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HTML entity comparison table

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" " " Quotation mark
& & & Ampersand
<<<Less than
> > > Greater than
 (空白)   Non-breaking space
? ¡ ¡ Inverted exclamation
¢ ¢ Cent sign
£ £ Pound sterling
¤ ¤ ¤ General currency sign
¥ ¥ Yen sign
| ¦ ¦ broken vertical bar
§ § § Section sign
¨ ¨ ¨ Diæresis / umlaut
? © © Copyright
a ª ª Feminine ordinal
? « « Left angle quote
? ¬ ¬ Not sign
  ­ &sny; Soft hyphen
? ® ® Registered trademark
ˉ ¯ ¯ Macron accent
° ° ° Degree sign
± ± ± Plus or minus
2 ² ² Superscript two
3 ³ ³ Superscript three
´ ´ Acute accent
μ µ µ Micro sign
? Paragraph sign
· · · Middle dot
? ¸ ¸ Cedilla
1 ¹ &supl; Superscript one
o º º Masculine ordinal
? » » Right angle quote
? ¼ ¼ Fraction one quarter
? Ç ½ Fraction one half
? ¾ ¾ Fraction three-quarters
à À ¿ Inverted question mark
à À À Capital A, grave accent
á Á Á Capital A, acute accent
? Â Â Capital A, circumflex
? Ã Ã Capital A, tilde
? Ä Ä diæresis / umlau
? Å Å Capital A, ring
? Æ Æ Capital AE, ligature
? Ç Ç Capital C, cedilla
è È È Capital E, grave accent
é É É Capital E, acute accent
ê Ê Ê Capital E, circumflex
? Ë Ë diæresis / umlau
ì Ì Ì Capital I, grave accent
í Í Í Capital I, acute accent
? Î Î Capital I, circumflex
? Ï &Imul; diæresis / umlau
D Ð Ð Capital ETH, Icelandic
? Ñ Ñ Capital N, tilde
ò Ò Ò Capital O, grave accent
ó Ó Ó Capital O, acute accent
? Ô Ô Capital O, circumflex
? Õ Õ Capital O, tilde
? Ö Ö diæresis / umlau
× × × Multiplication sign
? Ø Ø Capital O, slash
ù Ù Ù Capital U, grave accent
ú Ú Ú Capital U, acute accent
? Û Û Capital U, circumflex
ü Ü Ü diæresis / umlau
Y Ý Ý Capital Y, acute accent
T Þ Þ Capital Thorn,Icelandic,
? ß ß German sz
à à à Small a, grave accent
á á á Small a, acute accent
a â â Small a, circumflex
? ã ã Small a, tilde
? ä ä diæresis / umlau
? å å Small a, ring
? æ æ Small ae ligature
÷ Small u, circumflex ccetnt þþSmall thorn, Icelandic?
? ç ç Small c, cedilla
è è è Small e, grave accent
is é é Small e, acute accent
ê ê ê Small e, circumflex
? ë ë ; diæresis / umlau
ì ì ì Small i, grave accent
í í í Small i, Acute accent
e ð ð Small eth, Icelandic
? ñ ñ Small n, tilde
ò ò ò Small o, grave accent
ó ó ó Small o, acute accent
? ô ô Small o , circumflex
? õ õ Small o, tilde
? ö ö /umlau
÷ #249; ù ; Small u, grave accent
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