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The main source code of WeMall WeChat mall check-in plug-in Sign

2016-10-11 14:01:521771browse

WeMall WeChat mall source code sign-in plug-in Sign, used for the sign-in system of the mall, shares some of the more important codes for technicians to learn and refer to
WeMall WeChat mall source code sign-in plug-in Sign, used for the sign-in system of the mall, shares some of the more important codes , for technicians’ learning reference

AdminController.class.php<?php <?php<br /> <br> namespace AddonsSignController;<br> <br> class AdminController extends InitController<br> {<br> <br> <br> Public function __construct()<br> {<br>           parent::__construct();<br> }<br> <br> Public function index()<br> {<br> ​​​​$config = M("AddonSignConfig")->find();<br>          $this->assign("config", $config);<br> <br> ​ ​ ​ $record = D(’Addons://Sign/AddonSignRecord’); // Instantiate the User object<br> <br>          $count = $record->count();//Query the total number of records that meet the requirements<br>           $Page = new ThinkPage($count, 12); // Instantiate the paging class and pass in the total number of records and the number of records displayed on each page (25)<br> $Page->setConfig('theme', "<div><ul> <li>%FIRST%</li> <li>%UP_PAGE%</li> <li>%LINK_PAGE%</li> <li>%DOWN_PAGE%</li> <li>%END%</li> <li><a> %HEADER% %NOW_PAGE%/% TOTAL_PAGE % page</a></li> </ul></div>");<br>          $show = $Page->show();// Display output in paging <br> // Perform paging data query. Note that the parameters of the limit method must use the attributes of the Page class<br>          $record = $record->limit($Page->firstRow . ’,’ . $Page->listRows)->order("id desc")->relation(true)->select();<br> <br>           $this->assign("record", $record);//Assignment data set<br>           $this->assign(’page’, $show);// Assignment paging output<br> <br>           $this->display();<br> }<br> <br> Public function addConfig()<br> {<br> M("AddonSignConfig")->where(array("id" => "1"))->save($_POST);<br>          $this->success(’Modification successful’, ‘Admin/Admin/index/addon/Sign’);<br> }<br> } IndexController.class.php<?php <?php<br /> namespace AddonsSignController;<br> <br> class IndexController extends InitController<br> {<br> Public $appUrl = "";<br> Public function __construct()<br> {<br>           parent::__construct();<br>         $this->appUrl = "http://" . I("server.HTTP_HOST");<br> }<br> <br> Public function init()<br> {<br>           return R("App/Common/init");<br> }<br> <br> Public function oauthRegister($wxuser)<br> {<br>          return R("App/Common/oauthRegister", array($wxuser));<br> }<br> <br> Public function index()<br> {<br> <br> ​​​​$user = R("App/Public/oauthLogin");<br> <br>              // $user = M("User")->where(array("uid" => session("userUid")))->find();<br>         $contact = M("Contact")->where(array("user_id" => $user["id"]))->find();<br>            if ($contact) {<br>               $this->assign("contact", $contact);<br>         }<br> ​​​​$config = M("Config")->find();<br>          $this->assign("config", $config);<br>          $this->assign("user", $user);<br> <br>          $product = M("addonScore")->select();<br>          $this->assign("product", $product);<br>           $this->display();<br> }<br> <br> Public function addOrder()<br> {<br>              // $user = M("User")->where(array("uid" => session("userUid")))->find();<br>         $user = M("User")->where(array("id" => session("userId")))->find();<br>         $score = floatval($user["score"]) - floatval($_POST["score"]);<br> If ($score >= 0) {<br> M("User")->where(array("id" => $user["id"]))->save(array("score" => $score));<br>                                       else {<br>                  return;<br>         }<br> <br>         $userHas = M("Contact")->where(array("user_id" => session("userId")))->find();<br>             if ($userHas) {<br>            $contact ["id"] = $userHas ["id"];<br>             $contact ["user_id"] = session("userId");<br>             $contact ["name"] = $_POST ["name"];<br>             $contact ["phone"] = $_POST ["phone"];<br>             $contact ["address"] = $_POST ["address"];<br>             M("Contact")->save($contact);<br>         } else {<br>             $contact ["user_id"] = session("userId");<br>             $contact ["name"] = $_POST ["name"];<br>             $contact ["city"] = "";<br>             $contact ["area"] = "";<br>             $contact ["phone"] = $_POST ["phone"];<br>             $contact ["address"] = $_POST ["address"];<br>             M("Contact")->add($contact);<br>         }<br>         $userHas = M("Contact")->where(array("user_id" => session("userId")))->find();<br>         $contact_id = $userHas["id"];<br> <br>         $data ["user_id"] = session("userId");<br>         $data ["contact_id"] = $contact_id;<br>         $data ["orderid"] = date("ymdhis") . mt_rand(1, 9);<br>         $data ["totalscore"] = $_POST["score"];<br>         $data ["status"] = 0;<br>         $data ["note"] = $_POST ["note"];<br>         $data ["time"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");<br>         $data ["score_id"] = $_POST ["id"];<br>         $result = M("AddonScoreOrder")->add($data);<br>         if ($result) {<br>             $this->ajaxReturn($result);<br>         }<br>     }<br>     public function sign(){<br>         $today = date("Y-m-d");<br>         $where["time"] = array("like", $today . "%");<br>         $where["user_id"] = session("userId");<br>         $record = D("Addons://Sign/AddonSignRecord")->where($where)->find();<br>         if ($record) {<br>             $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 0));<br>             return;<br>         }<br> <br>         $user = M("User")->where(array("id" => session("userId")))->find();<br> <br>         $count = 0;<br>         do{<br>             $count++;<br>             $yesterday = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-$count day"));<br>             $where["time"] = array("like", $yesterday . "%");<br>            $record = D("AddonSignRecord")->where($where)->find();<br>         } while ($record);<br>         $continue_sign = $count-1;<br> <br>         $config = M("AddonSignConfig")->find();<br>         if ($config) {<br>             $addScore = floatval($continue_sign) * floatval($config["continue_sign"]) + floatval($config["first_sign"]);<br>             M("AddonSignRecord")->add(array("user_id" => session("userId"), "score" => $addScore));<br> <br>             $score = floatval($user["score"]) + $addScore;<br>             M("User")->where(array("id" => $user["id"]))->save(array("score" => $score));<br>             $this->ajaxReturn(array("status" => 1, "score" => $addScore));<br>         }<br>     }<br> <br> }Index_index.htmlnbsp;html><br> <br> <br>     <meta> <br>     <meta> <br>     <meta> <br>     <title>签到系统</title> <br>     <meta> <br>     <meta> <br>     <!-- apple devices fullscreen --><br>     <meta> <br>     <meta> <br>     <link> <br>     <link> <br>     <link> <br>     <link> <br>     <link> <br> <br> <br> <div> <br>     <div> <br>         <div> <br>             <div> <br>                 <div><img alt="The main source code of WeMall WeChat mall check-in plug-in Sign" ></div> <br>                 <div> <br>                     <span>{$user.username}</span><br>                     <span>会员ID: {$user.id}</span><br>                 </div> <br>             </div> <br>             <div> <br>                 <a>积分<span>{$user.score}</span></a><br>                 <a><span><span></span>                                                                          style="color: #fff;background-color: transparent;border-color: #fff;">今日签到</span></a><br>             </div> <br>         </div> <br>     </div> <br>     <div> <br>         <div> <br>             <ul> <br>                 <volist><br>                     <li> <br>                         <div> <br>                             <div> <br>                                 <h5>{$product.name}</h5> <br>                             </div> <br>                             <div> <br>                                 <img alt="The main source code of WeMall WeChat mall check-in plug-in Sign" ><br>                             </div> <br>                             <div> <br>                                 <div>积分:<b>{$product.score}</b> </div> <br>                                 <div> <a></a>                                         onclick="doCart(this , ’{$product.score}’ , ’{$product.id}’)" style="color: black;">立即兑换<br>                                 </div> <br>                             </div> <br>                         </div> <br>                     </li> <br>                 </volist><br>             </ul> <br>         </div> <br>     </div> <br>     <div></div> <br>     <div></div>          style="left: 0px; bottom: 0px; z-index: 3000; position: fixed; display: none;width: 100%;"><br>         <div> <br>             <div> <br>                 <div><img alt="The main source code of WeMall WeChat mall check-in plug-in Sign" ></div> <br>             </div> <br>             <div> <br>                 <ul> <br>                     <li> <br>                         <div>姓名</div> <br>                         <div> <br>                             <input><br>                         </div> <br>                     </li> <br>                     <li> <br>                         <div>手机</div> <br>                         <div> <br>                             <input><br>                         </div> <br>                     </li> <br>                     <li> <br>                         <div>地址</div> <br>                         <div> <br>                             <input><br>                         </div> <br>                     </li> <br>                     <li> <br>                         <div>备注</div> <br>                         <div> <br>                             <input><br>                         </div> <br>                     </li> <br>                 </ul> <br>             </div> <br> <br>             <div> <br>                 <a></a>                    style="display: none;"><br> <br>                 <div> <br>                     <input>                            style="display: none; width: 100%;"><br>                     <a></a>                        onclick="submitOrder()">提交<br>                 </div> <br>             </div> <br> <br>         </div> <br>     </div> <br> <br>     <div> <br>         <div>温馨提示</div> <br>         <div></div> <br>         <div><button>知道了</button></div> <br>         <div></div> <br>     </div> <br> <br> <script></script><br> <script></script><br> <script><br /> var id = 0;<br /> var score = 0;<br /> function hidePop(){<br /> $("#join_box").hide();<br /> $("#cover2").hide();<br /> }<br /> function showPop(){<br /> $("#join_box").show();<br /> $("#cover2").show();<br /> }<br /> function doCart(obj , scoreIn ,idIn){<br /> if(parseFloat(scoreIn) > parseFloat($(’#myscore’).html())){<br /> alert("积分不足!");<br /> return;<br /> }<br /> id = idIn;<br /> score = scoreIn;<br /> showPop();<br /> }<br /> <br /> var signFlag = true;<br /> function signIn(obj){<br /> $.ajax({<br /> type: "post",<br /> url: "{:u_addons(’Sign://Index/sign’)}",<br /> data: {<br /> <br /> },<br /> success: function (data) {<br /> if(data){<br /> var json = eval(data)<br /> $("#alert").show();<br /> if (typeof json.score != "undefined") {<br /> $("#alert_text").html("恭喜您获得"+json.score+"积分");<br /> }else{<br /> $("#alert_text").html("对不起,您已签到!");<br /> }<br /> <br /> }<br /> },<br /> beforeSend: function () {<br /> <br /> },<br /> complete: function () {<br /> }<br /> <br /> });<br /> <br /> // $("#alert").show();<br /> }<br /> function hideAlert(){<br /> $("#alert").hide();<br /> location.reload();<br /> }<br /> var submitFlag = true;<br /> function submitOrder(){<br /> if (submitFlag == false) {<br /> alert("请不要重复操作!");<br /> return;<br /> };<br /> var name = $(’#name’).val();<br /> var phone = $(’#phone’).val();<br /> var address = $(’#address’).val();<br /> var note = $(’#note’).val();<br /> <br /> if (name.length == 0 || phone.length == 0 || address.length == 0) {<br /> alert("请核对输入的信息!");<br /> return;<br /> };<br /> submitFlag = false;<br /> <br /> $.ajax({<br /> type: "post",<br /> url: "{:u_addons(’Sign://Index/addOrder’)}",<br /> data: {<br /> name: name,<br /> phone: phone,<br /> id: id,<br /> score: score,<br /> address: address,<br /> note: note<br /> },<br /> success: function (data) {<br /> if(data){<br /> hidePop();<br /> alert("商品兑换成功!");<br /> location.reload();<br /> }<br /> },<br /> beforeSend: function () {<br /> <br /> },<br /> complete: function () {<br /> }<br /> <br /> });<br /> }<br /> </script><br> <br> Admin_index.html

<section><br> ​ <h1> <br> Sign-in management<br> ​​​​​<small></small><br> ​ </h1> <br> </section><br> <!-- Main content --><br> <section><br> ​ <div> <br> ​​​​​<!-- /.col --><br> ​​​​​<div> <br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Check-in Management                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     <div> <br><div> <br> Sign in setting 设                                                                                                           <h3></h3> <br><!-- /.box-tools --> Sign -in records 记                                                                                                                                                                                                 <br>                                                                                                                                         <div> Sign in setting>-> <br> <div>                                                      <form action="%7B:%20u_addons%20('sign://%20adimin/admin/addconfig's)%7D" id="myform" method="post"></form> onsubmit="return false;" class="form-horizontal"><!-- <h3>                                                                                                                                      </h3>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        送 The first sign -in gift points <br /><br /> <p>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               <br />                                                                                                                                                                                         </div>                                                                                                                                                        value="{$config.continue_sign}" name="continue_sign" type="text"><br />                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            <div class="form-group">                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               --><br>                                                                                                                             <div>                                                                                                                                                 onclick="myFormSubmit(’{:u_addons(’Sign://Admin/Admin/index’)}’)"<br>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <br>                                                                   <div> Sign-in records>-> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></section>

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