Home >Web Front-end >CSS Tutorial >Summary of Atitti css3 new features attilax
Atitti css3 new features attilax summary
Picture glow effect 2
Transparent gradient effect 2
Text stroke 2
Background stretch 2
CSS3 Selector 4
@Font-face Feature 7
Word-wrap & Text-overflow Style 9
Text-decoration Stroke 12
CSS3 multi-column layout (multi -column layout) 13
border and color (color, border) 14
CSS3 gradient effect (Gradient) 15
linear gradient 15
radial gradient 16
CSS3 shadow (Shadow) and reflection (Reflect) Effect 19
CSS3 background effect21
CSS3 box model23
CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation30
Picture glow effect
text-shadow:#000 3px 0 0,#000 0 3px 0,#000 -3px 0 0,#000 0 -3px 0;
You can set the lighting effect of each side, which is a bit more complicated. .
Transparent gradient effect
background: radial-gradient(circle, rgba(230,251,12,1.00) 40% , rgba(230,251,12,1.00) , rgba(230,251,12,0)) ; /* Standard syntax */
Text stroke
should be done using Text-decoration stroke. . Although the glow effect is acceptable, the single effect is not good
Background stretching
background-size:100% 100%;
Transitions, Transforms and Animation30 of CSS3
transition-property: used for Specify transition effect