Home > Article > Web Front-end > Implementing random floating image ads based on JavaScript code_javascript skills
There are many such codes on the Internet, but they may not comply with W3C standards, because after adding tags like 8b05045a5be5764f313ed5b9168a17e6 to the header, the floating effect will become invalid. Here is a floating code that meets the standards, so that it can be used Friends can save you the trouble of modifying a lot of code.
Code 1:
The code is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=" utf-8"> <meta name="author" content="http://www.softwhy.com/" /> <title>漂浮广告代码</title> <style type="text/css"> #thediv { z-index:100; position:absolute; top:43px; left:2px; height:100px; width:100px; background-color:red; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> var xPos=300; var yPos=200; var step=1; var delay=8; var height=0; var Hoffset=0; var Woffset=0; var yon=0; var xon=0; var pause=true; var interval; function changePos() { width=document.documentElement.clientWidth; height=document.documentElement.clientHeight; Hoffset=thediv.offsetHeight; Woffset=thediv.offsetWidth; thediv.style.left=(xPos+document.body.scrollLeft+document.documentElement.scrollLeft)+"px"; thediv.style.top=(yPos+document.body.scrollTop+document.documentElement.scrollTop)+"px"; if(yon) { yPos=yPos+step; } else { yPos=yPos-step; } if(yPos<0) { yon=1; yPos=0; } if(yPos>=(height-Hoffset)) { yon=0; yPos=(height - Hoffset); } if(xon) { xPos=xPos + step; } else { xPos=xPos - step; } if(xPos < 0) { xon = 1; xPos = 0; } if(xPos >= (width - Woffset)) { xon = 0; xPos = (width - Woffset); } } function start() { thediv.visibility="visible"; interval=setInterval('changePos()',delay); } function pause_resume() { if(pause) { clearInterval(interval); pause = false; } else { interval = setInterval(changePos,delay); pause = true; } } window.onload=function() { thediv.style.top=yPos; start(); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="thediv"></div> </body> </html>
The above code achieves our requirements. The red div block can float randomly in the web page and is compatible with various browsers. The implementation process of the code will not be introduced here. If you have any questions, you can leave a message.
Code 2: Specific example of JS random floating ad code
The code is as follows:
<!--随机漂浮广告开始--> <div id="float" style="position:absolute; z-index:3;(我建议大家把这里设为100,这样浮动图就不会被遮住了) left: 512px; width: 83px; top: 9px; height: 53px;"> <img src="piaofu.gif" width="100" height="50"> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!--随机漂浮广告 --> var xPos=0,yPos=0;//x,y轴坐标 var xon=0;//图片在x轴移动方向 var yon=0;//图片在y轴移动方向 var step=1; //移动距离 var img=document.getElementByIdx_x("float");//图片层 function floatP() { var width=document.body.clientWidth;//浏览器宽度 var height=document.body.clientHeight;//浏览器高度 var Hoffset=img.offsetHeight;//图片高度 var Woffset=img.offsetWidth;//图片宽度 img.style.left=xPos+document.body.scrollLeft;//图片距离浏览器左侧位置 img.style.top=yPos+document.body.scrollTop;//图片距离浏览器顶端位置 if(yon==0){ yPos=yPos+step;//图片在y轴方向上下移动 }else{ yPos=yPos-step; } if(yPos<0){//飘到顶端,沿y轴向下移动 yon=0; yPos=0; } if(yPos>=(height-Hoffset)){//飘到低端,沿y轴向上移动 yon=1; yPos=(height-Hoffset); } if(xon==0){//x轴向右移动 xPos=xPos+step; }else{ xPos=xPos-step;//x轴向左移动 } if(xPos<0){//飘到左侧时沿x轴向右移动 xon=0; xPos=0; } if(xPos>=(width-Woffset)){//飘到右侧时沿x轴向左移动 xon=1; xPos=(width-Woffset); } setTimeout("floatP()",30);//定时调用。 } window.onload=floatP(); </script>
The code is as follows:
<script> var x = 50,y = 60 //浮动层的初始位置,分别对应层的初始X坐标和Y坐标 var xin = true, yin = true //判断层的X坐标和Y坐标是否在在控制范围之内,xin为真是层向右移动,否则向左;yin为真是层向下移动,否则向上 var step = 1 //层移动的步长,值越大移动速度越快 var delay = 10 //层移动的时间间隔,单位为毫秒,值越小移动速度越快 var obj=document.getElementByIdx_x("float") //捕获id为ad的层作为漂浮目标 function floatAD() { var L=T=0 //层移动范围的左边界(L)和上边界(T)坐标 var R= document.body.clientWidth-obj.offsetWidth //层移动的右边界 var B = document.body.clientHeight-obj.offsetHeight //层移动的下边界 obj.style.left = x + document.body.scrollLeft //更新层的X坐标,实现X轴方向上的运动;document.body.scrollLeft为文档区域的滚动条向右拉的距离,以保证在滚动条右拉时层仍在可见范围内 obj.style.top = y + document.body.scrollTop //更新层的Y坐标,实现Y轴方向上的运动;document.body.scrollTop为文档区域的滚动条向下拉的距离,以保证在滚动条下拉时层仍在可见范围内 x = x + step*(xin?1:-1) //通过判断层的范围决定层在X轴上的运动方向 if (x < L) { xin = true; x = L} //层超出左边界时的处理 if (x > R){ xin = false; x = R} //层超出右边界时的处理 y = y + step*(yin?1:-1) //通过判断层的范围决定层在Y轴上的运动方向 if (y < T) { yin = true; y = T } //层超出上边界时的处理 if (y > B) { yin = false; y = B } //层超出下边界时的处理 } var itl= setInterval("floatAD()", delay) //每delay秒执行一次floatAD函数 obj.onmouseover=function(){clearInterval(itl)} //层在鼠标移上时清除上面的间隔事件,实现层在的鼠标移上时停止运动的效果 obj.onmouseout=function(){itl=setInterval("floatAD()", delay)} //层在鼠标移开时开始间隔事件,实现层在的鼠标移开时继续运动的效果 </script>
Script House would like to remind everyone of the things you need to pay attention to:
Insert Flash and floating ads into the web page. You will find that when the floating ads float to the Flash, they will be below. How do we solve this problem? The rest is very simple
Just add the following statement at the location of the flash code
<param name="wmode" value="opaque">
If the following is the code where flash is located:
The code is as follows: