example, if we inserted a value before
insert into test1 values ('1′,'我们很爱你');
and then modified the column: alter table test1
modify (name varchar2(8));
will You get the following error:
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-01441: Unable to reduce column length because some values are too large
Advanced usage:
Rename table
ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;
Modify the name of the column
ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME COLUMN supplier_name to sname;
alter table s_dept rename column age to age1;
Attachment: Create a table with a primary key>>
create table student ( studentid int primary key not null, studentname varchar(8), age int);
1. Create a primary key constraint while creating the table
(1) No naming
create table student ( studentid int primary key not null, studentname varchar(8), age int);
(2) Naming
create table students ( studentid int , studentname varchar(8), age int, constraint yy primary key(studentid));
2. Delete the existing primary key constraints in the table
(1) No naming
Available SELECT * from user_cons_columns;
Look up the primary key name in the table and get the primary key name in the student table SYS_C002715
alter table student drop constraint SYS_C002715;
(2) with naming
alter table students drop constraint yy;
3. Add primary key constraints to the table
alter table student add constraint pk_student primary key(studentid);
For more articles related to oracle deleting table fields and oracle table adding fields, please pay attention to PHP Chinese website!