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The best era for programmers is coming (3)

2016-07-29 09:09:17801browse

The best era for programmers is coming (3)
Mobile development. Thanks to Mono, you can now use .NET to develop mobile applications. Using Xamarin, you can use C# to develop iOS and Android programs with the same performance as native ones. I am also familiar with Objective-C and have developed programs with Objective-C. Although Objective-C is excellent in some aspects, but the development efficiency is really not flattering, otherwise Apple would not launch Swift to revolutionize itself. In addition, when you need both iOS and Android, you need at least one person who is familiar with Objective-C. -C requires someone familiar with Java. And the same thing needs to be done twice. When using Xamarin to build enterprise-level APPs, a large amount of business logic can be shared, not to mention the very efficient C# language that can be directly used. We have successfully submitted several programs based on Xamarin.
In addition, Xamarin.Forms launched by Xamarin can use XAML and C# to develop iOS, Android and Windows Phone programs with one set of code, and the performance is exactly the same as the native one. We have also successfully developed programs based on Xamarin.Forms.
Game development. There are already many programs developed based on Unity, and you can choose C# as the main language for Unity-based games. You can search and there are already a large number of games on the shelves that are developed using .NET.
Summary. Of course, the above are just the Microsoft-related technologies I use. At present, except for customers who explicitly choose other languages, there is really not much that Java can do that .NET cannot do.
Desktop, WEB, and mobile development can all use .NET. To put it simply, you can use one language, which is C# to develop
Development tools
Visual Studio. When doing .NET development, the supporting development tool is Visual Studio. I think Visual Studio is one of the best IDEs. You can use it to develop in almost any language. Anyone who has used it knows this very well, although Vim is an editor. God, and Emacs is the editor of God, but how many gods can there be in the display world?
Resharper. Resharper is one of the essential tools for every .NET programmer. It can basically increase our development efficiency by one-third. Anyone who has used it will know.
Domain driven design. If I remember correctly, although Eric Evans wrote the book Domain-Driven Design earlier, there are many .NET developers who really promote Domain-Driven Design, such as Greg Young. We can look at NServicebus. We can look at NServicebus.
We have submitted a very large project using Domain Driven Design, which is a major system for a Fortune 500 company. This system uses .NET C#, CQRS, NServicebus, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET WEB API, SQL Server, etc. The system has been running for several years and no problems have been found.
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