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Configuration of mongo on tp

2016-07-30 13:29:421093browse

TP already supports the mongodb database. The following is a detailed explanation of the configuration and use of mongo on TP.

(1) The original class of /think/Model/mongoModel.class.php in the tp3.2.2 version has a bug. We need to add some code to the original class to fix the bug.

// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
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// | Copyright (c) 2010 http://topthink.com All rights reserved.
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// | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 )
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// | Author: liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace Think\Model;
use Think\Model;
 * MongoModel模型类
 * 实现了ODM和ActiveRecords模式
class MongoModel extends Model{
    // 主键类型
    const TYPE_OBJECT   = 1; 
    const TYPE_INT      = 2;
    const TYPE_STRING   = 3;

    // 主键名称
    protected $pk               =   '_id';
    // _id 类型 1 Object 采用MongoId对象 2 Int 整形 支持自动增长 3 String 字符串Hash
    protected $_idType          =   self::TYPE_INT;
    // 主键是否自增
    protected $_autoinc         =   true;
    // Mongo默认关闭字段检测 可以动态追加字段
    protected $autoCheckFields  =   false;
    // 链操作方法列表
    protected $methods          =   array('table','order','auto','filter','validate');
    protected $connection       =   'DB_MONGO';

     * 利用__call方法实现一些特殊的Model方法
     * @access public
     * @param string $method 方法名称
     * @param array $args 调用参数
     * @return mixed
    public function __call($method,$args) {
        if(in_array(strtolower($method),$this->methods,true)) {
            // 连贯操作的实现
            $this->options[strtolower($method)] =   $args[0];
            return $this;
        }elseif(strtolower(substr($method,0,5))=='getby') {
            // 根据某个字段获取记录
            $field   =   parse_name(substr($method,5));
            $where[$field] =$args[0];
            return $this->where($where)->find();
        }elseif(strtolower(substr($method,0,10))=='getfieldby') {
            // 根据某个字段获取记录的某个值
            $name   =   parse_name(substr($method,10));
            $where[$name] =$args[0];
            return $this->where($where)->getField($args[1]);

     * 获取字段信息并缓存 主键和自增信息直接配置
     * @access public
     * @return void
    public function flush() {
        // 缓存不存在则查询数据表信息
        $fields =   $this->db->getFields();
        if(!$fields) { // 暂时没有数据无法获取字段信息 下次查询
            return false;
        $this->fields   =   array_keys($fields);
        foreach ($fields as $key=>$val){
            // 记录字段类型
            $type[$key]    =   $val['type'];
        // 记录字段类型信息
        if(C('DB_FIELDTYPE_CHECK'))   $this->fields['_type'] =  $type;

        // 2008-3-7 增加缓存开关控制
            // 永久缓存数据表信息
            $db   =  $this->dbName?$this->dbName:C('DB_NAME');

    // 写入数据前的回调方法 包括新增和更新
    protected function _before_write(&$data) {
        $pk   =  $this->getPk();
        // 根据主键类型处理主键数据
        if(isset($data[$pk]) && $this->_idType == self::TYPE_OBJECT) {
            $data[$pk] =  new \MongoId($data[$pk]);

     * count统计 配合where连贯操作
     * @access public
     * @return integer
    public function count(){
        // 分析表达式
        $options =  $this->_parseOptions();
        return $this->db->count($options);

     * 获取下一ID 用于自动增长型
     * @access public
     * @param string $pk 字段名 默认为主键
     * @return mixed
    public function getMongoNextId($pk=''){
        if(empty($pk)) {
            $pk   =  $this->getPk();
        return $this->db->mongo_next_id($pk);

     * 新增数据
     * @access public
     * @param mixed $data 数据
     * @param array $options 表达式
     * @param boolean $replace 是否replace
     * @return mixed
    public function add($data='',$opti {
        if(empty($data)) {
            // 没有传递数据,获取当前数据对象的值
            if(!empty($this->data)) {
                $data           =   $this->data;
                // 重置数据
                $this->data     = array();
                $this->error    = L('_DATA_TYPE_INVALID_');
                return false;
        // 分析表达式
        $options    =   $this->_parseOptions($options);
        // 数据处理
        $data       =   $this->_facade($data);
        if(false === $this->_before_insert($data,$options)) {
            return false;
        // 写入数据到数据库
        $result = $this->db->insert($data,$options,$replace);
        if(false !== $result ) {
                return $data[$this->getPk()];
        return $result;

    // 插入数据前的回调方法
    protected function _before_insert(&$data,$options) {
        // 写入数据到数据库
        if($this->_autoinc && $this->_idType== self::TYPE_INT) { // 主键自动增长
            $pk   =  $this->getPk();
            if(!isset($data[$pk])) {
                $data[$pk]   =  $this->db->mongo_next_id($pk);

    public function clear(){
        return $this->db->clear();

    // 查询成功后的回调方法
    protected function _after_select(&$resultSet,$options) {

     * 获取MongoId
     * @access protected
     * @param array $result 返回数据
     * @return array
    protected function checkMongoId(&$result){
        if(is_object($result['_id'])) {
            $result['_id'] = $result['_id']->__toString();
        return $result;

    // 表达式过滤回调方法
    protected function _options_filter(&$options) {
        $id = $this->getPk();
        if(isset($options['where'][$id]) && is_scalar($options['where'][$id]) && $this->_idType== self::TYPE_OBJECT) {
            $options['where'][$id] = new \MongoId($options['where'][$id]);

     * 查询数据
     * @access public
     * @param mixed $options 表达式参数
     * @return mixed
     public function find($opti {
         if( is_numeric($options) || is_string($options)) {
            $id   =  $this->getPk();
            $where[$id] = $options;
            $options = array();
            $options['where'] = $where;
        // 分析表达式
        $options =  $this->_parseOptions($options);
        $result = $this->db->find($options);
        if(false === $result) {
            return false;
        if(empty($result)) {// 查询结果为空
            return null;
        $this->data = $result;
        return $this->data;

     * 字段值增长
     * @access public
     * @param string $field  字段名
     * @param integer $step  增长值
     * @return boolean
    public function setInc($field,$step=1) {
        return $this->setField($field,array('inc',$step));

     * 字段值减少
     * @access public
     * @param string $field  字段名
     * @param integer $step  减少值
     * @return boolean
    public function setDec($field,$step=1) {
        return $this->setField($field,array('inc','-'.$step));

     * 获取一条记录的某个字段值
     * @access public
     * @param string $field  字段名
     * @param string $spea  字段数据间隔符号
     * @return mixed
    public function getField($field,$sepa=null) {
        $options['field']    =  $field;
        $options =  $this->_parseOptions($options);
        if(strpos($field,',')) { // 多字段
            if(is_numeric($sepa)) {// 限定数量
                $options['limit']   =   $sepa;
                $sepa   =   null;// 重置为null 返回数组
            $resultSet = $this->db->select($options);
            if(!empty($resultSet)) {
                $_field = explode(',', $field);
                $field  = array_keys($resultSet[0]);
                $key =  array_shift($field);
                $key2 = array_shift($field);

         //解决参数$field 指定的字段顺序与数据库中记录字段顺序不一致时导致的返回结果$key不正确问题
                //2015-08-15 by bing
                if(!(array_search($_field[0], array_keys($resultSet[0]))===false)){

                $cols   =   array();
                $count  =   count($_field);
                foreach ($resultSet as $result){
                    $name   =  $result[$key];
                    if(2==$count) {
                        $cols[$name]   =  $result[$key2];
                        $cols[$name]   =  is_null($sepa)?$result:implode($sepa,$result);
                return $cols;
            // 返回数据个数
            if(true !== $sepa) {// 当sepa指定为true的时候 返回所有数据
                $options['limit']   =   is_numeric($sepa)?$sepa:1;
            }            // 查找一条记录
            $result = $this->db->select($options);
            if(!empty($result)) {
                foreach ($result as $val){
                        $tmp=explode('.', $field);
                        foreach ($tmp as $t){
                        $array[]    =   $val;
                        $array[]    =   $val[$field];
                return 1 == $options['limit'] ? $array[0] : $array;
        return null;

     * 执行Mongo指令
     * @access public
     * @param array $command  指令
     * @return mixed
    public function command($command) {
        return $this->db->command($command);

     * 执行MongoCode
     * @access public
     * @param string $code  MongoCode
     * @param array $args   参数
     * @return mixed
    public function mongoCode($code,$args=array()) {
        return $this->db->execute($code,$args);

    // 数据库切换后回调方法
    protected function _after_db() {
        // 切换Collection
       //bing 2015-8-15 获取数据表
     if(empty($this->dbName) && !empty($this->connection)){
     * 得到完整的数据表名 Mongo表名不带dbName
     * @access public
     * @return string
    public function getTableName() {
        if(empty($this->trueTableName)) {
            $tableName  = !empty($this->tablePrefix) ? $this->tablePrefix : '';
            if(!empty($this->tableName)) {
                $tableName .= $this->tableName;
                $tableName .= parse_name($this->name);
            $this->trueTableName    =   strtolower($tableName);
        return $this->trueTableName;

 The above is a modified complete mongo class.

Among them


<span style="color:#FF0000;">protected $connection       =   'DB_MONGO'; 是链接配置config对应的DB_mongo

  //解决参数$field 指定的字段顺序与数据库中记录字段顺序不一致时导致的返回结果$key不正确问题
                //2015-08-15 by bing
                if(!(array_search($_field[0], array_keys($resultSet[0]))===false)){

This part is added to establish the cache of the database


  //bing 2015-8-15 获取数据表
     if(empty($this->dbName) && !empty($this->connection)){
This function in the original MongoModel of tp will only be linked to the MYSQL configuration dbname by default. Now it needs to be modified, as shown above.

2. Configure DB_MONGO in tp

(1) Add

			'DB_TYPE'   => 'mongo', // 数据库类型
			'DB_HOST'   => 'localhost', // 服务器地址
			'DB_NAME'   => 'test', // 数据库名
			'DB_USER'   => '', // 用户名
			'DB_PWD'    => '', // 密码
			'DB_PORT'   => '27017', // 端口 
mongo in the config file. By default, there is no authentication, so the user name and password are empty.

(2) Add

protected $connection       =   'DB_MONGO'; 是链接配置config对应的DB_mongo,就是上面的完整的Mongo类。

to MongoModel. Now the database configuration has been completed.

3. Install the php_mongo driver

When installing the driver on Windows, it must correspond to the large version of php you are using.

(1) Download the corresponding version of php_mongo.

(2) Copy php_mongo.dll to the ext file of php

(3) Add extension=php_mongo.dll in php.ini

(4) Restart Apache

( 5) Visit phpinfo and search for mongo

. If the above appears, the configuration is successful.

4. CURD operation of mongo on tp

(1) PHP connects to mongo and creates an instantiated object

$m=new \Think\Model\MongoModel('user');
where "user" is a collection, which is equivalent to a table in mysql.

(2) Add - add()

The query is basically the same as mysql,



In this way, the data is added as a document, which is equivalent to a record in mysql.

(2) Query——select(), getField()

If you want to query the $data just inserted


is searching for the entire document , returns an array.

As shown in the picture

array(5) {
    ["_id"] => int(4)
    ["name"] => string(6) "李四"
    ["addr"] => string(6) "深圳"
    ["sex"] => string(3) "男"
    ["info"] => array(2) {
      ["age"] => int(20)
      ["phone"] => string(5) "12345"

If you want to check a field, you can use getField();
found out as shown in the figure
array(2) {
  ["age"] => int(20)
  ["phone"] => string(5) "12345"
If you want to check the value of the age key, you can directly
returns int(20)

Query of time range, you need to use array form to query

For example, there is a key "time" in the document, and you want to find documents between 2015/815-2015/9/1.

where int represents the timestamp.

(3) Delete-delete();

The deletion of delete is to delete the entire document.

(4) Modification - save()


For example, re-modify sex=>'male' in the document to sex=>'"female"

array(5) {
    ["_id"] => int(4)
    ["name"] => string(6) "李四"
    ["addr"] => string(6) "深圳"
    ["sex"] => string(3) "女"
    ["info"] => array(2) {
      ["age"] => int(20)
      ["phone"] => string(5) "12345"
, for example, modify the value of a key in the embedded document, such as age

 array(5) {
    ["_id"] => int(3)
    ["name"] => string(6) "李四"
    ["addr"] => string(6) "深圳"
    ["sex"] => string(3) "女"
    ["info"] => array(2) {
      ["age"] => int(30)
      ["phone"] => string(5) "12345"


, for example, delete a key.

For example, delete the addr key in the document



 array(4) {
    ["_id"] => int(3)
    ["name"] => string(6) "李四"
    ["sex"] => string(3) "女"
    ["info"] => array(2) {
      ["age"] => int(30)
      ["phone"] => string(5) "12345"

Okay See there is no addr key anymore

push ——Append a value to the field (must be an array type)

For example, an array (relational arrays are not included here)


num is an array, modify and add data to it.


 array(5) {
    ["_id"] => int(3)
    ["name"] => string(6) "李四"
    ["sex"] => string(3) "女"
    ["info"] => array(2) {
      ["age"] => int(30)
      ["phone"] => string(5) "12345"
   ["num"] => array(1) {
      [0] => int(1)
if you want to add an array



 array(5) {
    ["_id"] => int(3)
    ["name"] => string(6) "李四"
    ["sex"] => string(3) "女"
    ["info"] => array(2) {
      ["age"] => int(30)
      ["phone"] => string(5) "12345"
    ["num"] => array(2) {
      [0] => int(1)
      [1] => array(1) {
        ["subject"] => string(3) "php"

pull - delete a value in the field (must be an array field) based on the value

Now we want to delete the value just added in num array('suject'=>'php')

array(5) {
    ["_id"] => int(3)
    ["name"] => string(6) "李四"
    ["sex"] => string(3) "女"
    ["info"] => array(2) {
      ["age"] => int(30)
      ["phone"] => string(5) "12345"
    ["num"] => array(1) {
      [0] => int(1)

You can see that there is no array(' suject'=>'php');

(5) Statistics - count()


So far, the above methods have been tested in practice, This is the end of the summary of the most commonly used methods in mongo that can meet business requirements. If there is anything wrong, please point it out!

Copyright Statement: This article is an original article by the blogger and may not be reproduced without the blogger's permission.

The above introduces the configuration of mongo on tp, including aspects of it. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.

The content of this article is voluntarily contributed by netizens, and the copyright belongs to the original author. This site does not assume corresponding legal responsibility. If you find any content suspected of plagiarism or infringement, please contact admin@php.cn
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