Home >Web Front-end >H5 Tutorial >HTML5 self-study notes
1. Why learn HTML
Hype Text Mark-up Language
2. The basic unit of HTML
3. Tag
(single tag and double tag)
Creation of site:
Creation of folder
Homepage: index.html
htmlBasic structure
Document statement
Charset character set "UTF-8" International encoding "GB2312" Simplified Chinese encoding
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"/> <title>京东</title> </head> <body> <h1>京东618</h1> <h2>party on</h2> </body> </html>
4, commonly used tags
h1 tag double tag large title tag
dfb4d23c807e8ce66d86a7db2dd1cbbbcontent473f0a7621bec819994bb5020d29372a h1 tag in It can only appear once in a page
align-attribute horizontal alignment
left/right/center-attribute value
##h1-h6 A total of six levels Title
p tag paragraph double tag
Special symbol space
076402276aae5dbec7f672f8f4e5cc81 Single tag line break
f32b48428a809b51f04d3228cdf461fa End of horizontal line title
907fae80ddef53131f3292ee4f81644bd1c6776b927dc33c5d9114750b586338The meaning of oblique emphasis
8e99a69fbe029cd4e2b854e244eab143128dba7a3a77be0113eb0bea6ea0a5d0 The meaning of bold emphasis
45a2772a6b6107b401db3c9b82c049c254bdf357c58b8a65c66d7c19c8e4d114Text inline elements that require special processing
dc6dce4a544fdca2df29d5ac0ea9906b16b28748ea4df4d9c2150843fecfba68Block-level elements are mainly used in CSS
a1f02c36ba31691bcfe87b2722de723bInsert picture with single tag
Three kinds of lists
Unordered list
<ul type="disc"> disc:圆点 circle:圆圈 square 正方形 <li>列表项</li> </ul>Ordered list
<ol type="a" start="只能写数字"> a 1 I A <li>列表项</li> </ol>Definition list
<dl> <dt>列表项</dt> <dd>描述项</dd> </dl>a tag, hyperlink tag, for internal links on web pages and external links on the website.
<a href="资源地址" target="_self(自身窗口打开)/_blank(新窗口打开)">文字或者图片</a>Resource address:
Internal links: html files, pictures, movies, music, compressed files, word documents, PPT,,,
External link: http://www.baidu.com
Relative path
1: When two files are under the same folder, write the file directly The name.
2: The two files are under different folders, use ../ to represent the upper-level file
3: One file is inside the folder, and the other file is inside the folder. Outside. Write the name of the folder directly
Absolute path
Local machine: E:\Zuo Lin\Study Notes
Network: http://www.xxx.com/xxx /xxx
Commonly used picture formats in web pages:
gif: supports animation, supports transparency, stores up to 256 colors, lossy compression
jpg (jpeg): no Support animation, do not support transparency, rich colors, lossless compression
png: Do not support animation, support transparency, rich colors, lossless compression
Comment tag
Photoshop cutting and shortcut keys
ctrl+r Display ruler
F8 Display information
ctrl +alt+z Multi-step undo
ctrl+z Single-step undo
ctrl+N Create a new blank canvas
ctrl+D Cancel selection
ctrl+ o Open
ctrl+t Free transformation