Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP extension—OAuth
1. Overview and installation
This extension provides binding between OAuth consumers and providers. OAuth is an authorization protocol built on HTTP to allow applications to securely access data without storing usernames and passwords.
PECL/oauth requires PHP 5.1 or higher, and ext/hash and ext/pcre.
Optionally requires libcurl if PECL/oauth is selected when building. If using the libcurl configuration, you must build HTTPS support.
Information related to installing this PECL extension can be found in the manual chapter titled Installation of PECL Extensions.
2. Usage examples
<?php $req_url = 'https://fireeagle.yahooapis.com/oauth/request_token'; $authurl = 'https://fireeagle.yahoo.net/oauth/authorize'; $acc_url = 'https://fireeagle.yahooapis.com/oauth/access_token'; $api_url = 'https://fireeagle.yahooapis.com/api/0.1'; $conskey = 'your_consumer_key'; $conssec = 'your_consumer_secret'; session_start(); // 当 state=1 则下次请求应该包含一个 oauth_token 。 // 如果没有则返回 0 if(!isset($_GET['oauth_token']) && $_SESSION['state']==1) $_SESSION['state'] = 0; try { $oauth = new OAuth($conskey,$conssec,OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1,OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_URI); $oauth->enableDebug(); if(!isset($_GET['oauth_token']) && !$_SESSION['state']) { $request_token_info = $oauth->getRequestToken($req_url); $_SESSION['secret'] = $request_token_info['oauth_token_secret']; $_SESSION['state'] = 1; header('Location: '.$authurl.'?oauth_token='.$request_token_info['oauth_token']); exit; } else if($_SESSION['state']==1) { $oauth->setToken($_GET['oauth_token'],$_SESSION['secret']); $access_token_info = $oauth->getAccessToken($acc_url); $_SESSION['state'] = 2; $_SESSION['token'] = $access_token_info['oauth_token']; $_SESSION['secret'] = $access_token_info['oauth_token_secret']; } $oauth->setToken($_SESSION['token'],$_SESSION['secret']); $oauth->fetch("$api_url/user.json"); $json = json_decode($oauth->getLastResponse()); print_r($json); } catch(OAuthException $E) { print_r($E); } ?>
3. Related functions
oauth_get_sbs — Generate a signature character base string
oauth_urlencode — Encode URI into RFC 3986 specification
4. Related classes and their member functions
OAuth class
OAuth::__construct — Create a new OAuth object
OAuth::__destruct — Destructor
OAuth::disableDebug — Turn off detailed debugging
OAuth::disableRedirects — Turn off redirection
OAuth::disableSSLChecks — Turn off SSL checking
OAuth::enableDebug — Enable verbose debugging
OAuth::enableRedirects — Enable redirects
OAuth::enableSSLChecks — Enable SSL checks
OAuth::fetch — Get an OAuth protected resource
OAuth::generateSignature — Generate a signature
OAuth::getAccessToken — Get an access token
OAuth::getCAPath — Get CA information
OAuth::getLastResponse — Get the last response
OAuth::getLastResponseHeaders — Get the last response Header information
OAuth::getLastResponseInfo — Get HTTP information about the last response
OAuth::getRequestHeader — Generate an OAuth header string signature
OAuth::getRequestToken — Get a request token
OAuth::setAuthType — Set the authorization type
OAuth::setCAPath — Set the CA path and information
OAuth::setNonce — Set the nonce flag for subsequent requests
OAuth::setRequestEngine — Set the target request engine
OAuth::setRSACertificate — Set the RSA certificate
OAuth::setSSLChecks — Adjust specific SSL request checks
OAuth::setTimestamp — Set timestamps
OAuth::setToken — Set tokens and secrets
OAuth::setVersion — Set OAuth version
OAuthProvider class
OAuthProvider::addRequiredParameter — Add required parameters
OAuthProvider::callconsumerHandler — Call consumerNonceHandler callback function
OAuthProvider::callTimestampNonceHandler — Call timestampNonceHandler callback function
OAuthProvider::calltokenHandler — Call tokenNonce Handler callback function
OAuthProvider::checkOAuthRequest — check An oauth request
OAuthProvider::__construct — Create a new OAuthProvider object
OAuthProvider::consumerHandler — Set the consumerHandler handle callback function
OAuthProvider::generateToken — Generate a random token
OAuthProvider::is2LeggedEndpoint — LeggedEndpoint
OAuthProvider: :isRequestTokenEndpoint — Set isRequestTokenEndpoint
OAuthProvider::removeRequiredParameter — Remove a required parameter
OAuthProvider::reportProblem — Report a problem
OAuthProvider::setParam — Set a parameter
OAuthProvider::setRequestTokenPath — Set Request token path
OAuthProvider::timestampNonceHandler — Set timestampNonceHandler handle callback function
OAuthProvider::tokenHandler — Set tokenHandler handle callback function
OAuthException class
OAuthException — OAuthException class