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ubuntu install xhprof

2016-08-08 09:21:591155browse

1. Install

<code>wget <span>-c</span> http:<span>//pecl.php.net/get/xhprof-0.9.2.tgz</span>
tar <span>-xzvf</span><span>.</span>/xhprof<span>-</span><span>0.9</span><span>.2</span><span>.</span>tgz
cp <span>.</span>/xhprof<span>-</span><span>0.9</span><span>.2</span><span>.</span>tgz <span>.</span>/www         <span>//xhprof自身带有一个web版的分析页面,放到我的web服务器下面</span>
cd <span>.</span>/xhprof<span>-</span><span>0.9</span><span>.2</span>/extension
<span>.</span>/configure <span>--</span>enable<span>-xhprof</span><span>--</span><span>with</span><span>-php</span><span>-config</span><span>=</span>/usr/<span>local</span>/php/bin/php<span>-config</span>
make <span>&&</span> make install</code>
xhprof.output_dir=<span>/data/xhprof</span>  /<span>/如果不加存放目录的话,默认是放在/tmp</span>下面 (注意:要有写的权限,直接 <span>777</span> 吧)!</code>
<code>service apache2 restart</code>
<code><span>// 启动xhprof</span>

<span>// 停止xhprof</span><span>$xhprof_data</span> = xhprof_disable();
<span>$XHPROF_ROOT</span> = realpath(dirname(<span>__FILE__</span>) . <span>'/..'</span>);
<span>include_once</span><span>$XHPROF_ROOT</span> . <span>"/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_lib.php"</span>;
<span>include_once</span><span>$XHPROF_ROOT</span> . <span>"/xhprof_lib/utils/xhprof_runs.php"</span>; 
<span>// 保存统计数据,生成统计ID和source名称</span><span>$xhprof_runs</span> = <span>new</span> XHProfRuns_Default();
<span>$run_id</span> = <span>$xhprof_runs</span>->save_run(<span>$xhprof_data</span>, <span>"xhprof_foo"</span>); <span>//source名称是xhprof_foo</span><span>// 查看统计信息</span><span>echo</span><span>"<div><a href='../xhprof_html/index.php?run="</span> . <span>$run_id</span> . <span>"&source=xhprof_foo' target='_blank'>XHProf view</a></s></div>"</span>;

2. Display the results
There are tables and pictures showing the calling status of each function
These fields of the table

column name description
Function Name Method name.
Calls The number of times the method was called.
Calls% The number of method calls as a percentage of the total number of method calls at the same level.
Incl.Wall Time (microsec) The time it takes for method execution, including the execution time of submethods. (Unit: microsecond)
IWall% The percentage of time spent executing the method.
Excl. Wall Time (microsec) The time it takes to execute the method itself, excluding the execution time of sub-methods. (Unit: microsecond)
EWall% The percentage of time spent executing the method itself.
Incl. CPU (microsecs) CPU time spent on method execution, including execution time of sub-methods. (Unit: microsecond)
ICpu% The percentage of CPU time spent in method execution.
Excl. CPU (microsec) The CPU time spent executing the method itself, excluding the execution time of sub-methods. (Unit: microsecond)
ECPU% The percentage of CPU time spent by the method itself.
Incl.MemUse (bytes) The memory occupied by method execution, including the memory occupied by sub-method execution. (Unit: Bytes)
IMemUse% The percentage of memory occupied by method execution.
Excl.MemUse (bytes) The memory occupied by the execution of the method itself, excluding the memory occupied by the execution of sub-methods. (Unit: Bytes)
EMemUse% The percentage of memory occupied by the method itself.
Incl.PeakMemUse (bytes) Incl.MemUse peak value. (Unit: Bytes)
IPeakMemUse% Incl.MemUse peak percentage.
Excl.PeakMemUse (bytes) Excl.MemUse peak value. Unit: (byte)
EPeakMemUse% Excl.MemUse peak percentage.

For pictures, you need to install libpng and graphviz
Install libpng

<code>wget -c http://sourceforge<span>.net</span>/projects/libpng/files/libpng15/<span>1.5</span><span>.23</span>beta01/libpng-<span>1.5</span><span>.23</span>beta01<span>.tar</span><span>.gz</span>/download
tar -xzvf ./libpng-<span>1.5</span><span>.23</span>beta01<span>.tar</span><span>.gz</span>
cd ./libpng-<span>1.5</span><span>.23</span>beta01
make && make install

Install graphviz

<code>wget -c http://www<span>.graphviz</span><span>.org</span>/pub/graphviz/stable/SOURCES/graphviz-<span>2.24</span><span>.0</span><span>.tar</span><span>.gz</span>
tar -xzvf ./graphviz-<span>2.24</span><span>.0</span><span>.tar</span><span>.gz</span>
cd ./graphviz-<span>2.24</span><span>.0</span>
make && make install

After installation, restart apache
service apache2 restart

Click [View Full Callgraph] on the form page
You can use pictures to show the call and performance of each code segment

The above introduces the installation of xhprof on ubuntu, including the relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

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