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Analysis of the key points of writing a basic code interpreter using Python

2016-08-04 08:55:421620browse

I have always been very interested in compilers and parsers. I am also very clear about the concept and overall framework of a compiler, but I don’t know much about the details. The program source code we write is actually a sequence of characters. The compiler or interpreter can directly understand and execute this sequence of characters. This seems really amazing. This article will use Python to implement a simple parser to interpret a small list manipulation language (similar to python's list). In fact, compilers and interpreters are not mysterious. As long as the basic theory is understood, implementation is relatively simple (of course, a product-level compiler or interpreter is still very complicated).
Operations supported by this list language:

veca = [1, 2, 3]  # 列表声明 
vecb = [4, 5, 6] 
print 'veca:', veca   # 打印字符串、列表,print expr+ 
print 'veca * 2:', veca * 2   # 列表与整数乘法 
print 'veca + 2:', veca + 2   # 列表与整数加法 
print 'veca + vecb:', veca + vecb  # 列表加法 
print 'veca + [11, 12]:', veca + [11, 12]   
print 'veca * vecb:', veca * vecb  # 列表乘法 
print 'veca:', veca 
print 'vecb:', vecb 

Corresponding output:

veca: [1, 2, 3] 
veca * 2: [2, 4, 6] 
veca + 2: [1, 2, 3, 2] 
veca + vecb: [1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6] 
veca + [11, 12]: [1, 2, 3, 2, 11, 12] 
veca * vecb: [4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 12, 15, 18, 8, 10, 12] 
veca: [1, 2, 3, 2] 
vecb: [4, 5, 6] 

When compilers and interpreters process input character streams, they are basically consistent with the way humans understand sentences. For example:

I love you. 

If you are new to learning English, you first need to know the meaning of each word, and then analyze the part of speech of each word to conform to the subject-predicate-object structure, so that you can understand the meaning of this sentence. This sentence is a character sequence. According to the lexical division, a lexical unit stream is obtained. In fact, this is lexical analysis, which completes the conversion from the character stream to the lexical unit stream. Analyzing the part of speech and determining the subject-verb-object structure is to identify this structure according to English grammar. This is grammatical analysis, and the grammatical parsing tree is identified based on the input lexical unit flow. Finally, combining the meaning of the word and the grammatical structure, the meaning of the sentence is finally obtained. This is semantic analysis. The processing process of compiler and interpreter is similar, but it is slightly more complicated. Here we only focus on the interpreter:

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We are just implementing a very simple small language, so it does not involve the generation of syntax trees and subsequent complex semantic analysis. Next I will take a look at lexical analysis and syntax analysis.
Lexical analysis and syntax analysis are completed by lexical parser and syntax parser respectively. These two parsers have similar structure and functionality. They both take an input sequence as input and then identify specific structures. The lexical parser parses tokens (lexical units) one by one from the source code character stream, and the syntax parser identifies substructures and lexical units, and then performs some processing. Both parsers can be implemented through LL(1) recursive descent parsers. The steps completed by this type of parser are: predict the type of the clause, call the parsing function to match the substructure, match the lexical unit, and then insert code as needed. Perform custom actions.
Here is a brief introduction to LL(1). The structure of a statement is usually represented by a tree structure, called a parse tree. LL(1) relies on the parse tree for syntax parsing. For example: x = x +2;

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In this tree, leaf nodes like x, =, and 2 are called terminal nodes, and the others are called non-terminal nodes. When parsing LL(1), there is no need to create a specific tree data structure. You can write a parsing function for each non-terminal node and call it when the corresponding node is encountered. In this way, you can pass the parsing function in the calling sequence (equivalent to Tree traversal) to obtain parse tree information. When LL(1) is parsed, it is executed in the order from the root node to the leaf node, so this is a "descending" process, and the parsing function can call itself, so it is "recursive", so LL(1 ) is also called a recursive descent parser.
The two L's in LL(1) both mean left-to-right. The first L means that the parser parses the input content in order from left to right. The second L means that during the descending process, it also analyzes the input content from left to right. Traverse the child nodes in order to the right, and 1 means making predictions based on 1 lookahead unit.
Let's take a look at the implementation of the list mini-language. The first is the grammar of the language. Grammar is used to describe a language and is regarded as the design specification of the parser.

statlist: stat+ 
stat: ID '=' expr 
  | 'print' expr (, expr)* 
expr: multipart ('+' multipart)* 
  | STR 
multipart: primary ('*' primary)* 
primary: INT 
  | ID 
  | '[' expr (',', expr)* ']' 
INT: (1..9)(0..9)* 
ID: (a..z | A..Z)* 
STR: (\".*\") | (\'.*\') 

首先是词法解析器,完成字符流到token流的转换。采用LL(1)实现,所以使用1个向前看字符预测匹配的token。对于像INT、ID这样由多个字符组成的词法规则,解析器有一个与之对应的方法。由于语法解析器并不关心空白字符,所以词法解析器在遇到空白字符时直接忽略掉。每个token都有两个属性类型和值,比如整型、标识符类型等,对于整型类型它的值就是该整数。语法解析器需要根据token的类型进行预测,所以词法解析必须返回类型信息。语法解析器以iterator的方式获取token,所以词法解析器实现了next_token方法,以元组方式(type, value)返回下一个token,在没有token的情况时返回EOF。

A simple lexer of a small vector language. 
statlist: stat+ 
stat: ID '=' expr 
  | 'print' expr (, expr)* 
expr: multipart ('+' multipart)* 
  | STR 
multipart: primary ('*' primary)* 
primary: INT 
  | ID 
  | '[' expr (',', expr)* ']' 
INT: (1..9)(0..9)* 
ID: (a..z | A..Z)* 
STR: (\".*\") | (\'.*\') 
Created on 2012-9-26 
@author: bjzllou 
EOF = -1 
# token type 
ADD = 'ADD' 
PRINT = 'print' 
ID = 'ID' 
INT = 'INT' 
STR = 'STR' 
class Veclexer: 
  LL(1) lexer. 
  It uses only one lookahead char to determine which is next token. 
  For each non-terminal token, it has a rule to handle it. 
  LL(1) is a quit weak parser, it isn't appropriate for the grammar which is 
  left-recursive or ambiguity. For example, the rule 'T: T r' is left recursive. 
  However, it's rather simple and has high performance, and fits simple grammar. 
  def __init__(self, input): 
    self.input = input 
    # current index of the input stream. 
    self.idx = 1 
    # lookahead char. 
    self.cur_c = input[0] 
  def next_token(self): 
    while self.cur_c != EOF: 
      c = self.cur_c 
      if c.isspace(): 
      elif c == '[': 
        return (LBRACK, c) 
      elif c == ']': 
        return (RBRACK, c) 
      elif c == ',': 
        return (COMMA, c) 
      elif c == '=': 
        return (EQUAL, c) 
      elif c == '*': 
        return (TIMES, c) 
      elif c == '+': 
        return (ADD, c) 
      elif c == '\'' or c == '"': 
        return self._string() 
      elif c.isdigit(): 
        return self._int() 
      elif c.isalpha(): 
        t = self._print() 
        return t if t else self._id() 
        raise Exception('not support token') 
    return (EOF, 'EOF') 
  def has_next(self): 
    return self.cur_c != EOF    
  def _id(self): 
    n = self.cur_c 
    while self.cur_c.isalpha(): 
      n += self.cur_c 
    return (ID, n) 
  def _int(self): 
    n = self.cur_c 
    while self.cur_c.isdigit(): 
      n += self.cur_c 
    return (INT, int(n)) 
  def _print(self): 
    n = self.input[self.idx - 1 : self.idx + 4] 
    if n == 'print': 
      self.idx += 4 
      self.cur_c = self.input[self.idx] 
      return (PRINT, n) 
    return None 
  def _string(self): 
    quotes_type = self.cur_c 
    s = '' 
    while self.cur_c != '\n' and self.cur_c != quotes_type: 
      s += self.cur_c 
    if self.cur_c != quotes_type: 
      raise Exception('string quotes is not matched. excepted %s' % quotes_type) 
    return (STR, s) 
  def consume(self): 
    if self.idx >= len(self.input): 
      self.cur_c = EOF 
    self.cur_c = self.input[self.idx] 
    self.idx += 1   
if __name__ == '__main__': 
  exp = ''''' 
    veca = [1, 2, 3] 
    print 'veca:', veca 
    print 'veca * 2:', veca * 2 
    print 'veca + 2:', veca + 2 
  lex = Veclexer(exp) 
  t = lex.next_token() 
  while t[0] != EOF: 
    print t 
    t = lex.next_token() 


veca = [1, 2, 3] 
print 'veca:', veca 
print 'veca * 2:', veca * 2 
print 'veca + 2:', veca + 2 


('ID', 'veca') 
('EQUAL', '=') 
('LBRACK', '[') 
('INT', 1) 
('COMMA', ',') 
('INT', 2) 
('COMMA', ',') 
('INT', 3) 
('RBRACK', ']') 
('print', 'print') 
('STR', 'veca:') 
('COMMA', ',') 
('ID', 'veca') 
('print', 'print') 
('STR', 'veca * 2:') 
('COMMA', ',') 
('ID', 'veca') 
('TIMES', '*') 
('INT', 2) 
('print', 'print') 
('STR', 'veca + 2:') 
('COMMA', ',') 
('ID', 'veca') 
('ADD', '+') 
('INT', 2) 

接下来看一下语法解析器的实现。语法解析器的的输入是token流,根据一个向前看词法单元预测匹配的规则。对于每个遇到的非终结符调用对应的解析函数,而终结符(token)则match掉,如果不匹配则表示有语法错误。由于都是使用的LL(1),所以和词法解析器类似, 这里不再赘述。

A simple parser of a small vector language. 
statlist: stat+ 
stat: ID '=' expr 
  | 'print' expr (, expr)* 
expr: multipart ('+' multipart)* 
  | STR 
multipart: primary ('*' primary)* 
primary: INT 
  | ID 
  | '[' expr (',', expr)* ']' 
INT: (1..9)(0..9)* 
ID: (a..z | A..Z)* 
STR: (\".*\") | (\'.*\') 
veca = [1, 2, 3] 
vecb = veca + 4  # vecb: [1, 2, 3, 4] 
vecc = veca * 3  # vecc: 
Created on 2012-9-26 
@author: bjzllou 
import veclexer 
class Vecparser: 
  LL(1) parser. 
  def __init__(self, lexer): 
    self.lexer = lexer 
    # lookahead token. Based on the lookahead token to choose the parse option. 
    self.cur_token = lexer.next_token() 
    # similar to symbol table, here it's only used to store variables' value 
    self.symtab = {} 
  def statlist(self): 
    while self.lexer.has_next(): 
  def stat(self): 
    token_type, token_val = self.cur_token 
    # Asignment 
    if token_type == veclexer.ID: 
      # For the terminal token, it only needs to match and consume. 
      # If it's not matched, it means that is a syntax error. 
      # Store the value to symbol table. 
      self.symtab[token_val] = self.expr() 
    # print statement 
    elif token_type == veclexer.PRINT: 
      v = str(self.expr()) 
      while self.cur_token[0] == veclexer.COMMA: 
        v += ' ' + str(self.expr()) 
      print v 
      raise Exception('not support token %s', token_type) 
  def expr(self): 
    token_type, token_val = self.cur_token 
    if token_type == veclexer.STR: 
      return token_val 
      v = self.multipart() 
      while self.cur_token[0] == veclexer.ADD: 
        v1 = self.multipart() 
        if type(v1) == int: 
        elif type(v1) == list: 
          v = v + v1 
      return v      
  def multipart(self): 
    v = self.primary() 
    while self.cur_token[0] == veclexer.TIMES: 
      v1 = self.primary() 
      if type(v1) == int: 
        v = [x*v1 for x in v] 
      elif type(v1) == list: 
        v = [x*y for x in v for y in v1] 
    return v 
  def primary(self): 
    token_type = self.cur_token[0] 
    token_val = self.cur_token[1] 
    # int 
    if token_type == veclexer.INT: 
      return token_val 
    # variables reference 
    elif token_type == veclexer.ID: 
      if token_val in self.symtab: 
        return self.symtab[token_val] 
        raise Exception('undefined variable %s' % token_val) 
    # parse list 
    elif token_type == veclexer.LBRACK: 
      v = [self.expr()] 
      while self.cur_token[0] == veclexer.COMMA: 
      return v 
  def consume(self): 
    self.cur_token = self.lexer.next_token() 
  def match(self, token_type): 
    if self.cur_token[0] == token_type: 
      return True 
    raise Exception('expecting %s; found %s' % (token_type, self.cur_token[0])) 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
  prog = ''''' 
    veca = [1, 2, 3] 
    vecb = [4, 5, 6] 
    print 'veca:', veca 
    print 'veca * 2:', veca * 2 
    print 'veca + 2:', veca + 2 
    print 'veca + vecb:', veca + vecb 
    print 'veca + [11, 12]:', veca + [11, 12] 
    print 'veca * vecb:', veca * vecb 
    print 'veca:', veca 
    print 'vecb:', vecb 
  lex = veclexer.Veclexer(prog) 
  parser = Vecparser(lex) 


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