Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >A PHP class for FFMPEG video conversion
<?php class local_video { public $options; public $ffmpeg; public $phpcms_path; public $backup; function __construct($options,$ffmpeg,$backup=true) { $this->opti $this->options = array_filter($options) + $this->options; $this->ffmpeg=$ffmpeg; //ffmpeg路径 $this->backup=$backup; } //获取视频信息 function video_info($file) { ob_start(); passthru(sprintf($this->ffmpeg . ' -i "%s" 2>&1', $file));//ffmpeg -i test.avi 2>&1 $info = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // 通过使用输出缓冲,获取到ffmpeg所有输出的内容。 $ret = array(); // Duration: 01:24:12.73, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 456 kb/s if (preg_match("/Duration: (.*?), start: (.*?), bitrate: (\d*) kb\/s/",$info, $match)) { $ret['duration'] = $match[1]; // 提取出播放时间 $da = explode(':', $match[1]); $ret['seconds'] = $da[0] * 3600 + $da[1] * 60 + $da[2]; // 转换为秒 $ret['start'] = $match[2]; // 开始时间 $ret['bitrate'] = $match[3]; // bitrate 码率 单位 kb } // Stream #0.1: Video: rv40, yuv420p, 512x384, 355 kb/s, 12.05 fps, 12 tbr, 1k tbn, 12 tbc if (preg_match("/Video: (.*?), (.*?), (.*?)[,\s]/", $info, $match)) { $ret['vcodec'] = $match[1]; // 编码格式 $ret['vformat'] = $match[2]; // 视频格式 $ret['resolution'] = $match[3]; // 分辨率 $a = explode('x', $match[3]); $ret['width'] = $a[0]; $ret['height'] = $a[1]; } // Stream #0.0: Audio: cook, 44100 Hz, stereo, s16, 96 kb/s if (preg_match("/Audio: (\w*), (\d*) Hz/", $info, $match)) { $ret['acodec'] = $match[1]; // 音频编码 $ret['asamplerate'] = $match[2]; // 音频采样频率 } if (isset($ret['seconds']) && isset($ret['start'])) { $ret['play_time'] = $ret['seconds'] + $ret['start']; // 实际播放时间 } $ret['size'] = filesize($file); // 文件大小 return $ret; } function convert() { $verifyToken = md5('unique_salt' . $this->options['timestamp']); if ($verifyToken == $this->options['token']) { $orgFile = $this->options['org_path'] . $this->options['org']; $setting=' '; if(isset($this->options['video_size'])) $setting=$setting.'-vf scale="'.$this->options['video_size'].'"'; $mp4 = $this->ffmpeg . ' -i ' . $orgFile . ' -ss 00:01:02 -vcodec libx264 -strict -2 '.$setting.' ' . $this->options['mp4_path_temp'] . $this->options['org'] . ''; //转换视频 exec($mp4); if(isset($this->options['watermark'])){ $watermark=' "'.$this->options['watermark'].'" '; $mp4 = $this->ffmpeg.' -i '.$this->options['mp4_path_temp'] . $this->options['org'] . ''.' -vf '.$watermark.' '.$this->options['mp4_path'] . $this->options['org'] . ''; //增加水印 exec($mp4); @unlink($this->options['mp4_path_temp'] . $this->options['org'] . ''); } $duration = $this->video_info($orgFile); $seconds = intval($duration['seconds']); $offset = intval($seconds / 21); //截图间隔 秒 $thumbs = explode(',', $this->options['thumb_size']); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($thumbs); $i++) { $targetPath = $this->options['thumb_path'] . $this->options['org'] . '/'; if (!file_exists($targetPath)) @mkdir(rtrim($targetPath, '/'), 0777); if ($i == 0) { $time = 1; $name = $i == 0 ? 'default.jpg' : $i . '.jpg'; $img_size = $this->options['main_size']; } else { $time = $i * $offset; $name = $i . '.jpg'; $img_size = $thumbs[$i-1]; } $jpg = $this->ffmpeg . ' -i ' . $orgFile . ' -f image2 -ss ' . $time . ' -vframes 1 -s ' . $img_size . ' ' . $targetPath . $name; //截图 @exec($jpg); } //复制文件到对应的FTP服务器 $ftp_server = pc_base::load_config('ftp_server'); $remote_server = $_POST['remote_server']; $ftp_server = $ftp_server[$remote_server]; if($ftp_server['ftp_server']) pc_base::ftp_upload($orgFile, $ftp_server['ftp_server'], $ftp_server['ftp_user_name'], $ftp_server['ftp_user_pass']); //备份到所有FTP服务器 if($this->backup){ $ftp_backup = pc_base::load_config('ftp_backup'); foreach ($ftp_backup as $v) { pc_base::ftp_upload( $orgFile, $ftp_backup['ftp_server'], $ftp_backup['ftp_user_name'], $ftp_backup['ftp_user_pass']); } } $result['url']=$ftp_server['ftp_server']['http_address']. $this->options['mp4_path'] . $this->options['uniqid'] . '.mp4';//记录视频播放地址 $result['uniqid']=$this->options['uniqid']; $result['videoTime'] = $this->video_info($orgFile); $result['videoTime'] = $result['videoTime']['seconds']; return $result;//返回处理结果 } else die('验证失败!'); } } ?>
http://www.cnblogs.com/ dwdxdy/p/3240167.html
The above introduces a PHP class for FFMPEG video conversion, including various aspects. I hope it will be helpful to friends who are interested in PHP tutorials.