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Two methods for MySQL command to execute sql files

2016-12-14 10:53:351705browse

Friends who have studied SQL Server or Oracle will know that a sql script is a collection of sql statements containing one or more sql commands. We can put these sql scripts in a text file (we call it a "sql script file"), Then execute this sql script file through the relevant commands. The basic steps are as follows:

1. Create a sql script file, such as the following sql statement, copy them to Notepad, and then save it as a sql suffix file.

c-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump  
-- version  
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net  
-- 主机: localhost  
-- 生成日期: 2007 年 10 月 27 日 06:38  
-- 服务器版本: 5.0.37  
-- PHP 版本: 5.2.1  
-- 数据库: `votesystem`  
CREATE DATABASE `votesystem` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATElatin1_general_ci;  
USE `votesystem`;  
-- --------------------------------------------------------  
-- 表的结构 `admin`  
CREATE TABLE `admin` (  
  `username` char(20) NOT NULL default '',  
  `passwd` char(20) NOT NULL default '',  
  PRIMARY KEY  (`username`)  
-- 导出表中的数据 `admin`  
INSERT INTO `admin` VALUES ('admin', 'admin');  
-- --------------------------------------------------------  
-- 表的结构 `voteitem`  
CREATE TABLE `voteitem` (  
  `voteitem_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,  
  `vote_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',  
  `vote_item` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',  
  `vote_count` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',  
  PRIMARY KEY  (`voteitem_id`)  
-- 导出表中的数据 `voteitem`  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (25, 6, 'perl', 10);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (24, 6, 'python', 20);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (23, 6, 'c++', 20);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (22, 6, 'c', 15);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (21, 6, 'php', 25);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (29, 6, 'shell', 5);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (28, 6, 'asm', 5);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (27, 6, 'java', 3);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (26, 6, 'c#', 4);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (33, 7, 'Mac OS', 60);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (32, 7, 'OS/2', 5);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (31, 7, 'Windows', 50);  
INSERT INTO `voteitem` VALUES (30, 7, 'Linux', 51);  
-- --------------------------------------------------------  
-- 表的结构 `votemain`  
CREATE TABLE `votemain` (  
  `vote_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,  
  `vote_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',  
  `vote_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',  
  PRIMARY KEY  (`vote_id`)  
-- 导出表中的数据 `votemain`  
INSERT INTO `votemain` VALUES (7, '你最喜欢的系统', '2007-10-26 14:10:13');  
INSERT INTO `votemain` VALUES (6, '你最喜欢的语言', '2007-10-26 14:09:15');

2. Use the command to execute the sql script file

Method 1, use the cmd command under Windows (or Unix or Linux console)
[Mysql bin directory] mysql –u username –p password –D database C:MySQLbinmysql –uroot –p123456 -Dtest

Two methods for MySQL command to execute sql files

A. If the use database is used in the sql script file, Then the -D database option can be ignored
B. If the [Mysql bin directory] contains spaces, you need to use "" to include it, such as: "C:Program FilesMySQLbinmysql" –u username –p password –D databaseC. If sql does not have a statement to create a database, and the database does not exist in database management, you must first create an empty database with a command.

Method 2, enter the MySQL console (such as: MySQL 5.5 Command Line Client), use the source command to execute
Mysql>source [full path name of sql script file] or Mysql>. [full path name of sql script file], Example:
source C:test.sql or . C:test.sql
Open the MySQL Command Line Client, enter the database password to log in, and then use the source command or .

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