Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >How to read EXCEL with PHP Part 2
<?php define('NUM_BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS', 0x2c); define('SMALL_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCK_POS', 0x3c); define('ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS', 0x30); define('BIG_BLOCK_SIZE', 0x200); define('SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE', 0x40); define('EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS', 0x44); define('NUM_EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS', 0x48); define('PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE', 0x80); define('BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS', 0x4c); define('SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD', 0x1000); define('SIZE_OF_NAME_POS', 0x40); define('TYPE_POS', 0x42); define('START_BLOCK_POS', 0x74); define('SIZE_POS', 0x78); define('IDENTIFIER_OLE', pack("CCCCCCCC", 0xd0, 0xcf, 0x11, 0xe0, 0xa1, 0xb1, 0x1a, 0xe1)); function GetInt4d($data, $pos) { $value = ord($data[$pos]) | (ord($data[$pos + 1]) << 8) | (ord($data[$pos + 2]) << 16) | (ord($data[$pos + 3]) << 24); if ($value >= 4294967294) { $value = -2; } return $value; } class OLERead { var $data = ''; function OLERead() { } function read($sFileName) { if (!is_readable($sFileName)) { $this->error = 1; return false; } $this->data = @file_get_contents($sFileName); if (!$this->data) { $this->error = 1; return false; } if (substr($this->data, 0, 8) != IDENTIFIER_OLE) { $this->error = 1; return false; } $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks = GetInt4d($this->data, NUM_BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS); $this->sbdStartBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, SMALL_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCK_POS); $this->rootStartBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, ROOT_START_BLOCK_POS); $this->extensionBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS); $this->numExtensionBlocks = GetInt4d($this->data, NUM_EXTENSION_BLOCK_POS); $bigBlockDepotBlocks = array(); $pos = BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS; $bbdBlocks = $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks; if ($this->numExtensionBlocks != 0) { $bbdBlocks = (BIG_BLOCK_SIZE - BIG_BLOCK_DEPOT_BLOCKS_POS) / 4; } for ($i = 0; $i < $bbdBlocks; $i++) { $bigBlockDepotBlocks[$i] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos); $pos += 4; } for ($j = 0; $j < $this->numExtensionBlocks; $j++) { $pos = ($this->extensionBlock + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE; $blocksToRead = min($this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks - $bbdBlocks, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4 - 1); for ($i = $bbdBlocks; $i < $bbdBlocks + $blocksToRead; $i++) { $bigBlockDepotBlocks[$i] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos); $pos += 4; } $bbdBlocks += $blocksToRead; if ($bbdBlocks < $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks) { $this->extensionBlock = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos); } } $pos = 0; $index = 0; $this->bigBlockChain = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numBigBlockDepotBlocks; $i++) { $pos = ($bigBlockDepotBlocks[$i] + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE; for ($j = 0; $j < BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4; $j++) { $this->bigBlockChain[$index] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos); $pos += 4; $index++; } } $pos = 0; $index = 0; $sbdBlock = $this->sbdStartBlock; $this->smallBlockChain = array(); while ($sbdBlock != -2) { $pos = ($sbdBlock + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE; for ($j = 0; $j < BIG_BLOCK_SIZE / 4; $j++) { $this->smallBlockChain[$index] = GetInt4d($this->data, $pos); $pos += 4; $index++; } $sbdBlock = $this->bigBlockChain[$sbdBlock]; } $block = $this->rootStartBlock; $pos = 0; $this->entry = $this->__readData($block); $this->__readPropertySets(); } function __readData($bl) { $block = $bl; $pos = 0; $data = ''; while ($block != -2) { $pos = ($block + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE; $data = $data . substr($this->data, $pos, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE); $block = $this->bigBlockChain[$block]; } return $data; } function __readPropertySets() { $offset = 0; while ($offset < strlen($this->entry)) { $d = substr($this->entry, $offset, PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE); $nameSize = ord($d[SIZE_OF_NAME_POS]) | (ord($d[SIZE_OF_NAME_POS + 1]) << 8); $type = ord($d[TYPE_POS]); $startBlock = GetInt4d($d, START_BLOCK_POS); $size = GetInt4d($d, SIZE_POS); $name = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $nameSize; $i++) { $name .= $d[$i]; } $name = str_replace("\x00", "", $name); $this->props[] = array( 'name' => $name, 'type' => $type, 'startBlock' => $startBlock, 'size' => $size ); if (($name == "Workbook") || ($name == "Book")) { $this->wrkbook = count($this->props) - 1; } if ($name == "Root Entry") { $this->rootentry = count($this->props) - 1; } $offset += PROPERTY_STORAGE_BLOCK_SIZE; } } function getWorkBook() { if ($this->props[$this->wrkbook]['size'] < SMALL_BLOCK_THRESHOLD) { $rootdata = $this->__readData($this->props[$this->rootentry]['startBlock']); $streamData = ''; $block = $this->props[$this->wrkbook]['startBlock']; $pos = 0; while ($block != -2) { $pos = $block * SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE; $streamData .= substr($rootdata, $pos, SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE); $block = $this->smallBlockChain[$block]; } return $streamData; } else { $numBlocks = $this->props[$this->wrkbook]['size'] / BIG_BLOCK_SIZE; if ($this->props[$this->wrkbook]['size'] % BIG_BLOCK_SIZE != 0) { $numBlocks++; } if ($numBlocks == 0) return ''; $streamData = ''; $block = $this->props[$this->wrkbook]['startBlock']; $pos = 0; while ($block != -2) { $pos = ($block + 1) * BIG_BLOCK_SIZE; $streamData .= substr($this->data, $pos, BIG_BLOCK_SIZE); $block = $this->bigBlockChain[$block]; } return $streamData; } } } define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8', 0x600); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7', 0x500); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_WORKBOOKGLOBALS', 0x5); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_WORKSHEET', 0x10); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOF', 0x809); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EOF', 0x0a); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOUNDSHEET', 0x85); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_DIMENSION', 0x200); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_ROW', 0x208); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_DBCELL', 0xd7); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FILEPASS', 0x2f); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NOTE', 0x1c); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_TXO', 0x1b6); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_RK', 0x7e); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_RK2', 0x27e); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MULRK', 0xbd); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MULBLANK', 0xbe); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_INDEX', 0x20b); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_SST', 0xfc); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EXTSST', 0xff); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_CONTINUE', 0x3c); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_LABEL', 0x204); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_LABELSST', 0xfd); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NUMBER', 0x203); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NAME', 0x18); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_ARRAY', 0x221); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_STRING', 0x207); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMULA', 0x406); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMULA2', 0x6); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMAT', 0x41e); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_XF', 0xe0); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOOLERR', 0x205); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_UNKNOWN', 0xffff); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NINETEENFOUR', 0x22); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MERGEDCELLS', 0xE5); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS', 25569); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS1904', 24107); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_MSINADAY', 86400); define('SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_DEF_NUM_FORMAT', "%s"); class Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader { var $boundsheets = array(); var $formatRecords = array(); var $sst = array(); var $sheets = array(); var $data; var $_ole; var $_defaultEncoding; var $_defaultFormat = SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_DEF_NUM_FORMAT; var $_columnsFormat = array(); var $_rowoffset = 1; var $_coloffset = 1; var $dateFormats = array(0xe => "d/m/Y", 0xf => "d-M-Y", 0x10 => "d-M", 0x11 => "M-Y", 0x12 => "h:i a", 0x13 => "h:i:s a", 0x14 => "H:i", 0x15 => "H:i:s", 0x16 => "d/m/Y H:i", 0x2d => "i:s", 0x2e => "H:i:s", 0x2f => "i:s.S"); var $numberFormats = array(0x1 => "%1.0f", 0x2 => "%1.2f", 0x3 => "%1.0f", 0x4 => "%1.2f", 0x5 => "%1.0f", 0x6 => '$%1.0f', 0x7 => '$%1.2f', 0x8 => '$%1.2f', 0x9 => '%1.0f%%', 0xa => '%1.2f%%', 0xb => '%1.2f', 0x25 => '%1.0f', 0x26 => '%1.0f', 0x27 => '%1.2f', 0x28 => '%1.2f', 0x29 => '%1.0f', 0x2a => '$%1.0f', 0x2b => '%1.2f', 0x2c => '$%1.2f', 0x30 => '%1.0f'); function Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader() { $this->_ole =& new OLERead(); $this->setUTFEncoder('iconv'); } function setOutputEncoding($encoding) { $this->_defaultEncoding = $encoding; } function setUTFEncoder($encoder = 'iconv') { $this->_encoderFunction = ''; if ($encoder == 'iconv') { $this->_encoderFunction = function_exists('iconv') ? 'iconv' : ''; } elseif ($encoder == 'mb') { $this->_encoderFunction = function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ? 'mb_convert_encoding' : ''; } } function setRowColOffset($iOffset) { $this->_rowoffset = $iOffset; $this->_coloffset = $iOffset; } function setDefaultFormat($sFormat) { $this->_defaultFormat = $sFormat; } function setColumnFormat($column, $sFormat) { $this->_columnsFormat[$column] = $sFormat; } function read($sFileName) { $res = $this->_ole->read($sFileName); if ($res === false) { if ($this->_ole->error == 1) { die('The filename ' . $sFileName . ' is not readable'); } } $this->data = $this->_ole->getWorkBook(); $this->_parse(); } function _parse() { $pos = 0; $code = ord($this->data[$pos]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 1]) << 8; $length = ord($this->data[$pos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 3]) << 8; $version = ord($this->data[$pos + 4]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 5]) << 8; $substreamType = ord($this->data[$pos + 6]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 7]) << 8; if (($version != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8) && ($version != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7)) { return false; } if ($substreamType != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_WORKBOOKGLOBALS) { return false; } $pos += $length + 4; $code = ord($this->data[$pos]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 1]) << 8; $length = ord($this->data[$pos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 3]) << 8; while ($code != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EOF) { switch ($code) { case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_SST: $spos = $pos + 4; $limitpos = $spos + $length; $uniqueStrings = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos + 4); $spos += 8; for ($i = 0; $i < $uniqueStrings; $i++) { if ($spos == $limitpos) { $opcode = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $conlength = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; if ($opcode != 0x3c) { return -1; } $spos += 4; $limitpos = $spos + $conlength; } $numChars = ord($this->data[$spos]) | (ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8); $spos += 2; $optionFlags = ord($this->data[$spos]); $spos++; $asciiEncoding = (($optionFlags & 0x01) == 0); $extendedString = (($optionFlags & 0x04) != 0); $richString = (($optionFlags & 0x08) != 0); if ($richString) { $formattingRuns = ord($this->data[$spos]) | (ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8); $spos += 2; } if ($extendedString) { $extendedRunLength = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos); $spos += 4; } $len = ($asciiEncoding) ? $numChars : $numChars * 2; if ($spos + $len < $limitpos) { $retstr = substr($this->data, $spos, $len); $spos += $len; } else { $retstr = substr($this->data, $spos, $limitpos - $spos); $bytesRead = $limitpos - $spos; $charsLeft = $numChars - (($asciiEncoding) ? $bytesRead : ($bytesRead / 2)); $spos = $limitpos; while ($charsLeft > 0) { $opcode = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $conlength = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; if ($opcode != 0x3c) { return -1; } $spos += 4; $limitpos = $spos + $conlength; $option = ord($this->data[$spos]); $spos += 1; if ($asciiEncoding && ($option == 0)) { $len = min($charsLeft, $limitpos - $spos); $retstr .= substr($this->data, $spos, $len); $charsLeft -= $len; $asciiEncoding = true; } elseif (!$asciiEncoding && ($option != 0)) { $len = min($charsLeft * 2, $limitpos - $spos); $retstr .= substr($this->data, $spos, $len); $charsLeft -= $len / 2; $asciiEncoding = false; } elseif (!$asciiEncoding && ($option == 0)) { $len = min($charsLeft, $limitpos - $spos); for ($j = 0; $j < $len; $j++) { $retstr .= $this->data[$spos + $j] . chr(0); } $charsLeft -= $len; $asciiEncoding = false; } else { $newstr = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < strlen($retstr); $j++) { $newstr = $retstr[$j] . chr(0); } $retstr = $newstr; $len = min($charsLeft * 2, $limitpos - $spos); $retstr .= substr($this->data, $spos, $len); $charsLeft -= $len / 2; $asciiEncoding = false; } $spos += $len; } } $retstr = ($asciiEncoding) ? $retstr : $this->_encodeUTF16($retstr); if ($richString) { $spos += 4 * $formattingRuns; } if ($extendedString) { $spos += $extendedRunLength; } $this->sst[] = $retstr; } break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FILEPASS: return false; break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NAME: break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMAT: $indexCode = ord($this->data[$pos + 4]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 5]) << 8; if ($version == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8) { $numchars = ord($this->data[$pos + 6]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 7]) << 8; if (ord($this->data[$pos + 8]) == 0) { $formatString = substr($this->data, $pos + 9, $numchars); } else { $formatString = substr($this->data, $pos + 9, $numchars * 2); } } else { $numchars = ord($this->data[$pos + 6]); $formatString = substr($this->data, $pos + 7, $numchars * 2); } $this->formatRecords[$indexCode] = $formatString; break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_XF: $indexCode = ord($this->data[$pos + 6]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 7]) << 8; if (array_key_exists($indexCode, $this->dateFormats)) { $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array( 'type' => 'date', 'format' => $this->dateFormats[$indexCode] ); } elseif (array_key_exists($indexCode, $this->numberFormats)) { $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array( 'type' => 'number', 'format' => $this->numberFormats[$indexCode] ); } else { $isdate = FALSE; if ($indexCode > 0) { if (isset($this->formatRecords[$indexCode])) $formatstr = $this->formatRecords[$indexCode]; if ($formatstr) if (preg_match("/[^hmsday\/\-:\s]/i", $formatstr) == 0) { $isdate = TRUE; $formatstr = str_replace('mm', 'i', $formatstr); $formatstr = str_replace('h', 'H', $formatstr); } } if ($isdate) { $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array( 'type' => 'date', 'format' => $formatstr ); } else { $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][] = array( 'type' => 'other', 'format' => '', 'code' => $indexCode ); } } break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NINETEENFOUR: $this->nineteenFour = (ord($this->data[$pos + 4]) == 1); break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOUNDSHEET: $rec_offset = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $pos + 4); $rec_typeFlag = ord($this->data[$pos + 8]); $rec_visibilityFlag = ord($this->data[$pos + 9]); $rec_length = ord($this->data[$pos + 10]); if ($version == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8) { $chartype = ord($this->data[$pos + 11]); if ($chartype == 0) { $rec_name = substr($this->data, $pos + 12, $rec_length); } else { $rec_name = $this->_encodeUTF16(substr($this->data, $pos + 12, $rec_length * 2)); } } elseif ($version == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7) { $rec_name = substr($this->data, $pos + 11, $rec_length); } $this->boundsheets[] = array( 'name' => $rec_name, 'offset' => $rec_offset ); break; } $pos += $length + 4; $code = ord($this->data[$pos]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 1]) << 8; $length = ord($this->data[$pos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$pos + 3]) << 8; } foreach ($this->boundsheets as $key => $val) { $this->sn = $key; $this->_parsesheet($val['offset']); } return true; } function _parsesheet($spos) { $cont = true; $code = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $length = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; $version = ord($this->data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 5]) << 8; $substreamType = ord($this->data[$spos + 6]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 7]) << 8; if (($version != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF8) && ($version != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7)) { return -1; } if ($substreamType != SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_WORKSHEET) { return -2; } $spos += $length + 4; while ($cont) { $lowcode = ord($this->data[$spos]); if ($lowcode == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EOF) break; $code = $lowcode | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $length = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; $spos += 4; $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxrow'] = $this->_rowoffset - 1; $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxcol'] = $this->_coloffset - 1; unset($this->rectype); $this->multiplier = 1; switch ($code) { case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_DIMENSION: if (!isset($this->numRows)) { if (($length == 10) || ($version == SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_BIFF7)) { $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numRows'] = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numCols'] = ord($this->data[$spos + 6]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 7]) << 8; } else { $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numRows'] = ord($this->data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 5]) << 8; $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numCols'] = ord($this->data[$spos + 10]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 11]) << 8; } } break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MERGEDCELLS: $cellRanges = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; for ($i = 0; $i < $cellRanges; $i++) { $fr = ord($this->data[$spos + 8 * $i + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 8 * $i + 3]) << 8; $lr = ord($this->data[$spos + 8 * $i + 4]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 8 * $i + 5]) << 8; $fc = ord($this->data[$spos + 8 * $i + 6]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 8 * $i + 7]) << 8; $lc = ord($this->data[$spos + 8 * $i + 8]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 8 * $i + 9]) << 8; if ($lr - $fr > 0) { $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cellsInfo'][$fr + 1][$fc + 1]['rowspan'] = $lr - $fr + 1; } if ($lc - $fc > 0) { $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cellsInfo'][$fr + 1][$fc + 1]['colspan'] = $lc - $fc + 1; } } break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_RK: case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_RK2: $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $column = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; $rknum = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos + 6); $numValue = $this->_GetIEEE754($rknum); if ($this->isDate($spos)) { list($string, $raw) = $this->createDate($numValue); } else { $raw = $numValue; if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])) { $this->curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1]; } $string = sprintf($this->curformat, $numValue * $this->multiplier); } $this->addcell($row, $column, $string, $raw); break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_LABELSST: $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $column = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; $xfindex = ord($this->data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 5]) << 8; $index = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos + 6); $this->addcell($row, $column, $this->sst[$index]); break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MULRK: $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $colFirst = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; $colLast = ord($this->data[$spos + $length - 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + $length - 1]) << 8; $columns = $colLast - $colFirst + 1; $tmppos = $spos + 4; for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) { $numValue = $this->_GetIEEE754($this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $tmppos + 2)); if ($this->isDate($tmppos - 4)) { list($string, $raw) = $this->createDate($numValue); } else { $raw = $numValue; if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$colFirst + $i + 1])) { $this->curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$colFirst + $i + 1]; } $string = sprintf($this->curformat, $numValue * $this->multiplier); } $tmppos += 6; $this->addcell($row, $colFirst + $i, $string, $raw); } break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_NUMBER: $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $column = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; $tmp = unpack("ddouble", substr($this->data, $spos + 6, 8)); if ($this->isDate($spos)) { list($string, $raw) = $this->createDate($tmp['double']); } else { if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])) { $this->curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1]; } $raw = $this->createNumber($spos); $string = sprintf($this->curformat, $raw * $this->multiplier); } $this->addcell($row, $column, $string, $raw); break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMULA: case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_FORMULA2: $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $column = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; if ((ord($this->data[$spos + 6]) == 0) && (ord($this->data[$spos + 12]) == 255) && (ord($this->data[$spos + 13]) == 255)) { } elseif ((ord($this->data[$spos + 6]) == 1) && (ord($this->data[$spos + 12]) == 255) && (ord($this->data[$spos + 13]) == 255)) { } elseif ((ord($this->data[$spos + 6]) == 2) && (ord($this->data[$spos + 12]) == 255) && (ord($this->data[$spos + 13]) == 255)) { } elseif ((ord($this->data[$spos + 6]) == 3) && (ord($this->data[$spos + 12]) == 255) && (ord($this->data[$spos + 13]) == 255)) { } else { $tmp = unpack("ddouble", substr($this->data, $spos + 6, 8)); if ($this->isDate($spos)) { list($string, $raw) = $this->createDate($tmp['double']); } else { if (isset($this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1])) { $this->curformat = $this->_columnsFormat[$column + 1]; } $raw = $this->createNumber($spos); $string = sprintf($this->curformat, $raw * $this->multiplier); } $this->addcell($row, $column, $string, $raw); } break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_BOOLERR: $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $column = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; $string = ord($this->data[$spos + 6]); $this->addcell($row, $column, $string); break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_ROW: case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_DBCELL: case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_MULBLANK: break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_LABEL: $row = ord($this->data[$spos]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 1]) << 8; $column = ord($this->data[$spos + 2]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 3]) << 8; $this->addcell($row, $column, substr($this->data, $spos + 8, ord($this->data[$spos + 6]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 7]) << 8)); break; case SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_TYPE_EOF: $cont = false; break; default: break; } $spos += $length; } if (!isset($this->sheets[$this->sn]['numRows'])) $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numRows'] = $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxrow']; if (!isset($this->sheets[$this->sn]['numCols'])) $this->sheets[$this->sn]['numCols'] = $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxcol']; } function isDate($spos) { $xfindex = ord($this->data[$spos + 4]) | ord($this->data[$spos + 5]) << 8; if ($this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]['type'] == 'date') { $this->curformat = $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]['format']; $this->rectype = 'date'; return true; } else { if ($this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]['type'] == 'number') { $this->curformat = $this->formatRecords['xfrecords'][$xfindex]['format']; $this->rectype = 'number'; if (($xfindex == 0x9) || ($xfindex == 0xa)) { $this->multiplier = 100; } } else { $this->curformat = $this->_defaultFormat; $this->rectype = 'unknown'; } return false; } } function createDate($numValue) { if ($numValue > 1) { $utcDays = $numValue - ($this->nineteenFour ? SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS1904 : SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_UTCOFFSETDAYS); $utcValue = round(($utcDays + 1) * SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_MSINADAY); $string = date($this->curformat, $utcValue); $raw = $utcValue; } else { $raw = $numValue; $hours = floor($numValue * 24); $mins = floor($numValue * 24 * 60) - $hours * 60; $secs = floor($numValue * SPREADSHEET_EXCEL_READER_MSINADAY) - $hours * 60 * 60 - $mins * 60; $string = date($this->curformat, mktime($hours, $mins, $secs)); } return array( $string, $raw ); } function createNumber($spos) { $rknumhigh = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos + 10); $rknumlow = $this->_GetInt4d($this->data, $spos + 6); $sign = ($rknumhigh & 0x80000000) >> 31; $exp = ($rknumhigh & 0x7ff00000) >> 20; $mantissa = (0x100000 | ($rknumhigh & 0x000fffff)); $mantissalow1 = ($rknumlow & 0x80000000) >> 31; $mantissalow2 = ($rknumlow & 0x7fffffff); $value = $mantissa / pow(2, (20 - ($exp - 1023))); if ($mantissalow1 != 0) $value += 1 / pow(2, (21 - ($exp - 1023))); $value += $mantissalow2 / pow(2, (52 - ($exp - 1023))); if ($sign) { $value = -1 * $value; } return $value; } function addcell($row, $col, $string, $raw = '') { $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxrow'] = max($this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxrow'], $row + $this->_rowoffset); $this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxcol'] = max($this->sheets[$this->sn]['maxcol'], $col + $this->_coloffset); $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cells'][$row + $this->_rowoffset][$col + $this->_coloffset] = $string; if ($raw) $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cellsInfo'][$row + $this->_rowoffset][$col + $this->_coloffset]['raw'] = $raw; if (isset($this->rectype)) $this->sheets[$this->sn]['cellsInfo'][$row + $this->_rowoffset][$col + $this->_coloffset]['type'] = $this->rectype; } function _GetIEEE754($rknum) { if (($rknum & 0x02) != 0) { $value = $rknum >> 2; } else { $sign = ($rknum & 0x80000000) >> 31; $exp = ($rknum & 0x7ff00000) >> 20; $mantissa = (0x100000 | ($rknum & 0x000ffffc)); $value = $mantissa / pow(2, (20 - ($exp - 1023))); if ($sign) { $value = -1 * $value; } } if (($rknum & 0x01) != 0) { $value /= 100; } return $value; } function _encodeUTF16($string) { $result = $string; if ($this->_defaultEncoding) { switch ($this->_encoderFunction) { case 'iconv': $result = iconv('UTF-16LE', $this->_defaultEncoding, $string); break; case 'mb_convert_encoding': $result = mb_convert_encoding($string, $this->_defaultEncoding, 'UTF-16LE'); break; } } return $result; } function _GetInt4d($data, $pos) { $value = ord($data[$pos]) | (ord($data[$pos + 1]) << 8) | (ord($data[$pos + 2]) << 16) | (ord($data[$pos + 3]) << 24); if ($value >= 4294967294) { $value = -2; } return $value; } } ?>
<?php require_once 'phpExcel.php'; $data = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(); $data->setOutputEncoding('CP936'); $data->read('three.xls'); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); echo "<table border=1>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $data->sheets[0]['numRows']; $i++) { echo "<tr>"; for ($j = 1; $j <= $data->sheets[0]['numCols']; $j++) { echo "<td>".$data->sheets[0]['cells'][$i][$j]."</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; ?>
The above introduces the method of reading EXCEL with PHP, including the following aspects. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.