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Commonly written:
function add(a,b) { return a + b; } alert(add(1,2)); // 结果 3
When we define a function like this, the function content will be compiled (but will not be executed immediately unless we call it). Moreover, maybe you don't know, when this function is created, an object with the same name is also created. For our example, we now have an object called "add" (To learn more about it, see the Functions: Objects section below.)
Anonymous Functions:
We can also assign a variable name to an anonymous function to define it.
var add = function(a,b) { return a + b; } alert(add(1,2)); // 结果 3
This code does the same thing as the previous example. Maybe the syntax looks strange, but it should give you a better sense that the function is an object, and we just assigned a name to this object. You can think of it as the same statement as var myVar=[1,2,3]. Function contents declared in this way will also be compiled.
When we assign such a function, we do not necessarily require it to be an anonymous function. Here, I do the same thing as above, but I add the function name "theAdd" and I can reference the function by calling the function name or that variable.
var add = function theAdd(a,b) { return a + b; } alert(add(1,2)); // 结果 3 alert(theAdd(1,2)); // 结果也是 3
Using this way to define functions is very useful in object-oriented programming, because we can make a function a property of an object like below.
var myObject = new Object(); myObject.add = function(a,b){return a+b}; // myObject 现在有一个叫做“add”的属性(或方法)” // 而且我能够象下面这样使用它 myObject.add(1, 2);
Function: Object
A function is a special form of object in javascript. It is the first [b] classdata type. This means we can add properties to it. Here are some interesting points to note
Object Creation
As just mentioned, when we define a function, javascript actually creates an object for you behind the scenes. The name of this object is the function name itself. The type of this object is function. In the following example, we may not realize it, but we have actually created an object: it's called Ball.
function ball() // 也许看起来有点奇怪,但是这个声明 { // 创建了一个叫做Ball的对象 i = 1; } alert(typeof ball); // 结果 "function"
We can even print out the contents of this object and it will output the actual code of this function
alert(ball); //结果为: //function ball() //{ // i = 1; //}
Adding properties
We can add properties to Object, including object functions. Because the essence of defining a function is to create an object. We can add properties to functions "secretly". For example, we define the function Ball here and add the attribute callsign.
function Ball() // 也许看起来有点奇怪,但是这个声明创建了一个叫做Ball的对象,而且你能够引用它或者象下面那样给它增加属性 { } ball.callsign="The ball"; // 给Ball增加属性 alert(ball.callsign); // 输出 "The ball"
Because function is an object, we can assign a pointer to a function. As in the following example, the variable ptr points to the object myFunction.
function myFunction(message) { alert(message); } var ptr=myFunction; // ptr指向了myFunction ptr("hello"); // 这句会执行myFunction:输出"hello"
We can run this function as if the function name had been replaced by a pointer name. So in the above, the meaning of this line ptr("hello"); and myFunction("hello"); is the same.
Pointers to functions are quite useful in object-oriented programming. For example: When we have multiple objects pointing to the same function (as shown below):
function sayName(name) { alert(name); } var object1=new Object(); // 创建三个对象 var object2=new Object(); var object3=new Object(); object1.sayMyName=sayName; // 将这个函数指派给所有对象 object2.sayMyName=sayName; object3.sayMyName=sayName; object1.sayMyName("object1"); // 输出 "object1" object2.sayMyName("object2"); // 输出 "object2" object3.sayMyName("object3"); // 输出 "object3"
Because only the pointer is saved (not the function itself), when we change the function object itself, all points to that function The pointers will change. We can see below:
function myFunction() { alert(myFunction.message); } myFunction.message="old"; var ptr1=myFunction; // ptr1 指向 myFunction var ptr2=myFunction; // ptr2 也指向 myFunction ptr1(); // 输出 "old" ptr2(); // 输出 "old" myFunction.message="new"; ptr1(); // 输出 "new" ptr2();
Pointer pointing
We can reallocate a function after it is created, but we need to point to the function object itself, not a pointer to it. In the following example, I will change the contents of myfunction().
function myFunction() { alert("Old"); } myFunction(); // 输出 "Old" myFunction=function() { alert("New"); }; myFunction(); // 输出 "New"
Where are the old functions? ? Abandoned.
If we need to keep it, we can assign a pointer to it before changing it.
function myFunction() { alert("Old"); } var savedFuncion=myFunction; myFunction=function() { alert("New"); }; myFunction(); // 输出 "New" savedFuncion(); // 输出 "Old"
Inline functions
function get(a,b,c) { function cal(n) { return n/2; } var result = “”; result+=cal(a)+” ”; result+=cal(b)+” ”; result+=cal(c); } var resultString = get(10,20,30); alert(resultString); // 输出 "5 10 15"
You can only call nested functions internally. That is to say, you cannot call:
getHalfOf.calculate(10), because calculate will only exist when the external function (getHalfOf()) is running. This is consistent with our previous discussion (the function will be compiled, but will only be executed when you call it).
Which function is called?
You may be thinking about naming conflicts. For example, which of the following functions called calculate will be called?
function calculate(number) { return number/3; } function getHalfOf(num1, num2, num3) { function calculate(number) { return number/2; } var result=""; result+=calculate(num1)+" "; result+=calculate(num2)+" "; result+=calculate(num3); } var resultString=getHalfOf(10,20,30); alert(resultString); // 输出 "5 10 15"
In this example, the compiler will first search the local memory address, so it will use the built-in calculate function. If we delete the inline (local) calculate function, this code will use the global calculate function.
Functions: Data Types and Constructors
Let’s take a look at another special feature of functions - which makes them completely different from other object types. A function can be used as a blueprint for a data type. This feature is often used in object-oriented programming to simulate user-defined data types. Objects created using user-defined data types are usually called user-defined objects.
Data type
function Ball() { } var ball0=new Ball(); // ball0 现在指向一个新对象 alert(ball0); // 输出 "Object",因为 ball0 现在是一个对象
这样看来,ball0=new Ball()作了什么?new关键字创建了一个类型是Object的新对象(叫做ball0)。然后它会执行Ball(),并将这个引用传给ball0(用于调用对象)。下面,你会看到这条消息:“creating new Ball”,如果Ball()实际上被运行的话。
function Ball(message) { alert(message); } var ball0=new Ball("creating new Ball"); // 创建对象并输出消息 ball0.name="ball-0"; // ball0现在有一个属性:name alert(ball0.name); // 输出 "ball-0"
function Ball(message) { alert(message); } var ball0=new Object(); ball0.construct=Ball; ball0.construct("creating new ball"); // 执行 ball0.Ball ("creating.."); ball0.name="ball-0"; alert(ball0.name);
function Ball() { } var ball0=new Ball(); // ball0 现在指向了类型Ball的一个新实例 ball0.name="ball-0"; // ball0 现在有一个属性"name" var ball1=new Ball(); ball1.name="ball-1"; var ball2=new Ball(); alert(ball0.name); // 输出 "ball-0" alert(ball1.name); // 输出 "ball-1" alert(ball2.name); // 哦,我忘记给ball2添加“name”了!
function Ball(message, specifiedName) { alert(message); this.name=specifiedName; } var ball0=new Ball("creating new Ball", "Soccer Ball"); alert(ball0.name); // prints "Soccer Ball"
请记住:是new关键字最终使得构造函数被执行。在这个例子中,它将会运行Ball("creating new Ball", "Soccer Ball");而关键字this将指向ball0。
因此,这行:this.name=specifiedName变成了ball0.name="Soccer Ball"。它主要是说:给ball0添加属性name,属性值是Soccer Ball。
function Ball(color, specifiedName, owner, weight) { this.name=specifiedName; this.color=color; this.owner=owner; this.weight=weigth; } var ball0=new Ball("black/white", "Soccer Ball", "John", 20); var ball1=new Ball("gray", "Bowling Ball", "John", 30); var ball2=new Ball("yellow", "Golf Ball", "John", 55); var balloon=new Ball("red", "Balloon", "Pete", 10); alert(ball0.name); // 输出 "Soccer Ball" alert(balloon.name); // 输出 "Balloon" alert(ball2.weight); // 输出 "55"
嘿!使用面向对象术语,你能够说Ball是一个拥有如下属性的对象类型:name,color, owner, weight。
function Employee(name, salary, mySupervisor) { this.name=name; this.salary=salary; this.supervisor=mySupervisor; } var boss=new Employee("John", 200); var manager=new Employee("Joan", 50, boss); var teamLeader=new Employee("Rose", 50, boss); alert(manager.supervisor.name+" is the supervisor of "+manager.name); alert(manager.name+"\'s supervisor is "+manager.supervisor.name);
function Employee(name, salary) { this.name=name; this.salary=salary; this.addSalary=addSalaryFunction; this.getSalary=function() { return this.salary; }; } function addSalaryFunction(addition) { this.salary=this.salary+addition; } var boss=new Employee("John", 200000); boss.addSalary(10000); // boss 长了 10K 工资……为什么老板工资可以长这么多:'( alert(boss.getSalary()); // 输出 210K……为什么默认工资也那么高……:'( addSalary和getSalary演示了几种将函数赋给属性的不同方法。 如前面数次提到的,一个函数声明的结果是一个对象 被创建。 function Employee(name, salary) { this.name=name; this.salary=salary; this.addSalary=addSalaryFunction; this.getSalary=function() { return this.salary; }; } function addSalaryFunction(addition) { this.salary=this.salary+addition; } var boss=new Employee("John", 200000); var boss2=new Employee("Joan", 200000); var boss3=new Employee("Kim", 200000);
function Employee(name, salary) { this.name=name; this.salary=salary; this.addSalary=addSalaryFunction; this.getSalary=function() { return this.salary; }; } function addSalaryFunction(addition) { this.salary=this.salary+addition; } var boss1=new Employee("John", 200000); var boss2=new Employee("Joan", 200000); // 给getSalary函数对象添加属性 boss1.getSalary.owner="boss1"; boss2.getSalary.owner="boss2"; alert(boss1.getSalary.owner); // 输出 "boss1" alert(boss2.getSalary.owner); // 输出 "boss2" // 如果两个对象指向同一个函数对象,那么 上面两个输出都应该是“boss2”。 // 给addSalary函数对象添加属性 boss1.addSalary.owner="boss1"; boss1.addSalary.owner="boss2"; alert(boss1.addSalary.owner); // 输出 "boss2" alert(boss2.addSalary.owner); // 输出 "boss2" // 因为两个对象都指向同一个函数 // 当修改其中一个的时候,会影响所有的实例(所以两个都输出“boss2”).
1) 需要更多的存储空间来存储对象(因为每一个对象实例都会有它自己的getSalary代码拷贝);
2) javascript需要更多时间来构造这个对象。
function Employee(name, salary) { this.name=name; this.salary=salary; this.addSalary=addSalaryFunction; this.getSalary=getSalaryFunction; } function getSalaryFunction() { return this.salary; } function addSalaryFunction(addition) { this.salary=this.salary+addition; }
function Test() { } alert(Test.prototype); // 输出 "Object"
function Fish(name, color) { this.name=name; this.color=color; } Fish.prototype.livesIn="water"; Fish.prototype.price=20;
var fish1=new Fish("mackarel", "gray"); var fish2=new Fish("goldfish", "orange"); var fish3=new Fish("salmon", "white");
for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) { var fish=eval("fish"+i); // 我只是取得指向这条鱼的指针 alert(fish.name+","+fish.color+","+fish.livesIn+","+fish.price); }
"mackarel, gray, water, 20" "goldfish, orange, water, 20" "salmon, white water, 20"
function Employee(name, salary) { this.name=name; this.salary=salary; } Employee.prototype.getSalary=function getSalaryFunction() { return this.salary; } Employee.prototype.addSalary=function addSalaryFunction(addition) { this.salary=this.salary+addition; }
var boss1=new Employee("Joan", 200000); var boss2=new Employee("Kim", 100000); var boss3=new Employee("Sam", 150000);
alert(boss1.getSalary()); // 输出 200000 alert(boss2.getSalary()); // 输出 100000 alert(boss3.getSalary()); // 输出 150000
这里有一个图示来说明prototype是如何工作的。这个对象的每一个实例(boss1, boss2, boss3)都有一个内部属性叫做__proto__,这个属性指向了它的构造器 (Employee)的属性prototype。当你执行getSalary或者addSalary的时候,这个对象会在它的__proto__找到并执行这个代码。