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Flask environment configuration
Your application may require a large number of packages to work properly. If you don't need the Flask package, you may have read the wrong tutorial. Your application's environment is basically the foundation for everything that happens when your application is running. We are lucky because there are many ways in which we can easily manage our environment.
Use virtualenv to manage your environment
virtualenv is a tool for isolating your applications in so-called virtual environments. A virtual environment is a directory that contains software that your application depends on. A virtual environment can also change your environment variables to maintain the environment variables contained in your development environment. Instead of downloading packages, like Flask, into your system-level or user-level packages directory, we can download them into a separate directory that is only used by our application. This makes it easy to specify the version of Python used and the packages each project depends on.
Virtualenv also allows you to use different versions of the same package in different projects. This flexibility can be important if you are using an older system and have several projects on it that require different versions.
When using virtualenv, you usually only need to install a few Python packages on your system. One of them is virtualenv itself. You can use Pip to install virtualenv packages.
Once virtualenv is installed on your system, you can start creating virtual environments. Go to the directory where your project is located and run the virtualenv command. It requires one parameter, which is the target directory of the virtual environment. Here's an overview of what it looks like.
$ virtualenv venv New python executable in venv/bin/python Installing Setuptools...........[...].....done. Installing Pip..................[...].....done.
virtualenv creates a new directory, and dependent packages will be installed in this directory.
Once the new virtual environment has been created, you must activate it by launching the bin/activate script created within the virtual environment.
$ which python /usr/local/bin/python $ source venv/bin/activate (venv)$ which python /Users/robert/Code/myapp/venv/bin/python
The bin/activate script makes some changes to your shell environment variables so that everything points to the new virtual environment instead of the global system. You can see the effect in the code block above. After activation, the python command points to the Python bin directory in the virtual environment. When the virtual environment is activated, dependency packages installed using Pip will be downloaded to the virtual environment instead of the global system.
You may notice that the prompt in the shell has also changed. virtualenv pre-sets the name of the currently active virtual environment, so you know you are not working on the global system.
You can deactivate your virtual environment by running the deactivate command.
(venv)$ deactivate
virtualenvwrapper is a package for managing virtual environments created by virtualenv. I don't want to mention this tool until you've seen the basics of virtualenv so you understand what it improves and why we should use it.
The virtual environment directory created in the previous section will cause some clutter in your project library. You only need to activate the virtual environment to interact with it, but it should not appear in version control, so the virtual environment directory should not be here. The solution is to use virtualenvwrapper. This package will put all your virtual environments in one directory, usually in ~/.virtualenvs/ by default.
To install virtualenvwrapper, follow the instructions in the documentation, located at http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html.
Please make sure you have disabled all virtual environments before installing virtualenvwrapper. You need to install it globally, not in a virtual environment.
Now, instead of running virtualenv to create an environment, you need to run mkvirtualenv:
$ mkvirtualenv rocket New python executable in rocket/bin/python Installing setuptools...........[...].....done. Installing pip..................[...].....done. (rocket)$
(rocket)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt $ workon fresh-env (fresh-env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt [...] Successfully installed flask Werkzeug Jinja2 itsdangerous markupsafe Cleaning up... (fresh-env)$
*.pyc instance/
Flask 工程配置
当你学习 Flask 的时候,配置看起来很简单。你只要在 config.py 中定义一些变量接着一切就能工作了。当你开始必须要管理生产应用的配置的时候,这些简单性开始消失了。你可能需要保护 API 密钥以及为不同的环境使用不同的配置(例如,开发和生产环境)。在本章节中我们会介绍 Flask 一些先进的功能,它可以使得管理配置容易些。
一个简单的应用程序可能不会需要任何这些复杂的功能。你可能只需要把 config.py 放在你的仓库/版本库的根目录并且在 app.py 或者 yourapp/\\_init\\_.py 中加载它。
config.py 文件中应该每行包含一个配置变量赋值。当你的应用程序初始化的时候,在 config.py 中的配置变量用于配置 Flask 和它的扩展并且它们能够通过 app.config 字典访问到 – 例如,app.config["DEBUG"]。
DEBUG = True # Turns on debugging features in Flask BCRYPT_LEVEL = 12 # Configuration for the Flask-Bcrypt extension MAIL_FROM_EMAIL = "robert@example.com" # For use in application emails
配置的变量可以被 Flask,它的扩展或者你来使用。这个例子中, 每当我们在一封事务性邮件中需要默认的 “发件人” 的时候,我们可以使用 app.config["MAIL_FROM_EMAIL"] – 例如,密码重置。把这些信息放置于一个配置变量中使得以后能够容易地修改它。
# app.py or app/__init__.pyfrom flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config') # Now we can access the configuration variables via app.config["VAR_NAME"].
确保在生产环境中 DEBUG 设置成 False。如果保留 DEBUG 为 True,它允许用户在你的服务器上执行任意的 Python。
有时候你需要定义包含敏感信息的配置变量。我们想要从 config.py 中分离这些变量并且让它们保留在仓库/版本库之外。你可能会隐藏像数据库密码以及 API 密钥的一些敏感信息,或者定义于特定于指定机器的配置变量。为让实现这些要求更加容易些,Flask 提供了一个叫做 instance folders 的功能。实例文件夹是仓库/版本库下的一个子目录并且包含专门为这个应用程序的实例的一个配置文件。我们不希望它提交到版本控制。
config.py requirements.txt run.py instance/ config.py yourapp/ __init__.py models.py views.py templates/ static/
我们使用 app.config.from_pyfile() 来从一个实例文件夹中加载配置变量。当我们调用 Flask() 来创建我们的应用的时候,如果我们设置了 instance_relative_config=True, app.config.from_pyfile() 将会从 instance/ 目录加载指定文件。
# app.py or app/__init__.py app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object('config') app.config.from_pyfile('config.py')
现在我们可以像在 config.py 中那样在 instance/config.py 中定义配置变量。你也应该把你的实例文件夹加入到版本控制系统的忽略列表中。要使用 Git 做到这一点的话,你需要在 .gitignore 新的一行中添加 instance/ 。
实例文件夹的隐私性成为在其里面定义不想暴露到版本控制的密钥的最佳候选。这些密钥可能包含了你的应用的密钥或者第三方 API 密钥。如果你的应用是开源的或者以后可能会公开的话,这一点特别重要。我们通常要求其他用户或者贡献者使用自己的密钥。
# instance/config.py SECRET_KEY = 'Sm9obiBTY2hyb20ga2lja3MgYXNz' STRIPE_API_KEY = 'SmFjb2IgS2FwbGFuLU1vc3MgaXMgYSBoZXJv' SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI= \\"postgresql://user:TWljaGHFgiBCYXJ0b3N6a2lld2ljeiEh@localhost/databasename"
如果在你的生产环境和开发环境中的差异非常小的话,你可能想要使用实例文件夹来处理配置的变化。定义在 'instance/config.py' 文件中的配置变量能够覆盖 'config.py' 中的值。你只需要在 'app.config.from_object()' 后调用 'app.config.from_pyfile()'。这样用法的好处之一就是在不同的机器上修改你的应用的配置。
# config.py DEBUG = False SQLALCHEMY_ECHO = False # instance/config.py DEBUG = True SQLALCHEMY_ECHO = True
在生产环境上,我们略去上面 'instance/-config.py' 中的配置变量,它会退回到定义在 'config.py' 中的值。
了解更多关于 Flask-SQLAlchemy 的 配置项。(中文版的位于:http://www.pythondoc.com/flask-sqlalchemy/config.html#configuration-keys)
Flask 给我们选择配置文件的能力,它可以基于一个环境变量的值来加载不同的配置文件。这就意味着在我们的仓库/版本库里,我们可以有多个配置文件并且总会加载正确的那一个。一旦我们有多个配置文件的话,我可以把它们移入它们自己 config 文件夹中。
requirements.txt run.py config/ __init__.py # Empty, just here to tell Python that it's a package. default.py production.py development.py staging.py instance/ config.py yourapp/ __init__.py models.py views.py static/ templates/
为了决定要加载哪个配置文件,我们会调用 'app.config.from_envvar()'。
# yourapp/\\_\\_init\\_\\_.py app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) # Load the default configuration app.config.from_object('config.default') # Load the configuration from the instance folder app.config.from_pyfile('config.py') # Load the file specified by the APP\\_CONFIG\\_FILE environment variable# Variables defined here will override those in the default configuration app.config.from_envvar('APP_CONFIG_FILE')
我们如何设置这个环境变量取决于我们运行应用所在的平台。如果我们运行在一个普通的 Linux 服务器上,我们可以编写一个设置环境变量的 shell 脚本并且运行 run.py。
# start.sh APP\\_CONFIG\\_FILE=/var/www/yourapp/config/production.py python run.py
start.sh 对于每一个环境都是独一无二的,因此它应该被排除在版本控制之外。在 Heroku 上,我们需要使用 Heroku 工具来设置环境变量。这种设置方式也适用于其它的 PaaS 平台。