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Copy Move Files - PHP

2016-11-09 09:15:511207browse

A simple example of imitating elFinder and extracting key member methods
The implemented functions are:
Realize multi-file copy or move operations

Note: In order to facilitate testing, some judgments have been simplified. And a new test folder will be generated as the destination folder in the directory where the program file is located. Modification is required if actual use is required.

 * 复制/移动操作简单示例 : >PHP5
 * 判断文件是否存在
function _isFind($filename) {
    return @file_exists($filename);
 * 判断文件夹是否存在? 简单处理: 仅对根目录进行判断
function _isFindDir($dir) {
    $ls = scandir(dirname(__FILE__));
    foreach ($ls as $val) {
        if ($val == $dir) return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
 * 复制或移动
 * @param   array   源文件夹数组: 简单处理:采用文件名作为元素值
 * @param   string  目的文件夹
 * @param   string  操作数: move - 移动 ; copy - 复制
 * @return  bool
function _copy_move($src = array(), $dst = &#39;&#39;, $op = &#39;move&#39;) {
    if ( ! is_array($src)) {
        $src = array($src);
    foreach ($src as $val) {
        if ( _isFind($val) === FALSE) {
            return _log(&#39;Src file not find&#39;, $val);
    //判断目的文件夹是否存在? 如果不存在就生成
    //简单处理: 实际应用需要修改
    if (_isFindDir($dst) === FALSE) {
    foreach ($src as $val) {
        $_dst = $dst.&#39;/&#39;.basename($val);
        //判断目的文件是否存在? 存在不允许进行操作
        if (_isFind($_dst) === TRUE) {
            return _log(&#39;Dst file is exists&#39;, $dst);
        } else if (strpos($dst, $val) === 0) {
            return _log(&#39;Unable to copy/move into itself&#39;);
        if (strtolower($op) === &#39;move&#39;) {           
            if ( ! rename($val, $_dst)) {
                return _log(&#39;Unable to move files&#39;, $val);
        } else if (strtolower($op) === &#39;copy&#39;) {
            if ( ! _copy($val, $_dst)) {
                return _log(&#39;Unable to copy files&#39;, $val);
    return &#39;Success!&#39;;
 * 复制操作  
function _copy($src, $dst) {
    if ( ! is_dir($src)) {
        if ( ! copy($src, $dst)) {
            return _log(&#39;Unable to copy files&#39;, $src);
    } else {
        $ls = scandir($src);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($ls); $i++) { 
            if ($ls[$i] == &#39;.&#39; OR $ls[$i] == &#39;..&#39;) continue;
            $_src = $src.&#39;/&#39;.$ls[$i];
            $_dst = $dst.&#39;/&#39;.$ls[$i];
            if ( is_dir($_src)) {
                if ( ! _copy($_src, $_dst)) {
                    return _log(&#39;Unable to copy files&#39;, $_src);
            } else {
                if ( ! copy($_src, $_dst)) {
                    return _log(&#39;Unable to copy files&#39;, $_src);
    return TRUE;
 * 日志记录
function _log($msg, $arg = &#39;&#39;) {
    if ($arg != &#39;&#39;) {
        $msg = "date[".date(&#39;Y-m-d H:i:s&#39;)."]\tmsg[".$msg."]\targ[".$arg."]\n";
    } else {
        $msg = "date[".date(&#39;Y-m-d H:i:s&#39;)."]\tmsg[".$msg."]\n";
    echo $msg;
    return @file_put_contents(&#39;copy.log&#39;, $msg, FILE_APPEND);
 * 示例
 * 1. 需要修改$src的数组参数 ; 2. 可以修改_copy_move的第三个参数以分别测试move/copy操作
$src = array(&#39;img&#39;, &#39;min&#39;, &#39;phpinfo.php&#39;);
$dst = &#39;test&#39;;
var_dump(_copy_move($src, $dst, &#39;copy&#39;));
/*end of php*/

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