Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >In August, I will organize some boring information so that I can read it when I am bored.
<code>在xxx公司上班已有一月之多,但是我并没有真正做过代码方面的东西,每天都是理解公司已有的代码(公司使用的依然是YII框架,版本属于1.1.14)和业务。今天,抽空将最近更新的诸多功能做一个统计,根据代码反推最近产品部提出的需求(这些需求新人几乎都不让碰),或许对自己的成长有一定的帮助吧。看看别人怎样做的,思考一下,自己会如何去做。需要把每个版本的代码差异整理出来(用的是svn进行版本控制的,纯linux开发,相应的命令:svn di -rm:n,命令具体细节请自查): </code>
Version: 27773
Version log information: "2015-08-28 10:10:37 +0800 (Friday, 2015-08-28) | 1 line of material management"
File: app/modules /merchant/views/wxmaterial/udpatemorewxnews.php
Code block:
<code> <div <span><span>class</span>="<span>control</span>-<span>group</span> {</span>{<span>if</span> index > <span>0</span>}} hidden {{/<span>if</span>}}<span>"> <label for="</span>jj<span>"hljs-string">">简介:</label> <divhljs-string">"> <textareahljs-string">" rows="</span><span>4</span><span>" name="</span>articles[<span>0</span>][digest]<span>">{{digest}}</textarea> </div> </div></span></code>
What did
Version: 27772
Version log information:
Version: 27771
Version log information:
To be added
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The above introduces August. I have compiled some boring information so that you can read it when you are bored. It includes relevant content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.