When manipulating JSOM, XML, Java beans and other objects, you may first think of the visitor pattern. But using the visitor pattern it is difficult to control callbacks from the calling code. For example, you cannot conditionally skip a branch from all callback sub-branches and leaf nodes. To solve this problem, you can use the Iterator pattern to traverse the entire object and generate a string that is easy for developers to read and debug. This iterator is quite versatile and I've used it in both tools for finding Java objects using XPath and logging exceptions in StackHunter.
This article mainly introduces two classes: StringGenerator and ObjectIterator.
String Generator
StringGenerator tool class converts objects into strings to make objects more readable. You can use it to implement the toString method of the class or use the string expression of the object as log debugging code:
package com.stackhunter.util.tostring.example; import com.stackhunter.example.employee.Department; import com.stackhunter.example.employee.Employee; import com.stackhunter.example.employee.Manager; import com.stackhunter.example.people.Person; import com.stackhunter.util.tostring.StringGenerator; public class StringGeneratorExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Department department = new Department(5775, "Sales") .setEmployees( new Employee(111, "Bill", "Gates"), new Employee(222, "Howard", "Schultz"), new Manager(333, "Jeff", "Bezos", 75000)); System.out.println(StringGenerator.generate(department)); System.out.println(StringGenerator.generate(new int[] { 111, 222, 333 })); System.out.println(StringGenerator.generate(true)); } }
StringGenerator.generate() formats department, array and boolean values to output.
com.stackhunter.example.employee.Department@129719f4 deptId = 5775 employeeList = java.util.ArrayList@7037717a employeeList[0] = com.stackhunter.example.employee.Employee@17a323c0 firstName = Bill id = 111 lastName = Gates employeeList[1] = com.stackhunter.example.employee.Employee@57801e5f firstName = Howard id = 222 lastName = Schultz employeeList[2] = com.stackhunter.example.employee.Manager@1c4a1bda budget = 75000.0 firstName = Jeff id = 333 lastName = Bezos name = Sales [I@39df3255 object[0] = 111 object[1] = 222 object[2] = 333 true
Object Iterator
ObjectIterator uses the iterator pattern to traverse the properties of the object and save them in the form of key-value pairs. Java beans, collections, arrays and maps in objects must be iterated. ObjectIterator also takes into account the handling of circular references between objects.
package com.stackhunter.util.tostring.example; import com.stackhunter.example.employee.Department; import com.stackhunter.example.employee.Employee; import com.stackhunter.example.employee.Manager; import com.stackhunter.util.objectiterator.ObjectIterator; public class ObjectIteratorExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Department department = new Department(5775, "Sales") .setEmployees( new Employee(111, "Bill", "Gates"), new Employee(222, "Howard", "Schultz"), new Manager(333, "Jeff", "Bezos", 75000)); ObjectIterator iterator = new ObjectIterator("some department", department); while (iterator.next()) { System.out.println(iterator.getName() + "=" + iterator.getValueAsString()); } } }
Generates a collection of key-value pairs by traversing the entire object. Use the getValueAsString() method instead of toString() to format the output. Use the original toString() implementation for primitive types, wrapped types, strings, dates, and enumerations. For other types, the class name and hash value are output.
ObjectIterator.getDepth() will increase the indentation and make the output more readable. Use nextParent() before calling next() to shorten the current branch and jump to the next attribute.
some department=com.stackhunter.example.employee.Department@780324ff deptId=5775 employeeList=java.util.ArrayList@6bd15108 employeeList[0]=com.stackhunter.example.employee.Employee@22a79c31 firstName=Bill ...
Concrete implementation of Java object iterator
The first step to implement the iterator pattern is to create a general iterator interface: IObjectIterator. This interface can be used regardless of whether the traversed object is a Java bean, an array or a map.
public interface IObjectIterator { boolean next(); String getName(); Object getValue(); }
Use this interface to obtain the name and value of the current attribute in a single order.
Classes that implement IObjectIterator are used to process objects of a certain type. Most classes call getName() to return the name prefix. ArrayIterator uses the index of the element: return name + "[" + nextIndex + "]";.
Property Iterator
PropertyIterator is probably the most important iteration class. It uses Java bean introspection to read object properties and convert them into a sequence of key-value pairs.
public class PropertyIterator implements IObjectIterator { private final Object object; private final PropertyDescriptor[] properties; private int nextIndex = -1; private PropertyDescriptor currentProperty; public PropertyIterator(Object object) { this.object = object; try { BeanInfo beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(object.getClass()); properties = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public boolean next() { if (nextIndex + 1 >= properties.length) { return false; } nextIndex++; currentProperty = properties[nextIndex]; if (currentProperty.getReadMethod() == null || "class".equals(currentProperty.getName())) { return next(); } return true; } @Override public String getName() { if (currentProperty == null) { return null; } return currentProperty.getName(); } @Override public Object getValue() { try { if (currentProperty == null) { return null; } return currentProperty.getReadMethod().invoke(object); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } }
Array Iterator
ArrayIterator gets the length of the array through reflection, and then retrieves each data element. ArrayIterator does not care about the specific details of the value returned from the getValue() method. They are normally passed to PropertyIterator.
public class ArrayIterator implements IObjectIterator { private final String name; private final Object array; private final int length; private int nextIndex = -1; private Object currentElement; public ArrayIterator(String name, Object array) { this.name = name; this.array = array; this.length = Array.getLength(array); } @Override public boolean next() { if (nextIndex + 1 >= length) { return false; } nextIndex++; currentElement = Array.get(array, nextIndex); return true; } @Override public String getName() { return name + "[" + nextIndex + "]"; } @Override public Object getValue() { return currentElement; } }
public class MapIterator implements IObjectIterator { private final String name; private Iterator<?> entryIterator; private Map.Entry<?, ?> currentEntry; private int nextIndex = -1; public MapIterator(String name, Map<?, ?> map) { this.name = name; this.entryIterator = map.entrySet().iterator(); } @Override public boolean next() { if (entryIterator.hasNext()) { nextIndex++; currentEntry = (Entry<?, ?>) entryIterator.next(); return true; } return false; } ... }
Map Entry迭代器
MapEntryIterator处理java.util.Map的单个entry。它只返回两个值:entry的键和值。与ArrayIterator及其他的类似,如果是复杂类型的话,它的结果可能最终传递给PropertyIterator,作为Java bean处理。
private IObjectIterator iteratorFor(Object object) { try { if (object == null) { return null; } if (object.getClass().isArray()) { return new ArrayIterator(name, object); } if (object instanceof Iterable) { return new CollectionIterator(name, (Iterable<?>) object); } if (object instanceof Map) { return new MapIterator(name, (Map<?, ?>) object); } if (object instanceof Map.Entry) { return new MapEntryIterator(name, (Map.Entry<?, ?>) object); } if (isSingleValued(object)) { return null; } return new PropertyIterator(object); } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
public static String generate(Object object) { String s = ""; ObjectIterator iterator = new ObjectIterator("object", object); ... while (iterator.next()) { if (s.length() >= MAX_STRING_LENGTH) { return s; } if (iterator.getChild() >= MAX_CHILDREN) { iterator.nextParent(); continue; } String valueAsString = iterator.getValueAsString(); s += System.lineSeparator(); s += indent(iterator.getDepth()) + truncateString(iterator.getName()); if (valueAsString == null) { s += " = null"; } else { s += " = " + truncateString(valueAsString); } } return s; }