Java basic data types
Variables apply for memory to store values. In other words, when creating a variable, you need to apply for space in memory.
The memory management system allocates storage space for variables according to their type, and the allocated space can only be used to store data of this type.
Therefore, by defining variables of different types, integers, decimals or characters can be stored in memory.
Java's two major data types:
Built-in data types
Reference data types
Built-in data types
Java language provides Eight basic types. Six numeric types (four integers, two floating point types), a character type, and a Boolean type.
byte: The
byte data type is an 8-bit, signed, integer represented in two's complement; the minimum value of
is -128 (-2^7) ;
The maximum value is 127 (2^7-1);
The default value is 0;
byte type is used to save space in large arrays, mainly replacing integers. Because the byte variable occupies only one-quarter of the space of the int type;
Example: byte a = 100, byte b = -50.
The short data type is a 16-bit, signed integer represented in two's complement
The minimum value is -32768 (-2^15);
The maximum value is 32767 (2^15 - 1);
Short data type can also save space like byte. A short variable is half the space occupied by an int type variable;
The default value is 0;
Example: short s = 1000, short r = -20000.
int: The
int data type is a 32-bit, signed two's complement integer; the
minimum value is -2,147,483,648 (-2^31);
The maximum value is 2,147,485,647 (2^31 - 1);
Generally, integer variables default to int type;
The default value is 0;
Example: int a = 100000, int b = -200000.
long: The
long data type is a 64-bit, signed integer represented in two's complement; the minimum value of
is -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (-2^63);
The maximum value is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (2^63 -1);
This type is mainly used on systems that require relatively large integers;
The default value is 0L;
Example: long a = 100000L, int b = -200000L.
float data type is a single-precision, 32-bit, IEEE 754-compliant floating point number;
float can save memory when storing large floating point arrays Space;
The default value is 0.0f;
Floating point numbers cannot be used to represent precise values, such as currency;
Example: float f1 = 234.5f.
double data type is a double-precision, 64-bit, IEEE 754-compliant floating point number;
The default type of floating point number is double type;
The double type also cannot represent precise values, such as currency;
The default value is 0.0f;
Example: double d1 = 123.4.
boolean data type represents one bit of information;
has only two values: true and false;
This type is only used as A flag to record true/false situations;
Default value is false;
Example: boolean one = true.
The char type is a single 16-bit Unicode character;
The minimum value is 'u0000' (that is, 0);
The maximum value The value is 'uffff' (that is, 65,535);
char data type can store any character;
Example: char letter = 'A'.
For the value range of the basic types of numerical types, we do not need to be forced to remember, because their values have been defined in the corresponding packaging class in the form of constants. Please look at the following example:
public class PrimitiveTypeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { // byte System.out.println("基本类型:byte 二进制位数:" + Byte.SIZE); System.out.println("包装类:java.lang.Byte"); System.out.println("最小值:Byte.MIN_VALUE=" + Byte.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println("最大值:Byte.MAX_VALUE=" + Byte.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(); // short System.out.println("基本类型:short 二进制位数:" + Short.SIZE); System.out.println("包装类:java.lang.Short"); System.out.println("最小值:Short.MIN_VALUE=" + Short.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println("最大值:Short.MAX_VALUE=" + Short.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(); // int System.out.println("基本类型:int 二进制位数:" + Integer.SIZE); System.out.println("包装类:java.lang.Integer"); System.out.println("最小值:Integer.MIN_VALUE=" + Integer.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println("最大值:Integer.MAX_VALUE=" + Integer.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(); // long System.out.println("基本类型:long 二进制位数:" + Long.SIZE); System.out.println("包装类:java.lang.Long"); System.out.println("最小值:Long.MIN_VALUE=" + Long.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println("最大值:Long.MAX_VALUE=" + Long.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(); // float System.out.println("基本类型:float 二进制位数:" + Float.SIZE); System.out.println("包装类:java.lang.Float"); System.out.println("最小值:Float.MIN_VALUE=" + Float.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println("最大值:Float.MAX_VALUE=" + Float.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(); // double System.out.println("基本类型:double 二进制位数:" + Double.SIZE); System.out.println("包装类:java.lang.Double"); System.out.println("最小值:Double.MIN_VALUE=" + Double.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println("最大值:Double.MAX_VALUE=" + Double.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println(); // char System.out.println("基本类型:char 二进制位数:" + Character.SIZE); System.out.println("包装类:java.lang.Character"); // 以数值形式而不是字符形式将Character.MIN_VALUE输出到控制台 System.out.println("最小值:Character.MIN_VALUE=" + (int) Character.MIN_VALUE); // 以数值形式而不是字符形式将Character.MAX_VALUE输出到控制台 System.out.println("最大值:Character.MAX_VALUE=" + (int) Character.MAX_VALUE); } }
Compile the above code and the output result is as follows:
基本类型:byte 二进制位数:8 包装类:java.lang.Byte 最小值:Byte.MIN_VALUE=-128 最大值:Byte.MAX_VALUE=127 基本类型:short 二进制位数:16 包装类:java.lang.Short 最小值:Short.MIN_VALUE=-32768 最大值:Short.MAX_VALUE=32767 基本类型:int 二进制位数:32 包装类:java.lang.Integer 最小值:Integer.MIN_VALUE=-2147483648 最大值:Integer.MAX_VALUE=2147483647 基本类型:long 二进制位数:64 包装类:java.lang.Long 最小值:Long.MIN_VALUE=-9223372036854775808 最大值:Long.MAX_VALUE=9223372036854775807 基本类型:float 二进制位数:32 包装类:java.lang.Float 最小值:Float.MIN_VALUE=1.4E-45 最大值:Float.MAX_VALUE=3.4028235E38 基本类型:double 二进制位数:64 包装类:java.lang.Double 最小值:Double.MIN_VALUE=4.9E-324 最大值:Double.MAX_VALUE=1.7976931348623157E308 基本类型:char 二进制位数:16 包装类:java.lang.Character 最小值:Character.MIN_VALUE=0 最大值:Character.MAX_VALUE=65535
The minimum and maximum values of Float and Double are output in the form of scientific notation, and the ending "E+number" indicates how many times 10 the number before E should be multiplied. For example, 3.14E3 is 3.14×1000=3140, and 3.14E-3 is 3.14/1000=0.00314.
Actually, there is another basic type void in JAVA, which also has a corresponding packaging class java.lang.Void, but we cannot directly operate on them.
Reference types
Reference type variables are created by the constructor of a class and you can use them to access the referenced object. These variables are specified as a specific type when declared, such as Employee, Pubby, etc. Once a variable is declared, its type cannot be changed.
例子:Animal animal = new Animal(“giraffe”)。
常量指不能改变的量。 在Java中用final标志,声明方式和变量类似:
final double PI = 3.1415927;
byte a = 68; char a = 'A'
int decimal = 100; int octal = 0144; int hexa = 0x64;
"Hello World" "two\nlines" "\"This is in quotes\""
char a = '\u0001'; String a = "\u0001";
符号 字符含义
\n 换行 (0x0a)
\r 回车 (0x0d)
\f 换页符(0x0c)
\b 退格 (0x08)
\s 空格 (0x20)
\t 制表符
\" 双引号
\' 单引号
\\ 反斜杠
\ddd 八进制字符 (ddd)
\uxxxx 16进制Unicode字符 (xxxx)