Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP generates HTML static page example code
Developed for the cd2sc.com website function, the code is original and the generation speed is average.
(For well-known reasons, the names of data fields related to the database have been changed, and the parameter filtering part has been removed for code clarity)
Note: The original dynamic address is moban.php?id=1, and the generated address is html/200808/sell_1.html. page.php is the paging program, which is published in this blog.
How to use the page, save this code as make.php, and use the browser to access make.php?t=quantity&pg=page; for example, make.php?t=300&pg=2, which means 300 pieces of data are generated each time. Start generation from page 2 of the data list, that is, skip the first 300 items. If you access make.php directly without adding any parameters, 200 items will be generated each time by default, starting from the first page.
<?php if($_GET[pg]==''){ $aa=1; }else{ $aa=$_GET[pg]; } include("admin/conn.php"); require_once("page.php"); $result=mysql_query("select * from 2carsell "); $totle=mysql_num_rows($result); $pagelist = $_GET[t]; if($_GET[t]==''){ $pagelist='200'; }else{ $pagelist=$_GET[t]; } $pager = new Pager($totle,$pagelist); $datastat=" 共 <b>".$pager->countall."</b> 条,每次生成 <b>".$pager->countlist."</b> 条,共需生成 <b>".$pager->page."</b> 次";//数据统计 $bb=$pager->page; $pagenav=$pager->backstr.$pager->thestr.$pager->nextstr; $limitFrom = $pagelist*($pager->pg-1); $result=mysql_query("select * from 2carsell ORDER BY id DESC limit $limitFrom,$pagelist"); ?> <center><div style="font-size:14px;"><b>第 <font color=red><?echo $aa?></font > 次页面生成中..<? echo $datastat?></b></div><br> <? print "<center><textarea name=textarea class=textarea style='width:520px;height:455px'>"; while($datauser=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $iid=$datauser[id]; $html = file_get_contents("/moban.php?id=".$iid.""); $sql="select * from 2carsell where id=$iid"; $data=mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($sql)); $path=date("Ym",$data[PutDate]); $testdir="html/".$path; if(file_exists ($testdir)): else: mkdir ($testdir, 0777); echo "目录".$testdir."创建成功!<br>"; endif; $filename = "html/$path/sell_$iid.html"; // 使用写入模式打开$filename if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'w')) { print "不能打开文件 $filename"; exit; } if (is_writable($filename)) { // 将$html写入到我们打开的文件中。 if (!fwrite($handle, $html)) { print "不能写入到文件 $filename"; exit; } print "文件 $filename 更新成功!\n\r"; fclose($handle); } else { print "文件 $filename 不可写"; } ?> <? }?> </textarea> <br><br> <div style="font-size=12px"><? echo $datastat." "?></div><br><br> <? $aa=$aa+1; if($aa>$bb){ echo '<font color=blue>恭喜,所有页面生成完毕!</font>'; echo "<script>alert('所有文档生成/更新完毕!')</script>"; }else{ echo "<Script> window.location='make.php?t=$pagelist&pg=$aa'; </script>"; } ?>
For more articles related to PHP generated HTML static page example code, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!