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Implementation of simple ACL in Acrobat Professional 9.0 PHP Finale

2016-07-29 08:46:421008browse

复制代码 代码如下:

-- ACL Tables
-- 表的结构 `aclresources`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `aclresources`;
`rsid` varchar(64) NOT NULL ,
`access` int(4) NOT NULL default 0,
`desc` varchar(240) NOT NULL default '',
`created_at` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 1,
`updated_at` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
PRIMARY KEY (`rsid`)
)DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- 表的结构 `aclroles`
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`rolename` varchar(32) NOT NULL ,
`desc` varchar(240) NOT NULL default '',
`created_at` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 1,
`updated_at` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
UNIQUE KEY `rolename` (`rolename`)
)DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- 表的结构 `ref_aclresources_aclroles`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ref_aclresources_aclroles`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ref_aclresources_aclroles` (
`rsid` varchar(64) NOT NULL ,
`role_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (`rsid`,`role_id`)
)DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- 表的结构 `ref_users_aclroles`
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `ref_users_aclroles`;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `ref_users_aclroles` (
`user_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`role_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`,`role_id`)
)DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
-- 表的结构 `users`
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`email` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
`nickname` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
`roles` varchar(240) NOT NULL default '',
`created_at` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 1,
`updated_at` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
UNIQUE KEY `user_email` (`email`)
)DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

php 类

复制代码 代码如下:

* Simple ACL permission control function
* Table definition
* 1. Resource definition (rsid, access, desc, created_at, updated_at)
* 2. Role definition (id, rolename, desc, created_at, updated_at)
* 3. Resource-role association (rsid, role_id)
* 4. User-role association (user_id, role_id)
* Depends on db.php sqlobject.php
* @author vb2005xu.iteye.com
class AclBase {
// --- ACL 访问授权
* No access allowed to anyone
const NOBODY = 0;
* Allow anyone to access
const EVERYONE = 1;
* Allow users with roles to access
const HAS_ROLE = 2;
* Allow users without roles to access
const NO_ROLE = 3;
* Only roles defined in the resource-role association can access
// 定义相关的 表名
public $tbResources = 'aclresources';
public $tbRoles = 'aclroles';
public $tbRefResourcesRoles = 'ref_aclresources_aclroles';
public $tbRefUsersRoles = 'ref_users_aclroles';
* Format resource access rights and return
* @return int
static function formatAccessValue($access){
static $arr = array(self::NOBODY,self::EVERYONE,self::HAS_ROLE,self::NO_ROLE,self::ALLOCATE_ROLES);
return in_array($access,$arr) ? $access : self::NOBODY;
* Create a resource and return the primary key of the resource record
* @param string $rsid
* @param int $access
* @param string $desc
* @return int
function createResource($rsid,$access,$desc){
if (empty($rsid)) return false;
$resource = array(
'rsid' => $rsid,
'access' => self::formatAccessValue($access),
'desc' => $desc,
'created_at' => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
return SingleTableCRUD::insert($this->tbResources,$resource);
* Modify resources and return success status
* @param array $resource
* @return int
function updateResource(array $resource){
if (!isset($resource['rsid'])) return false;
$resource['updated_at'] = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
return SingleTableCRUD::update($this->tbResources,$resource,'rsid');
* Delete resource
* @param string $rsid
* @return int
function deleteResource($rsid){
if (empty($rsid)) return false;
return SingleTableCRUD::delete($this->tbResources,array('rsid'=>$rsid));
* Create a role and return the primary key of the role record
* @param string $rolename
* @param string $desc
* @return int
function createRole($rolename,$desc){
if (empty($rolename)) return false;
$role = array(
'rolename' => $rolename,
'desc' => $desc,
'created_at' => CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
return SingleTableCRUD::insert($this->tbRoles,$role);
* Modify the role and return the success status
* @param array $role
* @return int
function updateRole(array $role){
if (!isset($role['id'])) return false;
if (isset($role['rolename'])) unset($role['rolename']);
$role['updated_at'] = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;
return SingleTableCRUD::update($this->tbRoles,$role,'id');
* Delete role
* @param int $role_id
* @return int
function deleteRole($role_id){
if (empty($role_id)) return false;
return SingleTableCRUD::delete($this->tbRoles,array('role_id'=>(int) $role_id));
* Specify roles for resources, and remove all relevant records from the table before inserting them each time
* @param int $rsid
* @param mixed $roleIds
* @param boolean $setNull When the role id does not exist, Whether to clear resources from the related table
function allocateRolesForResource($rsid,$roleIds,$setNull=false,$defaultAccess=-1){
if (empty($rsid)) return false;
$roleIds = normalize($roleIds,',');
if (empty($roleIds)){
if ($setNull){
if ($defaultAccess != -1){
$defaultAccess = self::formatAccessValue($defaultAccess);
return true;
return false;
$roleIds = array_unique($roleIds);
foreach ($roleIds as $role_id){
return true;
function cleanRolesForResource($rsid){
if (empty($rsid)) return false;
return SingleTableCRUD::delete($this->tbRefResourcesRoles,array('rsid'=>$rsid));
function cleanResourcesForRole($role_id){
if (empty($role_id)) return false;
return SingleTableCRUD::delete($this->tbRefResourcesRoles,array('role_id'=>(int) $role_id));
* Allocate resources to roles, remove all relevant records in the table each time and then insert them
* @param int $role_id
* @param mixed $rsids
* @return boolean
function allocateResourcesForRole($role_id,$rsids){
if (empty($role_id)) return false;
$role_id = (int) $role_id;
$rsids = normalize($rsids,',');
if (empty($rsids)){
return false;
$rsids = array_unique($rsids);
foreach ($rsids as $rsid){
return true;
* Assign roles to users, and remove all relevant records from the table before inserting them each time
* There may be performance issues here when there are many users... We will think about how to optimize it later
* @param int $user_id
* @param mixed $roleIds
* @return boolean
function allocateRolesForUser($user_id,$roleIds){
if (empty($user_id)) return false;
$user_id = (int) $user_id;
$roleIds = normalize($roleIds,',');
if (empty($roleIds)){
return false;
$roleIds = array_unique($roleIds);
foreach ($roleIds as $roleId){
return true;
* Clear user's role information
* @param int $user_id
* @return boolean
function cleanRolesForUser($user_id){
if (empty($user_id)) return false;
return SingleTableCRUD::delete($this->tbRefUsersRoles,array('user_id'=>(int) $user_id));
* Clear the user association of the role
* @param int $role_id
* @return boolean
function cleanUsersForRole($role_id){
if (empty($role_id)) return false;
return SingleTableCRUD::delete($this->tbRefUsersRoles,array('role_id'=>(int) $role_id));

具体 检测的代码 如下:

复制代码 代码如下:

* Perform acl verification on resources
* @param string $rsid resource identifier
* @param array $user specific user, if not specified, verify the current user
* @return boolean
function aclVerity($rsid ,array $user = null){
if (empty($rsid)) return false;
if (!CoreApp::$defaultAcl) {
CoreApp::$defaultAcl = new AclFlat();
$rsRow = aclGetResource($rsid);
// 未定义资源的缺省访问策略
if (!$rsRow) return false;
$rsRow['access'] = AclBase::formatAccessValue($rsRow['access']);
// 允许任何人访问
if (AclBase::EVERYONE == $rsRow['access']) return true;
// 不允许任何人访问
if (AclBase::NOBODY == $rsRow['access']) return false;
// 获取用户信息
if (empty($user)) $user = isset($_SESSION['SI-SysUser']) ? $_SESSION['SI-SysUser'] : null;
// 用户未登录,则当成无访问权限
if (empty($user)) return false;
$user['roles'] = empty($user['roles']) ? null : normalize($user['roles'],';');
$userHasRoles = !empty($user['roles']);
* Allow users without roles to access
if (AclBase::NO_ROLE == $rsRow['access']) return $userHasRoles ? false : true;
* Allow users with roles to access
if (AclBase::HAS_ROLE == $rsRow['access']) return $userHasRoles ? true : false;
// --- 对用户进行 资源 <-> 角色 校验
if ($userHasRoles){
foreach ($user['roles'] as $role_id){
if ( aclGetRefResourcesRoles($rsid,$role_id) )
return true;
return false;

复制代码 代码如下:

* Perform acl verification on resources
* @param string $rsid resource identifier
* @param array $user specific user, if not specified, verify the current user
* @return boolean
function aclVerity($rsid ,array $user = null){
if (empty($rsid)) return false;
if (!CoreApp::$defaultAcl) {
CoreApp: :$defaultAcl = new AclFlat();
$rsRow = aclGetResource($rsid);
// Default access policy for undefined resources
if (!$rsRow) return false;
CoreApp::writeLog($rsRow ,'test');
* The verification steps are as follows:
* 1. First verify the access attribute of the resource itself
* EVERYONE => true,NOBODY => false * Continue to verify other attributes below. Verification
* 2. Get the role id set from the session (or user session table)
* 3. If the user has a role, then HAS_ROLE => true, NO_ROLE => false; vice versa
* 4. If the resource access = = ALLOCATE_ROLES
* 1. Get the role id set corresponding to the resource from the cache (or $tbRefResourcesRoles)
* 2. Find the intersection of the role id set owned by the user and the role id set corresponding to the resource
* 3. There is an intersection => true; otherwise => false
$rsRow['access'] = AclBase::formatAccessValue($rsRow['access']);
// Allow anyone to access
if (AclBase::EVERYONE == $ rsRow['access']) return true;
// Do not allow anyone to access
if (AclBase::NOBODY == $rsRow['access']) return false;
// Get user information
if (empty($ user)) $user = isset($_SESSION['SI-SysUser']) ? $_SESSION['SI-SysUser'] : null;
// If the user is not logged in, it is regarded as having no access rights
if (empty($user )) return false;
$user['roles'] = empty($user['roles']) ? null : normalize($user['roles'],';');
$userHasRoles = !empty($ user['roles']);
* Allow users without roles to access
if (AclBase::NO_ROLE == $rsRow['access']) return $userHasRoles ? false : true;
* Allow users with roles to access
* /
if (AclBase::HAS_ROLE == $rsRow['access']) return $userHasRoles ? true : false;
// --- Perform resource<-> role verification on the user
if ($userHasRoles) {
foreach ($user['roles'] as $role_id){
if ( aclGetRefResourcesRoles($rsid,$role_id) )
return true;
return false;
* Regenerate role resource access control list
* @param string $actTable ACL table name
* @param boolean $return Whether to return the regenerated list
* @return mixed
function aclRebuildACT($actTable ,$return = false){
if (empty($actTable)) return false;
global $globalConf;
$rst = null;
$cacheId = null;
case CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbResources:
$cacheId = 'acl-resources';
$rst = SingleTableCRUD::findAll(CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbResources);
// Convert to hash table structure
if ($rst){
$rst = array_to_hashmap($rst,'rsid');
case CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbRoles:
$cacheId = 'acl-roles';
$rst = SingleTableCRUD::findAll(CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbRoles);
// Convert to hash table structure
if ($rst){
$rst = array_to_hashmap($rst ,'id');
case CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbRefResourcesRoles:
$cacheId = 'acl-roles_has_resources';
$rst = SingleTableCRUD::findAll(CoreApp::$defaultAcl-> tbRefResourcesRoles);
if ($rst){
$_ = array();
foreach ($rst as $row) {
$ref_id = "{$row['rsid']}<-|->{ $row['role_id']}";
$_[$ref_id] = $row;
$rst = $_;
if ($cacheId)
writeCache($globalConf['runtime']['cacheDir'] ,$cacheId ,$rst ,true);
if ($return) return $rst;
* Get role resource access control list data
* @param string $actTable ACL table name
* @return mixed
function aclGetACT( $actTable){
if (empty($actTable)) return false;
static $rst = array();
$cacheId = null;
case CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbResources:
$cacheId = 'acl-resources';
case CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbResourcesRoles:
$cacheId = 'acl-roles';
$cacheId = 'acl-roles_has_resources';
if (!$cacheId) return null;
if (isset($rst[$cacheId])) return $rst[$cacheId];
global $globalConf ;
// 900
$rst[$cacheId] = getCache($globalConf['runtime']['cacheDir'],$cacheId,0);
if ( !$rst[$cacheId] ){
$rst[ $cacheId] = aclRebuildACT($actTable,true);
return $rst[$cacheId];
* Get resource record
* @param string $rsid
* @return array
function aclGetResource($rsid){
static $rst = null;
if (!$rst){
$rst = aclGetACT(CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbResources);
if (!$rst) $rst = array();
return isset($rst[$rsid] ) ? $rst[$rsid] : null;
* Get role record
* @param int $role_id
* @return array
function aclGetRole($role_id){
static $rst = null;
if (!$rst){
$rst = aclGetACT(CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbRoles);
if (!$rst) $rst = array();
return isset($rst[$role_id]) ? $rst[$role_id] : null;
* Get the user role association record. This method can verify whether the resource can be called by this role
* @param string $rsid
* @param int $role_id
* @return array
function aclGetRefResourcesRoles ($rsid,$role_id){
static $rst = null;
if (!$rst){
$rst = aclGetACT(CoreApp::$defaultAcl->tbRefResourcesRoles);
if (!$rst) $rst = array();
$ref_id = "{$rsid}<-|->{$role_id}";
CoreApp::writeLog(isset($rst[$ref_id])?$rst[$ref_id] :'nodata',$ref_id);
return isset($rst[$ref_id]) ? $rst[$ref_id] : null;

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