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Detailed explanation of Node.js module loading

2016-12-26 09:32:441431browse

JavaScript is one of the most frequently used programming languages ​​in the world. It is the universal language of the Web world and is used by all browsers. The birth of JavaScript can be traced back to the Netscape era. Its core content was hastily developed to compete with Microsoft and participate in the fierce browser war at that time. Due to its premature release, it inevitably resulted in some not-so-good features.

Despite its short development time, JavaScript still has many powerful features, except for the fact that each script shares a global namespace.

Once a web page loads JavaScript code, it will be injected into the global namespace and will share the same address space with all other loaded scripts. This will lead to many security issues, conflicts, and some common problems, such as bugs. Both difficult to track and difficult to resolve.

But thankfully, Node has set some specifications for server-side JavaScript and also implemented the CommonJS module standard. In this standard, each module has its own context and is distinguished from other modules. This means that modules will not pollute the global scope, because there is no such thing as a global scope, and modules will not interfere with each other.

In this chapter, we will learn about several different modules and how to load them.

Splitting your code into a series of well-defined modules can help you take control of your application. Below we will learn how to create and use your own modules.

Understand how Node loads modules

In Node, you can reference modules through file paths or module names. If you reference a non-core module by name, Node will eventually map the module name to the corresponding module file path. Those core modules that contain core functions will be preloaded when Node starts.

Non-core modules include third-party modules installed using NPM (Node Package Manager), as well as local modules created by you or your colleagues.

Each module imported by the current script will expose a set of public APIs to programmers. Before using the module, you need to use the require function to import it, like this:

var module = require(‘module_name')

The above code will import a module named module_name, It may be a core module or a module installed using NPM. The require function returns an object containing all the public APIs of the module. Depending on the module, the returned object may be any JavaScript value, a function, or an object containing a series of properties (a function, an array, or any JavaScript object).

Export module

The CommonJS module system is the only way to share objects and functions between files under Node. For a very complex program, you should restructure some classes, objects or functions into a series of well-defined reusable modules. To the user of the module, the module exposes only the code you specify.

In the following example, you will learn that there is a one-to-one correspondence between files and modules in Node. We created a file called circle.js, which only exports the Circle constructor.

function Circle(x, y, r) {
       function r_squared() {
              return Math.pow(r, 2);
       function area() {
              return Math.PI * r_squared();
       return {area: area};
module.exports = Circle;

The most important line in the code is the last line, which defines what the module exports. module is a special variable, which represents the current module itself, and module.exports is the object exported by the module. It can be any object. In this example, we exported the constructor of Circle so that module users can use This module creates Circle instances.

You can also export some complex objects. module.exports is initialized as an empty object. You can export any content you want to expose to the outside world as attributes of the module.exports object. For example, you design a module that exposes a set of functions:

                  function printA() {
function printB() {
function printC() {
module.exports.printA = printA;
module.exports.printB = printB;
module.exports.pi = Math.PI;

This module exports two functions (printA and printB) and a number (pi). The calling code looks like this:

var myModule2 = require('./myModule2');
myModule2.printA(); // -> A
myModule2.printB(); // -> B
console.log(myModule2.pi); // -> 3.141592653589793

Load module

As mentioned before, you can use the require function to load modules. You don’t have to worry about calling require in the code will affect the global namespace, because there is no concept of global namespace in Node. If the module exists and there are no syntax or initialization errors, the require function will return the module object, and you can assign this object to any local variable.

There are several different types of modules, which can be roughly divided into core modules, local modules and third-party modules installed through NPM. According to the type of module, there are several ways to reference the module. Let's learn about this knowledge.

Loading core modules

Node has some modules that are compiled into binary files, called core modules. They cannot be referenced by paths, only by module names. The core module has the highest loading priority. Even if there is a third-party module with the same name, the core module will be loaded first.

For example, if you want to load and use the http core module, you can do this:

         var http = require('http');

This will return an http module object that contains the API of those htpp modules defined in the Node API documentation.

Loading file modules

You can also use an absolute path to load a module from the file system:

var myModule = require('/home/pedro/my_modules/my_module');

You can also use a relative path based on the current file:

var myModule = require('../my_modules/my_module');

var myModule2 = require('./lib/my_module_2');


var myModule = require('./my_module');
var myModule = require('./my_module.js');



var myModule = require('./myModuleDir');




                            "name" : "myModule",
                            "main" : "./lib/myModule.js"




var myModule = require('myModule.js');






console.log('module my_module initializing...');
module.exports = function() {
console.log('my_module initialized.');


var myModuleInstance1 = require('./my_module');


module my_module initializing...
my_module initialized


var myModuleInstance1 = require('./my_module');
var myModuleInstance2 = require('./my_module');


var myModuleInstance1 = require('./my_module');
var myModuleInstance2 = require('./my_module');


module my_module initializing...
my_module initialized







用require(X) 加载路径Y下的模块
1. 如果X是核心模块,
   a. 加载并返回核心模块
   b. 结束
2. 如果X以 './' or '/' or '../ 开始'
   a. LOAD_AS_FILE(Y + X)
3. LOAD_NODE_MODULES(X, dirname(Y))
4. 抛出异常:"not found"
1. 如果X是个文件,把 X作为JavaScript 脚本加载,加载完毕后结束
2. 如果X.js是个文件,把X.js 作为JavaScript 脚本加载,加载完毕后结束
3. 如果X.node是个文件,把X.node 作为Node二进制插件加载,加载完毕后结束
1. 如果 X/package.json文件存在,
   a. 解析X/package.json, 并查找 "main"字段.
   b. 另M = X + (main字段的值)
2. 如果X/index.js文件存在,把 X/index.js作为JavaScript 脚本加载,加载完毕后结束
3. 如果X/index.node文件存在,把load X/index.node作为Node二进制插件加载,加载完毕后结束
2. 对DIRS下的每个目录DIR做如下操作:
1. 另PARTS = path split(START)
2. 另ROOT = index of first instance of "node_modules" in PARTS, or 0
3. 另I = count of PARTS - 1
4. 另DIRS = []
5. while I > ROOT,
   a. 如果 PARTS[I] = "node_modules" 则继续后续操作,否则下次循环
   c. DIR = path join(PARTS[0 .. I] + "node_modules")
   b. DIRS = DIRS + DIR
   c. 另I = I - 1
6. 返回DIRS


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