Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Through nginx reverse proxy, Tomcat gets the real client IP instead of the server IP nginx tomcat slow nginx proxy tomcat nginx tomcat 40
Through nginx reverse proxy, you cannot get the real IP. You get the nginx IP. To get the real IP, you need to configure the Nginx configuration file: nginx.conf
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
For example:
######################################################################## #要转发地域名: upstream t.csdn.com { server max_fails=0 weight=1; #8080为tomcat端口 } ################################################################## server { listen 80; server_name t.csdn.com; access_log /data/wwwlogs/access_tomcat.log combined; root /usr/local/tomcat/webapps; index index.html index.jsp; #反向代理配置,将所有请求为http://hostname的请求全部转发到upstream中定义的目标服务器中。 location / { #此处配置的域名必须与upstream的域名一致,才能转发。 proxy_pass http://t.csdn.com; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; } #启用nginx status 监听页面 location /nginxstatus { stub_status on; access_log on; } }
private static String getRemoteAddrIp(HttpServletRequest request) { String ipFromNginx = getHeader(request, "X-Real-IP"); log.info("ipFromNginx:" + ipFromNginx); log.info("getRemoteAddr:" + request.getRemoteAddr()); return StringUtils.isEmpty(ipFromNginx) ? request.getRemoteAddr() : ipFromNginx; } private static String getHeader(HttpServletRequest request, String headName) { String value = request.getHeader(headName); return (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value) && !"unknown" .equalsIgnoreCase(value)) ? value : ""; }Finally, call the getRemoteAddrIp method to get the IP:
String clientIp = getRemoteAddrIp(request); log.info("客户IP:" + clientIp);
The above introduces how Tomcat obtains the real client IP instead of the server IP through nginx reverse proxy, including tomcat and nginx content. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.