Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP implements image upload and compression
The example of this article explains the implementation method of PHP image uploading and compression, and shares it with everyone for your reference. The specific content is as follows
Three files are used
The three file codes are as follows:
Connect to the database: connect.php
<?php $db_host = ''; $db_user = ''; $db_psw = ''; $db_name = ''; $db_port = ''; $sqlc mysqli($db_host,$db_user,$db_psw,$db_name); $q="set names utf8;"; $result=$sqlconn->query($q); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error()); exit(); } ?>
Execute the SQL statement: test_upload.php
<?php require ("connect.php"); require ("upload_img.php"); $real_img=$uploadfile; $small_img=$uploadfile_resize; $insert_sql = "insert into img (real_img,small_img) values (?,?)"; $result = $sqlconn -> prepare($insert_sql); $result -> bind_param("ss", $real_img,$small_img); $result -> execute(); ?>
Upload images and compress : upload_img.php
<?php //设置文件保存目录 $uploaddir = "upfiles/"; //设置允许上传文件的类型 $type=array("jpg","gif","bmp","jpeg","png"); //获取文件后缀名函数 function fileext($filename) { return substr(strrchr($filename, '.'), 1); } //生成随机文件名函数 function random($length) { $hash = 'CR-'; $chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $max = strlen($chars) - 1; mt_srand((double)microtime() * 1000000); for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $hash .= $chars[mt_rand(0, $max)]; } return $hash; } $a=strtolower(fileext($_FILES['filename']['name'])); //判断文件类型 if(!in_array(strtolower(fileext($_FILES['filename']['name'])),$type)) { $text=implode(",",$type); $ret_code=3;//文件类型错误 $page_result=$text; $retArray = array('ret_code' => $ret_code,'page_result'=>$page_result); $retJson = json_encode($retArray); echo $retJson; return; } //生成目标文件的文件名 else { $filename=explode(".",$_FILES['filename']['name']); do { $filename[0]=random(10); //设置随机数长度 $name=implode(".",$filename); //$name1=$name.".Mcncc"; $uploadfile=$uploaddir.$name; } while(file_exists($uploadfile)); if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'],$uploadfile)) { if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'])) { $ret_code=1;//上传失败 } else {//上传成功 $ret_code=0; } } $retArray = array('ret_code' => $ret_code); $retJson = json_encode($retArray); echo $retJson; } //压缩图片 $uploaddir_resize="upfiles_resize/"; $uploadfile_resize=$uploaddir_resize.$name; //$pic_width_max=120; //$pic_height_max=90; //以上与下面段注释可以联合使用,可以使图片根据计算出来的比例压缩 $file_type=$_FILES["filename"]['type']; function ResizeImage($uploadfile,$maxwidth,$maxheight,$name) { //取得当前图片大小 $width = imagesx($uploadfile); $height = imagesy($uploadfile); $i=0.5; //生成缩略图的大小 if(($width > $maxwidth) || ($height > $maxheight)) { /* $widthratio = $maxwidth/$width; $heightratio = $maxheight/$height; if($widthratio < $heightratio) { $ratio = $widthratio; } else { $ratio = $heightratio; } $newwidth = $width * $ratio; $newheight = $height * $ratio; */ $newwidth = $width * $i; $newheight = $height * $i; if(function_exists("imagecopyresampled")) { $uploaddir_resize = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight); imagecopyresampled($uploaddir_resize, $uploadfile, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); } else { $uploaddir_resize = imagecreate($newwidth, $newheight); imagecopyresized($uploaddir_resize, $uploadfile, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height); } ImageJpeg ($uploaddir_resize,$name); ImageDestroy ($uploaddir_resize); } else { ImageJpeg ($uploadfile,$name); } } if($_FILES["filename"]['size']) { if($file_type == "image/pjpeg"||$file_type == "image/jpg"|$file_type == "image/jpeg") { //$im = imagecreatefromjpeg($_FILES[$upload_input_name]['tmp_name']); $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadfile); } elseif($file_type == "image/x-png") { //$im = imagecreatefrompng($_FILES[$upload_input_name]['tmp_name']); $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadfile); } elseif($file_type == "image/gif") { //$im = imagecreatefromgif($_FILES[$upload_input_name]['tmp_name']); $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadfile); } else//默认jpg { $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($uploadfile); } if($im) { ResizeImage($im,$pic_width_max,$pic_height_max,$uploadfile_resize); ImageDestroy ($im); } } ?>
Please change the corresponding information in connect.php and test_upload.php according to the actual situation.
The above is how to upload and compress images in PHP. I hope it will be helpful to everyone in learning PHP programming
The above introduces the implementation of image uploading and compression in PHP, including aspects of it. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.