Home >Java >javaTutorial >JAVA serial port programming
1. Environment configuration
(1) Unzip the copied file
Unzip javacomm20-win32.zip
Copy win32com.dll to the
Put comm Copy .jar to the
Copy javax.comm.properties to the
(2) Set the environment variable
(3) Add the jar package to the Eclipse project
"Right-click the project-> ; properties-> java build path->libraries->add external jar" to find the location of comm.jar placed in
2. API Overview
CommDriver Part of the loadable device driver interface
CommPortOwnershipListener delivers ownership events of various communication ports
ParallelPortEventListener delivers parallel port events
SerialPortEventListener delivers serial ports Event
CommPort communication port
CommPortIdentifier communication port management
ParallelPort Parallel communication port
ParallelPortEvent Parallel port event
SerialPort RS-232 serial communication port
SerialPortEven t exception class
NoSuchPortException when driven
PortInUseException is thrown when the program cannot find the specified port.
UnsupportedCommOperationException is thrown when the specified port is in use.
is thrown when the driver does not allow the specified operation. (1) CommPort class
describes the port supported by the underlying system abstract class. Contains some high-level IO control methods that are common to all different communication ports. SerialPort (serial port) and ParallelPort (parallel port) are its subclasses.
(2) CommPortIdentifier
is mainly used to manage and set up the serial port. It is the core class for access control of the serial port. The main methods are as follows: dAddPortName (String, int, Commdriver) add the end mouth name to the port list
AddPortownerShiPlistener (COMPORTOWNERSHIPLISHIPLISTENER) Listener (CommptownerShiplistener) Remove the monitor owned by the port
GetCurrentowner ( ) Get the object or application that currently occupies the port
getName() Get the port name
getPortIdentifier(CommPort) Get the CommPortIdentifier type object of the port opened by the parameter
getPortIdentifier(String) Get the CommPortIdentifier type object of the port named with the parameter
getPortIdentifiers() Get the list of ports in the system
getPortType() Get the type of the port
isCurrentlyOwned() Determine whether the current port is occupied
open(FileDescriptor) Open the port with the type described by the file
open(String, int ) Open the port, two parameters: program name, delay time (milliseconds)
(3) SerialPort
describes the underlying interface of the RS-232 serial communication port, which defines the minimum set of functions required for serial communication. You can directly read, write and set up the serial port.
A: Function of serial port parameters
getBaudRate() Get the baud rate getParity() Get the check type
getDataBits() Get the number of data bits getStopBits() Get the stop bits
setSerialPortParams(int, int, int, int ) Set the serial port parameters in order (baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity check)
close() close the serial port
getOutputStream() get the output stream of OutputStream type
getInputStream() get the input stream of InputStream type
B: Events and event methods
isCD() Whether there is a carrier
isCTS() Whether it is clear to send
isDSR() Whether the data is ready
isDTR() Whether the data terminal is ready
isRI() Whether it rings Detect whether
isRTS() requires sending
addEventListener(SerialPortEventListener) and add a serial port event listener to the SerialPort object
removeEventListener() removes the serial port event listener in the SerialPort object
getEventType() gets the event type that occurred and the return value is int type
sendBreak(int) sets the time of the interruption process, the parameter is the millisecond value
setRTS(boolean ) Set or clear the RTS bit
setDTR(boolean) Set or clear the DTR bit
notifyOnBreakInterrupt(boolean) Set the interrupt event
notifyOnCarrierDetect(boolean) Set the carrier detection event
notifyOnCTS(boolean) Set the clear send event
notifyOnDataAvailable( boolean) Set the event that the serial port has data
notifyOnDSR(boolean) Set the data ready event
notifyOnFramingError(boolean) Set the error event
notifyOnOutputEmpty(boolean) Set the send buffer is empty event
notifyOnParityError(boolean) Set the occurrence Parity error event
notifyOnRingIndicator(boolean) Set ring detection event
C: Static member variable of serial port parameters
Member variable description Member variable description Member variable description
DATABITS_5 Data bits are 5 STOPBITS_2 Stop bits are 2 PARITY_ODD Odd check
DATABITS_6 Data bits are 6 STOPBITS_1 Stop bits are 1 PARITY_MARK Mark check
DATABITS_7 Data bits are 7 STOPBITS_1_5 Stops are 1.5 PARITY_NONE Space check
DATABITS_8 Data bits are 8 PARITY_EVEN Even check PARITY_SPACE No check
For more JAVA serial port programming related articles, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!