Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Summary of python string processing functions
str='python String function'
Generate string variable str='python String function'
Get the string length: len(str)
Example: print '%s length=%d' % (str,len (str))
1. Letter processing
All uppercase: str.upper()
All lowercase: str.lower()
Case swap: str.swapcase()
The first letter is capitalized, the rest is lowercase :str.capitalize()
Capitalize the first letter: str.title()
print '%s lower=%s' % (str,str.lower())
print '%s upper=%s' % (str,str.upper())
print '%s swapcase=%s' % (str,str.swapcase())
print '%s capitalize=%s' % (str,str.capitalize() )
Print '%s title=%s' % (str,str.title())
2. Formatting related
Get a fixed length, right-aligned, and fill in spaces if there is not enough space on the left: str.ljust(width )
Get a fixed length, aligned to the left, and fill in spaces if the right side is not enough: str.ljust(width)
Get a fixed length, aligned in the middle, fill in spaces if there are not enough spaces on both sides: str.ljust(width)
Get a fixed length , right-aligned, fill in the left part with 0s
print '%s ljust=%s' % (str,str.ljust(20))
print '%s rjust=%s' % (str,str.rjust (20))
print '%s center=%s' % (str,str.center(20))
print '%s zfill=%s' % (str,str.zfill(20))
3. String search related
Search for the specified string, no -1 is returned: str.find('t')
Specify the starting position to search: str.find('t',start)
Specify Start and end position search: str.find('t',start,end)
Search from the right: str.rfind('t')
How many specified strings are searched: str.count('t ')
All the above methods can be replaced by index. The difference is that if index is not found, an exception will be thrown, and find returns -1
print '%s find nono=%d' % (str,str.find(' nono'))
print '%s find t=%d' % (str,str.find('t'))
print '%s find t from %d=%d' % (str,1, str.find('t',1))
print '%s find t from %d to %d=%d' % (str,1,2,str.find('t',1,2))
#print '%s index nono ' % (str,str.index('nono',1,2))
print '%s rfind t=%d' % (str,str.rfind('t' ))
Print '%s count t=%d' % (str,str.count('t'))
4. String replacement related
Replace old with new: str.replace(' old','new')
Replace the specified number of times old with new: str.replace('old','new',maxReplaceTimes)
print '%s replace t to *=%s' % (str,str .replace('t', '*'))
print '%s replace t to *=%s' % (str,str.replace('t', '*',1))
5. Remove spaces and specified characters from a string
Remove spaces on both sides: str.strip()
Remove spaces on the left: str.lstrip()
Remove spaces on the right: str.rstrip()
Remove strings on both sides: str.strip('d'), corresponding to lstrip, rstrip
str=' python String function '
print '%s strip=%s' % (str,str.strip())
str=' python String function'
print '%s strip=%s' % (str,str.strip('d'))
6. Split the string into an array by specified characters: str.split(' ' )
Default separated by spaces
str='a b c de'
print '%s strip=%s' % (str,str.split())
print '% s strip=%s' % (str,str.split('-'))
7. String judgment related
Whether it starts with start: str.startswith('start')
Whether it starts with end Ending: str.endswith('end')
Whether it is all letters or numbers: str.isalnum()
Whether it is all letters: str.isalpha()
Whether it is all numbers: str.isdigit()
Whether it is all Lowercase: str.islower()
Whether all uppercase: str.isupper()
str='python String function'
print '%s startwith t=%s' % (str,str.startswith('t' ))
print '%s endwith d=%s' % (str,str.endswith('d'))
print '%s isalnum=%s' % (str,str.isalnum())
print '%s isalnum=%s' % (str,str.isalnum())
print '%s isalpha=%s' % (str,str.isalpha())
print '%s isupper=%s' % (str,str.isupper())
print '%s islower=%s' % (str,str.islower())
print '%s isdigit=%s' % (str,str.isdigit())
print '%s isdigit=%s' % (str,str.isdigit())