1: Definition
A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements designed to accomplish specific functions. It is compiled and stored in a server-side database. Stored procedures can be used to speed up the execution of SQL statements.
Stored procedures are divided into system stored procedures and custom stored procedures.
* The system stored procedure is in the master database, but can be called directly in other databases, and there is no need to add the database name before the stored procedure when calling, because when a new database is created, the system stored procedure
will be automatically created in the database * Custom stored procedure, a stored procedure created by the user and capable of completing a specific function. The stored procedure can have both parameters and return values, but it is different from the function. The return value of the stored procedure It just indicates whether the execution is successful. It cannot be called directly like a function. You can only use execute to execute the stored procedure.
2: Advantages of stored procedures
* Improve the versatility and portability of applications: After a stored procedure is created, it can be called multiple times in the program without having to rewrite the SQL statement of the stored procedure. And database professionals can modify the stored procedures at any time without affecting the program source code, which greatly improves the portability of the program.
* Can more effectively manage user permissions to operate the database: In the Sql Server database, the system administrator can control the corresponding data access by restricting the permissions to execute a certain stored procedure,
to avoid unauthorized access. Authorize users to access the database to ensure data security. Q *can increase the speed of SQL. The storage procedure is compiled. If a certain operation contains a large amount of SQL code or is executed separately, then the use of the storage procedure is much faster than the use of a single SQL statement directly.
. Just call the command, which reduces the burden on the network.
3: Create a stored procedure SQL Server creates a stored procedure: Create procedure Procedure name
command Ring or command block
5: Data query function without parameter storage processes
Rreeecreate procedure proc_sql1 as begin declare @i int set @i=0 while @i<26 begin print char(ascii('a') + @i) + '的ASCII码是: ' + cast(ascii('a') + @i as varchar(5)) set @i = @i + 1 end end
can include multiple select statements in the storage procedure, displayed, display Employee information containing the character "张" in the name and the warehouse information where it is located,
create procedure pro_sql5 as begin select * from 职工 where 姓名 like '%张%' select * from 仓库 where 仓库号 in(select 仓库号 from 职工 where 姓名 like '%张%') end go execute pro_sql5
create proc proc_sql6 @num1 int, @num2 int, @num3 int as begin declare @max int if @num1>@num2 set @max = @num1 else set @max = @num2 if @num3 > @max set @max = @num3 print '3个数中最大的数字是:' + cast(@max as varchar(20)) end
execute proc_sql6 15, 25, 35
7:求阶乘之和 如6! + 5! + 4! + 3! + 2! + 1
alter proc proc_sql7 @dataSource int as begin declare @sum int, @temp int, @tempSum int set @sum = 0 set @temp = 1 set @tempSum = 1 while @temp <= @dataSource begin set @tempSum = @tempSum * @temp set @sum = @sum + @tempSum set @temp = @temp + 1 end print cast(@dataSource as varchar(50)) + '的阶乘之和为:' + cast(@sum as varchar(50)) end
execute proc_sql7 6
create proc proc_sql8 @mingz int, @maxgz int as begin select * from 职工 where 工资>@mingz and 工资<@maxgz end
execute proc_sql8 2000,5000
create proc proc_sql9 @cangkuhao varchar(50), @maxgz int output, @mingz int output as begin select * from 职工 where 仓库号=@cangkuhao select @maxgz=MAX(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号=@cangkuhao select @mingz=MIN(工资) from 职工 where 仓库号=@cangkuhao end
declare @maxgz int, @mingz int execute proc_sql9 'wh1', @maxgz output, @mingz output select @maxgz as 职工最大工资, @mingz as 职工最小工资
create proc proc_sql10 @hyuer varchar(50), @hypwd varchar(50) as begin if @hyuer = 'hystu1' begin if @hypwd = '1111' print '用户名和密码输入正确' else print '密码输入错误' end else if @hyuer = 'hystu2' begin if @hypwd = '2222' print '用户名和密码输入正确' else print '密码输入错误' end else if @hyuer = 'hystu3' begin if @hypwd = '3333' print '用户名和密码输入正确' else print '密码输入错误' end else print '您输入的用户名不正确,请重新输入' end
execute proc_sql10 'hystu1', '11'
create proc proc_sq111 @zghao varchar(30), @ckhao varchar(30), @sname varchar(50), @sex varchar(10), @gz int as begin if Exists(select * from 职工 where 职工号=@zghao) print '该职工已经存在,请重新输入' else begin if Exists(select * from 仓库 where 仓库号=@ckhao) begin insert into 职工(职工号, 仓库号, 姓名, 性别, 工资) values(@zghao, @ckhao, @sname, @sex, @gz) end else print '您输入的仓库号不存在,请重新输入' end end
execute proc_sq111 'zg42', 'wh1', '张平', '女', 1350
12: 创建加密存储过程
create proc proc_enerypt with encryption as begin select * from 仓库 end
所谓加密存储过程,就是将create proc 语句的原始文本转换为模糊格式,模糊代码的输出在SQL Server的任何目录视图中都能直接显示
13: 查看存储过程和功能代码信息
select name, crdate from sysobjects where type='p'
execute sp_help proc_sql1
execute sp_depends proc_sql2
execute sp_helptext proc_sql9
execute sp_rename 原存储过程名, 新存储过程名
drop 过程名
if Exists(select * from dbo.sysobjects where name='proc_sql6' and xtype='p') begin print '要删除的存储过程存在' drop proc proc_sq16 print '成功删除存储过程proc_sql6' end else print '要删除的存储过程不存在'
sp_procoption [@procName=] 'procedure', [@optionName=] 'option', [@optionValue=] 'value'
[@procName=] 'procedure': 即自动执行的存储过程
[@optionName=] 'option':其值是startup,即自动执行存储过程
[@optionValue=] 'value':表示自动执行是开(true)或是关(false)
sp_procoption @procName='masterproc', @optionName='startup', @optionValue='true'
可以使用sp_monitor可以查看SQL Server服务器的各项运行参数,其语法格式如下:
*last_run: 上次运行时间
*seconds: 自动执行存储过程后所经过的时间
*idle:SQL Server已经空闲的时间
*packets_received:SQL Server读取的输入数据包数
*packets_sent:SQL Server写入的输出数据包数
*packets_error:SQL Server在写入和读取数据包时遇到的错误数
*total_read: SQL Server读取的次数
*total_write: SQLServer写入的次数
*total_errors: SQL Server在写入和读取时遇到的错误数
*connections:登录或尝试登录SQL Server的次数