Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >In one request, php sends another request
If my environment is phpstudy, two domain names www.a.com www.b.com are bound to it
<code> a.com发送了一个请求,请求a.php 在a.php里面需要curl b.com中的b.php 以此来获取返回的数据 但是只有一个fastcgi进程,因此就无法再启一个服务去跑b.php的东西了 </code>
If my environment is lnmp, it will also have the same problem as above
I want to know how to solve similar problems in both environments. I have been working on it for a long time and there is no perfect solution. God, don’t spray.
If my environment is phpstudy, two domain names www.a.com www.b.com are bound to it
<code> a.com发送了一个请求,请求a.php 在a.php里面需要curl b.com中的b.php 以此来获取返回的数据 但是只有一个fastcgi进程,因此就无法再启一个服务去跑b.php的东西了 </code>
If my environment is lnmp, it will also have the same problem as above
I want to know how to solve similar problems in both environments. I have been working on it for a long time and there is no perfect solution. God, don’t spray.
It would be nice if you had a few more fastcgi processes