Method 1: Modify the /root/.bash_profile file and add export.GB18030
For other users, the file must also be modified accordingly
When using this method, putty can display Chinese, but the desktop system is in English, and all web pages are in Chinese The display is still garbled
Method 2:
修改/etc/sysconfig/i18n文件 #LANG="en_US.UTF-8" #SUPPORTED="en_US.UTF-8:en_US:en" #SYSFONT="latarcyrheb-sun16" 改为 LANG="zh_CN.GB18030" LANGUAGE="zh_CN.GB18030:zh_CN.GB2312:zh_CN" SUPPORTED="zh_CN.GB18030:zh_CN:zh" SYSFONT="lat0-sun16" SYSFONTACM="8859-15"
For more related articles on solving Linux Chinese garbled characters, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!