Home >Backend Development >C#.Net Tutorial >10 basic skills for GDI+ programming in C# 2
5. Gradient color filling
You need to use two brushes:
private void button4_Click(object sender,System.EventArgs e)
/ /Drawing surface
Graphics g =this.pictureBoxII1.CreateGraphics();
//Define a linear gradient brush
LinearGradientBrush lgbrush =
new LinearGradientBrush(
new Point(0, 10),
new Point(150, 10),
Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0),
Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0));
Pen pen = new Pen(lgbrush);
//Draw a straight segment with a linear brush gradient effect pen and fill a rectangle
g.DrawLine(pen, 10, 130, 500, 130);
g.FillRectangle(lgbrush, 10, 150, 370, 30);
//Define the path and add an ellipse
GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
gp.AddEllipse(10, 10, 200, 100) ;
//Use this path to define the path gradient brush
PathGradientBrush brush =
new PathGradientBrush(gp);
//Color array
Color[] colors = {
Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0 ),
Color.FromArgb(100, 100, 100),
Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0),
Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 255)};
//Define color gradient ratio
float[] r = {0.0f, 0.3f, 0.6f, 1.0f};
ColorBlend blend = new ColorBlend();
blend.Colors = colors;
blend.Positions = r;
brush .InterpolationColors = blend;
//Fill a rectangle outside the ellipse
g.FillRectangle(brush, 0, 0, 210, 110);
//Define a second path gradient brush with the path added to the ellipse
GraphicsPath gp2 = new GraphicsPath();
gp2.AddEllipse(300, 0, 200, 100);
PathGradientBrush brush2 = new PathGradientBrush(gp2);
//Set the center point position and color
brush2. CenterPoint = new PointF(450, 50);
brush2.CenterColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0);
//Set the border color
Color[] color2 = {Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0)};
brush2.SurroundColors = color2;
//Use the second gradient brush to fill the ellipse
g.FillEllipse(brush2, 300, 0, 200, 100);
6, GDI+ Coordinate system
Universal coordinate system - user-defined coordinate system.
Page coordinate system - virtual coordinate system.
Device coordinate system - screen coordinate system.
When the units of the page coordinate system and the device coordinate system are both pixels, they are the same.
private void button10_Click(object sender, System.EventArgse)
Graphics g = this.pictureBoxII1.CreateGraphics();
private void Draw(Graphics g)
g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 10, 10, 100, 100);
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, 50, 50, 200, 100);
g.DrawArc(Pens.Black, 100, 10, 100, 100, 20, 160);
g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Green, 50, 200, 150, 100);
private void button5_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Shift left
Graphics g = this.pictureBoxII1.CreateGraphics();
g. TranslateTransform(-50, 0);
private void button6_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Shift right
Graphics g = this .pictureBoxII1.CreateGraphics();
g.TranslateTransform(50, 0);
private void button7_Click(object sender , System.EventArgs e)
Graphics g = this.pictureBoxII1.CreateGraphics();
private void button8_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Graphics g = this.pictureBoxII1.CreateGraphics();
g. Clear(Color.White);
g.ScaleTransform(1.2f, 1.2f);
private void button9_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Graphics g = this.pictureBoxII1.CreateGraphics();
g.ScaleTransform(0.8f, 0.8f);
this.Draw(g) ;
7. Global coordinates - transformation will have an impact on every primitive on the drawing surface. Usually used to set a universal coordinate system.
The following program moves the original fixed point to the center of the control, and the Y-axis is facing upward.
//First draw a circle
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, this.ClientRectangle);
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Black, -100, -100, 200, 200);
//To make the y-axis point forward, it must be mirrored relative to the x-axis
//The transformation matrix is [1,0,0,-1,0,0]
Matrix mat = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0);
g.Transform = mat;
Rectangle rect = this.ClientRectangle;
int w = rect.Width;
int h = rect.Height ;
g.TranslateTransform(w/2, -h/2);
//With the origin as the center, make a circle with a radius of 100
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Red, -100, -100, 200, 200);
g.TranslateTransform(100, 100);
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Green, -100, -100, 200, 200);
g.ScaleTransform(2, 2);
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Blue, -100, -100, 200, 200 );
8. Local coordinate system - only certain graphics are transformed, while other graphic elements remain unchanged.
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
//The client area is set to white
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, this.ClientRectangle);
/ /y axis is facing up
Matrix mat = new Matrix(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0);
g.Transform = mat;
//Move the coordinate origin to the center of the form
Rectangle rect = this.ClientRectangle;
int w = rect.Width;
int h = rect.Height;
g.TranslateTransform(w/2, -h/2);
//Draw an ellipse in global coordinates
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Red, -100, -100, 200, 200);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, -108, 0, 8, 8);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 100, 0, 8, 8);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, 100, 8, 8);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, 0, -108, 8, 8);
//Create an ellipse and transform it in the local coordinate system
GraphicsPath gp = new GraphicsPath();
gp.AddEllipse(-100, -100, 200, 200);
Matrix mat2 = new Matrix() ;
mat2.Translate(150, 150);
g.DrawPath(Pens.Blue, gp);
PointF[] p = gp.PathPoints;
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, p[0].X-2, p[0].Y+2, 4, 4);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, p[3].X-2, p[3].Y+2, 4, 4);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, p[6].X-4, p[6].Y-4, 4, 4);
g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, p[9].X-4, p[9].Y-4, 4, 4);
gp. Dispose();
//base.OnPaint (e);
9. Alpha blending
The A of Color.FromArgb() is Alpha. Alpha values range from 0 to 255. 0 means completely transparent and 255 means completely opaque.
Current color = foreground color×alpha/255+background color×(255-alpha)/255
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;
// Create a filled rectangle
SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.BlueViolet);
g.FillRectangle(brush, 180, 70, 200, 150);
//Create a bitmap between two bitmaps Has transparency effect
Bitmap bm1 = new Bitmap(200, 100);
Graphics bg1 = Graphics.FromImage(bm1);
SolidBrush redBrush =
new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(210, 255, 0, 0) );
SolidBrush greenBrush =
new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(210, 0, 255, 0));
bg1.FillRectangle(redBrush, 0, 0, 150, 70);
bg1.FillRectangle(greenBrush , 30, 30, 150, 70);
g.DrawImage(bm1, 100, 100);
//Create a bitmap with no transparency effect between the two bitmaps
Bitmap bm2 = new Bitmap( 200, 100); aGraphics BG2 = Graphics.fromimage (BM2); 0, 170); gBg2.fillrectangle ( greenBrush, 30, 30, 150, 70);
g.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.GammaCorrected;
g.DrawImage(bm2, 300, 200);
//base.OnPaint (e);}10. Anti-aliasing
g.ScaleTransform(8, 8);
// No anti-aliasing graphics and text
//Set anti-aliasingg.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;//Shift right by 40
g.TranslateTransform(40, 0) ;
//base.OnPaint (e);
private void Draw(Graphics g)
//Draw graphics and text
g.DrawEllipse(Pens.Gray, 20, 20, 30, 10);
string s = "Anti-aliasing test" ;
Font font = new Font("宋体", 5);
SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray);
g.DrawString(s, font, brush, 10, 40);}
For more 10 basic skills of GDI+ programming in C# 2. For related articles, please pay attention to PHP Chinese website!