Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Usage of __call, __set and __get
1. Usage of __call
PHP5 objects have a new special method __call(), which is used to monitor other methods in an object. If you try to call a method that does not exist on the object, the __call method will be called automatically.
Example: __call
<?php class foo { function __call($name,$arguments) { print("Did you call me? I'm $name!<br>"); print_r($arguments); print("<br><br>"); } function doSecond($arguments) { print("Right, $arguments!<br>"); } } $test = new foo(); $test->doFirst('no this function'); $test->doSecond('this function exist'); ?>
2. __call implements the "overloading" action
This special method can be used to implement the "overloading" action so that you can check your parameters and call a Private method to pass parameters.
Example: Use __call to implement "overload" action
<?php class Magic { function __call($name,$arguments) { if($name=='foo') { if(is_int($arguments[0])) $this->foo_for_int($arguments[0]); if(is_string($arguments[0])) $this->foo_for_string($arguments[0]); } } private function foo_for_int($x) { print("oh an int!"); } private function foo_for_string($x) { print("oh a string!"); } } $test = new Magic(); $test->foo(3); $test->foo("3"); ?>
3. Object-oriented overloading
<?php /*__call(string $name,array $arg)的用法 *当调用一个不可访问的方法的时候调用$name是方法名称 $arg是个数组包含要传递给方法的参数 */ class Account{ private $user=1; private $pwd=2; public function __call($name,$arg){ switch(count($arg)){ case 2: echo $arg[0]*$arg[1],PHP_EOL; break; case 3: echo array_sum($arg),PHP_EOL; break; default: echo "参数不对",PHP_EOL; break; } } } $a= new Account(); //这里模拟了重载 //重载:一个类中可以定义参数列表不同但名字相同的多个方法 $a->make(5); $a->make(5,6);
4. Use the __call() method to achieve coherent database operations
<?php // 使用__call()方法来实现数据库连贯操作 // 申明一个Db类(数据库操作类)的简单操作模型 class Db{ private $sql = array( "field" => "", "where" => "", "order" => "", "limit" => "", "group" => "", "having" => "", ); // 连贯操作调用field() where() order() limit() group() having()方法,组合sql语句 function __call($methodName,$args){ // 将第一个参数(代表不存在方法的方法名称),全部转成小写方式,获取方法名称 $methodName = strtolower($methodName); // 如果调用的方法名和成员属性数组$sql下标对应上,则将第二个参数给数组中下标对应的元素 if(array_key_exists($methodName,$this->sql)){ $this->sql[$methodName] = $args[0]; }else{ echo '调用类'.get_class($this).'中的方法'.$methodName.'()不存在'; } // 返回自己对象,则可以继续调用本对象中的方法,形成连贯操作 return $this; } // 输出连贯操作后组合的一个sql语句,是连贯操作最后的一个方法 function select(){ echo "SELECT {$this->sql['field']} FROM user {$this->sql['where']} {$this->sql['order']} {$this->sql['limit']} {$this->sql['group']} {$this->sql['having']}"; } } $db = new Db(); // 连贯操作 $db->field('sex, count(sex)') ->where('where sex in ("男","女")') ->group('group by sex') ->having('having avg(age) > 25') ->select(); ?>
5. Usage of __set and __get
This is a great method. The __set and __get methods can be used to capture variables and methods that do not exist in an object.
Example: __set and __get
<?php class foo { function __set($name,$val) { print("Hello, you tried to put $val in $name<br>"); } function __get($name) { print("Hey you asked for $name<br>"); } } $test = new foo(); $test->__set('name','justcoding'); $test->__get('name'); ?>