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CSS features that are easily overlooked

2016-12-16 10:17:041224browse





.test{    background-COLOR:#a00;    width:100px;    height: 100px;}





在属性后面使用 !important 会覆盖页面内任何位置定义的元素样式。












内联样式表的权值为 1000

ID 选择器的权值为 100

Class 类选择器的权值为 10

HTML 标签选择器的权值为 1

我们可以把选择器中规则对应做加法,比较权值,如果权值相同那就后面的覆盖前面的了,div.class的权值是1+10=11,而.test1 .test2的权值是10+10=20,所以div会应用.test1 .test2变成绿色










As you can see from the example, the width and height attributes we set for span do not take effect, margin-top and margin-bottom are invalid, padding-top and padding-bottom will change the scope of the element (the background area becomes larger ), but it does not affect the position of the following elements

Some mutually exclusive elements

For absolute and fixed positioned (fixed size, width and height attributes are set) elements, if the top and left attributes are set, then set the bottom and The right value has no effect. Top and left should have higher priority. Otherwise, how will the browser know who to position according to the same code? For absolute and fixed positioned elements, if the values ​​​​of top, left, bottom, and right are set, The margin attribute will not work

For absolute and fixed positioned elements, if the values ​​​​of top, left, bottom, and right are set, the float attribute will also be invalid.

If the block element is set with the float attribute or absolute or fixed Positioning, then the vertical-align attribute no longer works

font-size unit

The commonly used units when we write the size of fonts are





What do these fonts mean? ?

px is the abbreviation of pixel, which is a unit based on pixels. During the process of browsing the web, the text and pictures on the screen will change with the resolution of the screen. A picture with a width of 100px will have a resolution of 800×600 , it takes up 1/8 of the screen width, but at 1024×768, it only takes up about 1/10. Therefore, if px is used as the unit when defining the font size, once the user changes the display resolution from 800 to 1024, the text actually seen by the user will become "smaller" (natural length unit), and may even be unclear, affecting Browse.

pt is the abbreviation of point (pound), which is a fixed length measurement unit with a size of 1/72 inch. If you use pt as the unit of text on the web, the font size will be the same on different screens (same resolution), which may have an impact on typesetting, but it is very convenient to use pt in Word. Because the main purpose of using Word is not for screen browsing, but for output and printing. When printing to an entity, pt is convenient and practical as a natural length unit: for example, ordinary documents in Word use "Song font 9pt", titles use "Helvetica 16pt", etc. No matter how the computer is set, it will always be this big when printed. .

em: It is a relative unit and a relative length unit. It originally refers to the width of the letter M, so it is called em. It now refers to the multiple of the character width. Its usage is similar to percentage, such as: 0.8em, 1.2em, 2em, etc. Usually 1em=16px (browser default font size 16px), em refers to the font size of the parent element. Given the font size of a parent element on a page, you can proportionally change the size of all elements by adjusting one element. It can be scaled freely, such as for making scalable style sheets. Similar to the concept of ex, ex is the height relative to the character "x", which is usually half the font size.

rem: rem is a new addition to CSS. Em sets the font size relative to its parent element. This will cause a problem. When setting any element, you may need to know the size of its parent element multiple times. When used, there is a risk of unpredictable errors. And rem is relative to the root element (r:root). Using rem, we only need to determine a reference value in the root element, and then we can control all fonts in the entire html page.

:checked selector range

We know: checked will select the selected checkbox and radio, see an example






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