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7 JavaScript interview questions to get rid of the fake and keep the real

2016-05-16 15:21:183237browse

7 JavaScript interview questions to get rid of the fake and keep the real

The following 7 JavaScript interview questions you should ask before the interview. Otherwise, your time will most likely be wasted.
1. What are the two ways to create JavaScript objects?
This is a very simple question if you have ever used JavaScript. You have to know at least one way. But, despite that, in my experience, there are also a lot of people who claim to be JavaScript programmers who say they don't know how to answer this question.

  • Use the "new" keyword to call the function.

  • open/close curly braces.

var o = {};
You can also continue to ask, "When does the new keyword create an object?" However, since I just want to eliminate some people, So I will wait until the actual interview to ask these questions.

Recommended related articles: The most comprehensive collection of js interview questions in 2020 (latest)

2. How to create an array ?
This is the same level of question as "how to create an object". However, there are also some people who can answer the first question but cannot answer this question.
Use the following code to create an array simply:
var myArray = new Array();
Creating an array is a very complicated process. But I would like to hear answers from candidates using square brackets.
var myArray = [];
Of course, we can continue to ask other questions, such as how to efficiently remove duplicate elements in JavaScript arrays, etc., but since we only need to know whether the candidate is worthy of further observation, about I will end the question of arrays here.

Let’s talk about how to efficiently delete duplicate elements in JavaScript arrays: 5 methods on how to implement array deduplication in js.

Specific method introduction:
1). Array traversal method
The simplest method to remove duplicates. Implementation idea: Create a new array, traverse the incoming array, and add the value if it is not in the new array. In the new array; Note: The method "indexOf" to determine whether the value is in the array is an ECMAScript5 method. It is not supported below IE8. You need to write more code that is compatible with lower version browsers. The source code is as follows:

// 最简单数组去重法
function unique1(array){
 var n = []; //一个新的临时数组
 for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
  if (n.indexOf(array[i]) == -1) n.push(array[i]);
 return n;
// 判断浏览器是否支持indexOf ,indexOf 为ecmaScript5新方法 IE8以下(包括IE8, IE8只支持部分ecma5)不支持
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf){
 // 新增indexOf方法
 Array.prototype.indexOf = function(item){
  var result = -1, a_item = null;
  if (this.length == 0){
   return result;
  for(var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++){
   a_item = this[i];
   if (a_item === item){
    result = i;
  return result;

2). Object key-value pairing method
This method executes faster than any other method, but it takes up more memory; implementation idea: create a new js object and a new array, and when traversing the incoming array, judge Whether the value is the key of the js object, if not, add the key to the object and put it into a new array. Note: When determining whether it is a js object key, "toString()" will be automatically executed on the incoming key. Different keys may be mistaken for the same; for example: a[1], a["1"]. To solve the above problem, you still have to call "indexOf".

// 速度最快, 占空间最多(空间换时间)
function unique2(array){
 var n = {}, r = [], len = array.length, val, type;
  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    val = array[i];
    type = typeof val;
    if (!n[val]) {
      n[val] = [type];
    } else if (n[val].indexOf(type) < 0) {
  return r;

3). The array index judgment method
still has to call "indexOf". The performance is similar to method 1. The implementation idea: if the i-th item of the current array is in the current array If the position that appears once is not i, it means that the i-th item is repeated and is ignored. Otherwise, store the result array.

function unique3(array){
 var n = [array[0]]; //结果数组
 for(var i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {
  if (array.indexOf(array[i]) == i) n.push(array[i]);
 return n;

4). Adjacent removal method after sorting
Although the sorting results of the "sort" method of native arrays are not very reliable, there is no disadvantage in deduplication that does not pay attention to order. No impact. Implementation idea: Sort the incoming array so that the same values ​​are adjacent after sorting, and then when traversing, only add values ​​that are not duplicates of the previous value to the new array.

// 将相同的值相邻,然后遍历去除重复值
function unique4(array){
 var re=[array[0]];
 for(var i = 1; i < array.length; i++){
  if( array[i] !== re[re.length-1])
 return re;

5). Optimizing array traversal method
comes from foreign blog posts. The implementation code of this method is quite cool; implementation idea: get the rightmost value without duplication and put it into a new array. (When duplicate values ​​are detected, the current loop is terminated and the next round of judgment of the top-level loop is entered)

// 思路:获取没重复的最右一值放入新数组
function unique5(array){
 var r = [];
 for(var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
  for(var j = i + 1; j < l; j++)
   if (array[i] === array[j]) j = ++i;
 return r;

3. What is Variable Hoisting?
This question is a little more difficult, and I don’t require the other party to answer it. However, this question can quickly determine a candidate’s technical proficiency: Do they really understand the programming language as well as they claim to?
Variable promotion means that no matter where a variable is declared in a scope, the JavaScript engine will move this declaration to the top of the scope. If you declare a variable in the middle of a function, such as assigning a variable in a certain line:

function foo()
 // 此处省略若干代码
 var a = "abc";

, the code will actually run like this:

function foo()
 var a;
 // 此处省略若干代码
 a = "abc";

4. What are the risks of global variables, and how can I protect my code from interference?
The danger with global variables is that someone else can create a variable with the same name and then overwrite the variable you are using. This is a headache in any language.
There are many ways to prevent it. The most common method is to create a global variable that contains all other variables:
var applicationName = {};
Then, whenever you need to create a global variable, just attach it to the object.
applicationName.myVariable = "abc";
Another method is to encapsulate all the code into an automatically executed function, so that all declared variables are declared within the scope of the function.

 var a = "abc";


for(var prop in obj){
 // bonus points for hasOwnProperty
  // do something here



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