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Python gets local time/date formatting

2016-12-07 10:05:072506browse

Get the current time:

Python code

import time            
print time.time() #获取当前时间           
print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d  %X ") #获取当前时间(按照指定格式)

Use the time.localtime() method, which formats the timestamp as local time:

Python code

import  time  
print time.localtime(time.time())

Output result: time.struct_time(tm_year=2015, tm_mon =11, tm_mday=513, tm_hour=15, tm_min=48, tm_sec=28, tm_wday=3, tm_yday=309, tm_isdst=0)

Now it looks more promising to format it into the time we want.

Python code

import time  
print time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d',time.localtime(time.time()))

Finally, use the time.strftime() method to format the large string of information just now Transformed into what we want, the current result is: 2015-11-05

There are many parameters in time.strftime, which allow you to output what you want more freely:
The following are the parameters of time.strftime:

strftime(format[, tuple]) -> string
Output the specified struct_time (default is the current time) according to the specified format string

1, time and date formatting symbols in python:

%y Two-digit year representation (00-99)
%Y Four-digit year representation (000-9999)
%m Month (01-12)
%d Day in the month (0-31)
%H Hours in 24-hour format (0-23)
%I Hours in 12-hour format (01-12)
%M Minutes (00=59)
%S Seconds (00-59)
%a Local simplified day of the week Name
%A Local complete week name
%b Local simplified month name
%B Local complete month name
%c Local corresponding date representation and time representation
%j Day in the year (001-366)
%p Local Equivalent of A.M. or P.M.
%U The number of weeks in a year (00-53) Sunday is the beginning of the week
%w The day of the week (0-6), Sunday is the beginning of the week
%W The number of weeks in a year (00-53) Monday is the beginning of the week
%x The corresponding local date representation
%X The corresponding local time representation
%Z The name of the current time zone
%% The % number itself

2. Calculate the time difference:

Python code

import time      
import datetime         
d1 = datetime.datetime(2013,6,9)      
d2 = datetime.datetime(2015, 11,5)      
print (d1 - d2).days

The output result is: 879

3. Calculate the running time difference:

Python code

<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">      
import time      
import datetime      
starttime = datetime.datetime.now()      
endtime = datetime.datetime.now()      
print (endtime - starttime).seconds <strong> </strong>

The output result is: 3

4. Calculate the date and time ten days later:

Python code

import time      
import datetime      
d1 = datetime.datetime.now()      
d3 = d1 + datetime.timedelta(days =10)      
print str(d3)      
print d3.ctime()<strong>  </strong>

Output result:

2015-11-15 14:44:04.291000
Sun Nov 15 14:44:04 2015

5, solar calendar to lunar calendar

#! -*- encoding: GBK -*-    
import re    
import math    
import time    
import os    
MONTH_NAME = ["", "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]    
MONTH_DAYS = [0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];    
    0x04AE53,0x0A5748,0x5526BD,0x0D2650,0x0D9544,0x46AAB9,0x056A4D,0x09AD42,0x24AEB6,0x04AE4A, # //*1901-1910*/    
    0x6A4DBE,0x0A4D52,0x0D2546,0x5D52BA,0x0B544E,0x0D6A43,0x296D37,0x095B4B,0x749BC1,0x049754, # //*1911-1920*/    
    0x0A4B48,0x5B25BC,0x06A550,0x06D445,0x4ADAB8,0x02B64D,0x095742,0x2497B7,0x04974A,0x664B3E, # //*1921-1930*/    
    0x0D4A51,0x0EA546,0x56D4BA,0x05AD4E,0x02B644,0x393738,0x092E4B,0x7C96BF,0x0C9553,0x0D4A48, # //*1931-1940*/       
    0x6DA53B,0x0B554F,0x056A45,0x4AADB9,0x025D4D,0x092D42,0x2C95B6,0x0A954A,0x7B4ABD,0x06CA51, # //*1941-1950*/    
    0x0B5546,0x555ABB,0x04DA4E,0x0A5B43,0x352BB8,0x052B4C,0x8A953F,0x0E9552,0x06AA48,0x6AD53C, # //*1951-1960*/    
    0x0AB54F,0x04B645,0x4A5739,0x0A574D,0x052642,0x3E9335,0x0D9549,0x75AABE,0x056A51,0x096D46, # //*1961-1970*/    
    0x54AEBB,0x04AD4F,0x0A4D43,0x4D26B7,0x0D254B,0x8D52BF,0x0B5452,0x0B6A47,0x696D3C,0x095B50, # //*1971-1980*/    
    0x049B45,0x4A4BB9,0x0A4B4D,0xAB25C2,0x06A554,0x06D449,0x6ADA3D,0x0AB651,0x093746,0x5497BB, # //*1981-1990*/    
    0x04974F,0x064B44,0x36A537,0x0EA54A,0x86B2BF,0x05AC53,0x0AB647,0x5936BC,0x092E50,0x0C9645, # //*1991-2000*/    
    0x4D4AB8,0x0D4A4C,0x0DA541,0x25AAB6,0x056A49,0x7AADBD,0x025D52,0x092D47,0x5C95BA,0x0A954E, # //*2001-2010*/    
    0x0B4A43,0x4B5537,0x0AD54A,0x955ABF,0x04BA53,0x0A5B48,0x652BBC,0x052B50,0x0A9345,0x474AB9, # //*2011-2020*/    
    0x06AA4C,0x0AD541,0x24DAB6,0x04B64A,0x69573D,0x0A4E51,0x0D2646,0x5E933A,0x0D534D,0x05AA43, # //*2021-2030*/    
    0x36B537,0x096D4B,0xB4AEBF,0x04AD53,0x0A4D48,0x6D25BC,0x0D254F,0x0D5244,0x5DAA38,0x0B5A4C, # //*2031-2040*/    
    0x056D41,0x24ADB6,0x049B4A,0x7A4BBE,0x0A4B51,0x0AA546,0x5B52BA,0x06D24E,0x0ADA42,0x355B37, # //*2041-2050*/    
    0x09374B,0x8497C1,0x049753,0x064B48,0x66A53C,0x0EA54F,0x06B244,0x4AB638,0x0AAE4C,0x092E42, # //*2051-2060*/    
    0x3C9735,0x0C9649,0x7D4ABD,0x0D4A51,0x0DA545,0x55AABA,0x056A4E,0x0A6D43,0x452EB7,0x052D4B, # //*2061-2070*/    
    0x8A95BF,0x0A9553,0x0B4A47,0x6B553B,0x0AD54F,0x055A45,0x4A5D38,0x0A5B4C,0x052B42,0x3A93B6, # //*2071-2080*/    
    0x069349,0x7729BD,0x06AA51,0x0AD546,0x54DABA,0x04B64E,0x0A5743,0x452738,0x0D264A,0x8E933E, # //*2081-2090*/    
    0x0D5252,0x0DAA47,0x66B53B,0x056D4F,0x04AE45,0x4A4EB9,0x0A4D4C,0x0D1541,0x2D92B5           # //*2091-2099*/    
# 下面的三个表格是农历数据表 LunarCalendarTable 的结构。总共使用了32位整数的0~23位。    
# 6 5                4 3 2 1 0     
# 表示春节的公历月份 表示春节的公历日期     
# 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8  7     
# 1   2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13    
# 农历1-13 月大小 。月份对应位为1,农历月大(30 天),为0 表示小(29 天)    
# 23 22 21 20     
# 表示当年闰月月份,值为0 为则表示当年无闰月。    
def get_month_days(year, month):    
  global MONTH_DAYS;    
    if(((year%4 == 0) and (year%100 != 0)) or (year%400 == 0)):    
      return 29    
      return 28    
def get_syear_days(syear):    
  if(((syear%4 == 0) and (syear%100 != 0)) or (syear%400 == 0)):    
    return 366    
    return 365    
def get_days_of_syear(syear, smonth, sday):    
  """ get given day&#39;s number of sun year """    
  days = 0    
  for i in range(1, smonth):    
    days += get_month_days(syear, i)    
  days += sday    
  return days    
def get_days_of_lyear(syear, smonth, sday):    
  """ get given day&#39;s number of the lunar year """    
  lyear = syear    
  spring_month = (LUNAR_CALENDAR_TABLE[syear-1901] & 0x60) >> 5    
  spring_day = (LUNAR_CALENDAR_TABLE[syear-1901] & 0x1F)    
  if ((spring_month > smonth) or ((spring_month == smonth) and (spring_day > sday))):    
    # the day is before spring festival day, and is previous day in lunar year    
    spring_month = (LUNAR_CALENDAR_TABLE[syear-1901 - 1] & 0x60) >> 5    
    spring_day = (LUNAR_CALENDAR_TABLE[syear-1901 - 1] & 0x1F)    
    lyear -= 1    
    lunar_days = get_syear_days(lyear) + get_days_of_syear(syear, smonth, sday) \    
        - get_days_of_syear(lyear, spring_month, spring_day)    
    lunar_days = get_days_of_syear(syear, smonth, sday)  \    
        -  get_days_of_syear(syear, spring_month, spring_day)    
  lunar_days += 1 # consider current day    
  return (lyear, lunar_days)    
def get_lunar_date(syear, smonth, sday):    
  if syear < 1901 or syear > 2099:    
  # lunar year, lunar days to spring festival    
  lyear, lunar_days = get_days_of_lyear(syear, smonth, sday);    
  l_double_month = (LUNAR_CALENDAR_TABLE[lyear-1901] >> 20 ) & 0xF    
  lmonth = lday = 1    
  bits = 19    
  month_begin_day = 0    
  for lmonth in range(1, 14):    
    l_month_big = (LUNAR_CALENDAR_TABLE[lyear-1901] >> bits) & 0x1    
    if month_begin_day + 29 + l_month_big < lunar_days:    
      lmonth += 1    
      month_begin_day += 29 + l_month_big    
      lday = lunar_days - month_begin_day    
    bits -= 1    
  if l_double_month:    
    # lunar double month adjust    
    if l_double_month == lmonth - 1:    
      lmonth -= 1    
      lmonth += 100  # double month     
    elif l_double_month < lmonth - 1:    
      lmonth -= 1    
  return (lyear, lmonth, lday)    
if __name__ == "__main__":    
    y,m,d = 2010, 9, 28    
    print "Sun calendar 2010-9-28 == Lunar calendar ",  get_lunar_date(y,m,d)

Output result:

Sun calendar 2010-9-28 == Lunar calendar (2010, 8, 21)

Python version of the lunar calendar Calendar:

# 下面为阴历计算所需的数据,为节省存储空间,所以采用下面比较变态的存储方法.    
g_lunar_month_day = [    
    0x4ae0, 0xa570, 0x5268, 0xd260, 0xd950, 0x6aa8, 0x56a0, 0x9ad0, 0x4ae8, 0x4ae0,   #1910    
    0xa4d8, 0xa4d0, 0xd250, 0xd548, 0xb550, 0x56a0, 0x96d0, 0x95b0, 0x49b8, 0x49b0,   #1920    
    0xa4b0, 0xb258, 0x6a50, 0x6d40, 0xada8, 0x2b60, 0x9570, 0x4978, 0x4970, 0x64b0,   #1930    
    0xd4a0, 0xea50, 0x6d48, 0x5ad0, 0x2b60, 0x9370, 0x92e0, 0xc968, 0xc950, 0xd4a0,   #1940    
    0xda50, 0xb550, 0x56a0, 0xaad8, 0x25d0, 0x92d0, 0xc958, 0xa950, 0xb4a8, 0x6ca0,   #1950    
    0xb550, 0x55a8, 0x4da0, 0xa5b0, 0x52b8, 0x52b0, 0xa950, 0xe950, 0x6aa0, 0xad50,   #1960    
    0xab50, 0x4b60, 0xa570, 0xa570, 0x5260, 0xe930, 0xd950, 0x5aa8, 0x56a0, 0x96d0,   #1970    
    0x4ae8, 0x4ad0, 0xa4d0, 0xd268, 0xd250, 0xd528, 0xb540, 0xb6a0, 0x96d0, 0x95b0,   #1980    
    0x49b0, 0xa4b8, 0xa4b0, 0xb258, 0x6a50, 0x6d40, 0xada0, 0xab60, 0x9370, 0x4978,   #1990    
    0x4970, 0x64b0, 0x6a50, 0xea50, 0x6b28, 0x5ac0, 0xab60, 0x9368, 0x92e0, 0xc960,   #2000    
    0xd4a8, 0xd4a0, 0xda50, 0x5aa8, 0x56a0, 0xaad8, 0x25d0, 0x92d0, 0xc958, 0xa950,   #2010    
    0xb4a0, 0xb550, 0xb550, 0x55a8, 0x4ba0, 0xa5b0, 0x52b8, 0x52b0, 0xa930, 0x74a8,   #2020    
    0x6aa0, 0xad50, 0x4da8, 0x4b60, 0x9570, 0xa4e0, 0xd260, 0xe930, 0xd530, 0x5aa0,   #2030    
    0x6b50, 0x96d0, 0x4ae8, 0x4ad0, 0xa4d0, 0xd258, 0xd250, 0xd520, 0xdaa0, 0xb5a0,   #2040    
    0x56d0, 0x4ad8, 0x49b0, 0xa4b8, 0xa4b0, 0xaa50, 0xb528, 0x6d20, 0xada0, 0x55b0,   #2050    
g_lunar_month = [    
    0x00, 0x50, 0x04, 0x00, 0x20,   #1910    
    0x60, 0x05, 0x00, 0x20, 0x70,   #1920    
    0x05, 0x00, 0x40, 0x02, 0x06,   #1930    
    0x00, 0x50, 0x03, 0x07, 0x00,   #1940    
    0x60, 0x04, 0x00, 0x20, 0x70,   #1950    
    0x05, 0x00, 0x30, 0x80, 0x06,   #1960    
    0x00, 0x40, 0x03, 0x07, 0x00,   #1970    
    0x50, 0x04, 0x08, 0x00, 0x60,   #1980    
    0x04, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x60, 0x05,   #1990    
    0x00, 0x30, 0x80, 0x05, 0x00,   #2000    
    0x40, 0x02, 0x07, 0x00, 0x50,   #2010    
    0x04, 0x09, 0x00, 0x60, 0x04,   #2020    
    0x00, 0x20, 0x60, 0x05, 0x00,   #2030    
    0x30, 0xb0, 0x06, 0x00, 0x50,   #2040    
    0x02, 0x07, 0x00, 0x50, 0x03    #2050    
from datetime import date, datetime    
from calendar import Calendar as Cal    
START_YEAR = 1901    
def is_leap_year(tm):    
    y = tm.year    
    return (not (y % 4)) and (y % 100) or (not (y % 400))    
def show_month(tm):    
    (ly, lm, ld) = get_ludar_date(tm)    
    print u"%d年%d月%d日" % (tm.year, tm.month, tm.day), week_str(tm),     
    print u"\t农历:", y_lunar(ly), m_lunar(lm), d_lunar(ld)    
    print u"日\t一\t二\t三\t四\t五\t六"    
    c = Cal()    
    ds = [d for d in c.itermonthdays(tm.year, tm.month)]    
    count = 0    
    for d in ds:    
        count += 1    
        if d == 0:    
            print "\t",    
        (ly, lm, ld) = get_ludar_date(datetime(tm.year, tm.month, d))    
        if count % 7 == 0:    
        d_str = str(d)    
        if d == tm.day:    
            d_str = u"*" + d_str    
        print d_str + d_lunar(ld) + u"\t",    
def this_month():    
def week_str(tm):    
    a = u&#39;星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日&#39;.split()    
    return a[tm.weekday()]    
def d_lunar(ld):    
    a = u&#39;初一 初二 初三 初四 初五 初六 初七 初八 初九 初十 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 廿十  廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 三十&#39;.split()  
    return a[ld - 1]    
def m_lunar(lm):    
    a = u&#39;正月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月&#39;.split()    
    return a[lm - 1]    
def y_lunar(ly):    
    y = ly    
    tg = u&#39;甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 庚 辛 壬 癸&#39;.split()    
    dz = u&#39;子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午 未 申 酉 戌 亥&#39;.split()    
    sx = u&#39;鼠 牛 虎 免 龙 蛇 马 羊 猴 鸡 狗 猪&#39;.split()    
    return tg[(y - 4) % 10] + dz[(y - 4) % 12] + u&#39; &#39; + sx[(y - 4) % 12] + u&#39;年&#39;    
def date_diff(tm):    
    return (tm - datetime(1901, 1, 1)).days    
def get_leap_month(lunar_year):    
    flag = g_lunar_month[(lunar_year - START_YEAR) / 2]    
    if (lunar_year - START_YEAR) % 2:    
        return flag & 0x0f    
        return flag >> 4    
def lunar_month_days(lunar_year, lunar_month):    
    if (lunar_year < START_YEAR):    
        return 30    
    high, low = 0, 29    
    iBit = 16 - lunar_month;    
    if (lunar_month > get_leap_month(lunar_year) and get_leap_month(lunar_year)):    
        iBit -= 1    
    if (g_lunar_month_day[lunar_year - START_YEAR] & (1 << iBit)):    
        low += 1    
    if (lunar_month == get_leap_month(lunar_year)):    
        if (g_lunar_month_day[lunar_year - START_YEAR] & (1 << (iBit -1))):    
             high = 30    
             high = 29    
    return (high, low)    
def lunar_year_days(year):    
    days = 0    
    for i in range(1, 13):    
        (high, low) = lunar_month_days(year, i)    
        days += high    
        days += low    
    return days    
def get_ludar_date(tm):    
    span_days = date_diff(tm)    
    if (span_days <49):    
        year = START_YEAR - 1    
        if (span_days <19):    
          month = 11;      
          day = 11 + span_days    
            month = 12;    
            day = span_days - 18    
        return (year, month, day)    
    span_days -= 49    
    year, month, day = START_YEAR, 1, 1    
    tmp = lunar_year_days(year)    
    while span_days >= tmp:    
        span_days -= tmp    
        year += 1    
        tmp = lunar_year_days(year)    
    (foo, tmp) = lunar_month_days(year, month)    
    while span_days >= tmp:    
        span_days -= tmp    
        if (month == get_leap_month(year)):    
            (tmp, foo) = lunar_month_days(year, month)    
            if (span_days < tmp):    
                return (0, 0, 0)    
            span_days -= tmp    
        month += 1    
        (foo, tmp) = lunar_month_days(year, month)    
    day += span_days    
    return (year, month, day)    

Output result:

Thursday, November 5, 2015 Lunar Calendar: Yiwei Sheep Year, September 24th

Day one and two Three Four Five Six

1 Twenty Ten 2 Twenty One 3 Twenty Two 4 Twenty Three *5 Twenty Four 6 Twenty Five 7 Twenty Six
8 Twenty Seven 9 Twenty Eight 10 Twenty Nine 11 Thirty 12 First Day 13 Second Day 14 Third Day
15 the fourth day of the lunar month 16 the fifth day of the lunar month 17 the sixth day of the lunar month 18 the seventh day of the lunar month 19 the eighth day of the lunar month 20 the ninth day of the lunar month 21 the tenth day of the lunar month
22 eleven 23 twelve 24 thirteen 25 fourteen 26 fifteen 27 sixteen 28 seventeen
29 eighteen 30 ten Nine

Calculate age:

from time import *    
#a function to find your age    
def age():    
    print "Enter Your Date of Birth"    
    #get the current time in tuple format    
    #difference in day    
    #difference in month    
    #difference in year    
    #checks if difference in day is negative    
    if dd<0:    
        #checks if difference in month is negative when difference in day is also negative    
        if dm<0:    
    #checks if difference in month is negative when difference in day is positive    
    if dm<0:    
    print "Your current age is %s Years %s Months & %s Days"%(dy,dm,dd)    

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