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Discuz template engine

2016-07-25 09:06:181452browse
Discuz template engine

Discuz’s template engine is a relatively good template engine class. I found it on the Internet a long time ago. Visually, this Discuz’s template engine should be very old. It is a version before DZ7.2. I also use it very smoothly. Share it. Download this template class.

There are two files. A template class, a function that needs to be used in template replacement
Original address: http://blog.qita.in

  1. ?/**
  2. * Template class - parsed using Discuz template engine
  3. * http://blog.qita.in
  4. */
  5. require_once (DIR_ROOT . '/../function/template.func.php');
  6. class Template {
  8. /**
  9. * Template instance
  10. *
  11. * @staticvar
  12. * @var object Template
  13. */
  14. protected static $_instance;
  15. /**
  16. * Template parameter information
  17. *
  18. * @var array
  19. */
  20. protected $_options = array();
  21. /**
  22. * Singleton mode calling method
  23. *
  24. * @static
  25. * @return object Template
  26. */
  27. public static function getInstance( ) {
  28. if (!self :: $_instance instanceof self)
  29. self :: $_instance = new self();
  30. return self :: $_instance;
  31. }
  32. /**
  33. * Constructor
  34. *
  35. * @return void
  36. */
  37. private function __construct () {
  38. $this -> _options = array('template_dir' => 'templates' . self :: DIR_SEP, // The directory where the template file is located
  39. 'cache_dir' => 'templates' . self :: DIR_SEP . 'cache' . self :: DIR_SEP, // Directory where cache files are stored
  40. 'auto_update' => false, // Whether to regenerate the cache when the template file is changed
  41. 'cache_lifetime' => 0, // Cache life cycle ( minutes), 0 means permanent
  42. );
  43. }
  44. /**
  45. * Set template parameter information
  46. *
  47. * @param array $options parameter array
  48. * @return void
  49. */
  50. public function setOptions(array $options) {
  51. foreach ($options as $name => $value)
  52. $this - > set($name, $value);
  53. }
  54. /**
  55. * Set template parameters
  56. *
  57. * @param string $name parameter name
  58. * @param mixed $value parameter value
  59. * @return void
  60. */
  61. public function set($name, $value) {
  62. switch ($name) {
  63. case 'template_dir':
  64. $ value = $this -> _trimpath($value);
  65. if (!file_exists($value))
  66. $this -> _throwException("The specified template directory "$value"" was not found);
  67. $this -> ; _options['template_dir'] = $value;
  68. break;
  69. case 'cache_dir':
  70. $value = $this -> _trimpath($value);
  71. if (!file_exists($value))
  72. $this -> ; _throwException("The specified cache directory "$value"" was not found);
  73. $this -> _options['cache_dir'] = $value;
  74. break;
  75. case 'auto_update':
  76. $this -> _options[ 'auto_update'] = (boolean) $value;
  77. break;
  78. case 'cache_lifetime':
  79. $this -> _options['cache_lifetime'] = (float) $value;
  80. break;
  81. default:
  82. $this -> ; _throwException("Unknown template configuration option "$name"");
  83. }
  84. }
  85. /**
  86. * Set template parameters through magic method
  87. *
  88. * @see Template::set()
  89. * @param string $name parameter name
  90. * @param mixed $value parameter value
  91. * @return void
  92. */
  93. public function __set($name, $value) {
  94. $this -> set( $name, $value);
  95. }
  96. /**
  97. * Get template file
  98. *
  99. * @param string $file template file name
  100. * @return string
  101. */
  102. public function getfile($file) {
  103. $cachefile = $this -> _getCacheFile($file);
  104. if (!file_exists($ cachefile))
  105. $this -> cache($file);
  106. return $cachefile;
  107. }
  108. /**
  109. * Check whether the template file needs to update the cache
  110. *
  111. * @param string $file template file name
  112. * @param string $md5data template file md5 verification information
  113. * @param integer $md5data template file expiration time verification information
  114. * @return void
  115. */
  116. public function check($file, $md5data, $expireTime) {
  117. if ( $this -> _options['auto_update'] && md5_file($this -> _getTplFile($file)) != $md5data)
  118. $this -> cache($file);
  119. if ($this -> _options['cache_lifetime'] != 0 && (time() - $expireTime >= $this -> _options['cache_lifetime'] * 60))
  120. $this -> cache($file);
  121. }
  122. /**
  123. * Cache template files
  124. *
  125. * @param string $file template file name
  126. * @return void
  127. */
  128. public function cache($file) {
  129. $tplfile = $this -> _getTplFile($file);
  130. if (!is_readable($tplfile)) {
  131. $this -> ; _throwException("Template file "$tplfile" was not found or could not be opened");
  132. }
  133. // Get template content
  134. $template = file_get_contents($tplfile);
  135. // Filter/s", "{\1}", $template);
  136. // Replace language pack variables
  137. // $template = preg_replace("/{langs+(.+?)}/ies", "languagevar('\1')", $template);
  138. // Replace PHP newline character
  139. $template = str_replace("{LF}", "="\n"?>", $template);
  140. // Replace direct variable output
  141. $varRegexp = "((\$[a-zA-Z_x7f-xff][a-zA- Z0-9_x7f-xff]*)"
  142. . "([[a-zA-Z0-9_-."'[]$x7f-xff]+])*)";
  143. $template = preg_replace("/{( \$[a-zA-Z0-9_[]'"$.x7f-xff]+)}/s", "=\1?>", $template);
  144. $template = preg_replace(" /$varRegexp/es", "addquote('=\1?>')", $template);
  145. $template = preg_replace("/==$varRegexp?>? >/es", "addquote('=\1?>')", $template);
  146. // Replace template loading command
  147. $template = preg_replace("/[nrt]*{templates+( [a-z0-9_]+)}[nrt]*/is",
  148. "rn include($template->getfile('\1')); ?>rn",
  149. $template
  150. ) ;
  151. $template = preg_replace("/[nrt]*{templates+(.+?)}[nrt]*/is",
  152. "rn include($template->getfile(\1)); ?> ;rn",
  153. $template
  154. );
  155. // Replace specific function
  156. $template = preg_replace("/[nrt]*{evals+(.+?)}[nrt]*/ies",
  157. "stripvtags('< ;? \1 ?>','')",
  158. $template
  159. );
  160. $template = preg_replace("/[nrt]*{echos+(.+?)}[nrt]*/ies",
  161. " stripvtags(' echo \1; ?>','')",
  162. $template
  163. );
  164. $template = preg_replace("/([nrt]*){elseifs+(.+?)}([ nrt]*)/ies",
  165. "stripvtags('\1 } elseif(\2) { ?>\3','')",
  166. $template
  167. );
  168. $template = preg_replace("/ ([nrt]*){else}([nrt]*)/is",
  169. "\1 } else { ?>\2",
  170. $template
  171. );
  172. // Replace loop function and conditional judgment Statement
  173. $nest = 5;
  174. for ($i = 0; $i $template = preg_replace("/[nrt]*{loops+(S+)s+(S+)}[nr ]*(.+?)[nr]*{/loop}[nrt]*/ies",
  175. "stripvtags(' if(is_array(\1)) { foreach(\1 as \2) { ? >','\3 } } ?>')",
  176. $template
  177. );
  178. $template = preg_replace("/[nrt]*{loops+(S+)s+(S+)s+(S+)} [nrt]*(.+?)[nrt]*{/loop}[nrt]*/ies",
  179. "stripvtags(' if(is_array(\1)) { foreach(\1 as \2 = > \3) { ?>','\4 } } ?>')",
  180. $template
  181. );
  182. $template = preg_replace("/([nrt]*){ifs+(.+ ?)}([nr]*)(.+?)([nr]*){/if}([nrt]*)/ies",
  183. "stripvtags('\1 if(\2) { ? >\3','\4\5 } ?>\6')",
  184. $template
  185. );
  186. }
  187. // Constant replacement
  188. $template = preg_replace("/{([a-zA -Z_x7f-xff][a-zA-Z0-9_x7f-xff]*)}/s",
  189. "=\1?>",
  190. $template
  191. );
  192. // Delete PHP code break Extra spaces and line breaks
  193. $template = preg_replace("/ ?>[nr]* /s", " ", $template);
  194. // Other replacements
  195. $template = preg_replace("/"(http )?[w./:]+?[^"]+?&[^"]+?"/e",
  196. "transamp('\0')",
  197. $template
  198. );
  199. $template = preg_replace ("/<script>]*?src="(.+?)".*?>s*</script>/ise",
  200. "stripscriptamp('\1')",
  201. $template
  202. );
  203. $template = preg_replace("/[nrt]*{blocks+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}(.+?){/block}/ies",
  204. "stripblock(' \1', '\2')",
  205. $template
  206. );
  207. // Add md5 and expiration check
  208. $md5data = md5_file($tplfile);
  209. $expireTime = time();
  210. $template = "< ;? if (!class_exists('template')) die('Access Denied');"
  211. . "$template->getInstance()->check('$file', '$md5data', $expireTime) ;"
  212. . "?>rn$template";
  213. // Write cache file
  214. $cachefile = $this -> _getCacheFile($file);
  215. $makepath = $this -> _makepath($cachefile);
  216. if ($makepath !== true)
  217. $this -> _throwException("Unable to create cache directory "$makepath"");
  218. file_put_contents($cachefile, $template);
  219. }
  220. /**
  221. * Correct the path to a form suitable for the operating system
  222. *
  223. * @param string $path path name
  224. * @return string
  225. */
  226. protected function _trimpath($path) {
  227. return str_replace(array('/', '\', '//', '\\'), self :: DIR_SEP, $path);
  228. }
  229. / **
  230. * Get the template file name and path
  231. *
  232. * @param string $file template file name
  233. * @return string
  234. */
  235. protected function _getTplFile($file) {
  236. return $this -> _trimpath($this -> _options['template_dir'] . self :: DIR_SEP . $file);
  237. }
  238. /**
  239. * Get the template cache file name and path
  240. *
  241. * @param string $file template file name
  242. * @return string
  243. */
  244. protected function _getCacheFile($file) {
  245. $file = preg_replace('/.[a-z0-9-_]+$/i', '.cache.php', $file);
  246. return $this -> _trimpath($this -> _options['cache_dir'] . self :: DIR_SEP . $file);
  247. }
  248. /**
  249. * Create a non-existing folder based on the specified path
  250. *
  251. * @param string $path path/folder name
  252. * @return string
  253. */
  254. protected function _makepath($path) {
  255. $dirs = explode(self :: DIR_SEP, dirname($this -> _trimpath($path)));
  256. $tmp = '';
  257. foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
  258. $tmp .= $dir . self :: DIR_SEP;
  259. if (!file_exists($tmp) && !@mkdir($tmp, 0777))
  260. return $tmp;
  261. }
  262. return true;
  263. }
  264. /**
  265. * Throw an error message
  266. *
  267. * @param string $message
  268. * @return void
  269. */
  270. protected function _throwException($message) {
  271. throw new Exception($message);
  272. }
  273. }
  274. ?>
  1. 模板函数文件
  2. /**
  3. * Functions needed for template replacement
  4. * http://blog.qita.in
  5. */
  6. function transamp($template) {
  7. $template = str_replace('&', '&', $template);
  8. $template = str_replace('&', '&', $template);
  9. $template = str_replace('"', '"', $template);
  10. return $template;
  11. }
  12. function stripvtags($expr, $statement) {
  13. $expr = str_replace("\"", """, preg_replace("/=(\$.+?)?>/s", "\1", $expr));
  14. $statement = str_replace("\"", """, $statement);
  15. return $expr . $statement;
  16. }
  17. function addquote($var) {
  18. return str_replace("\"", """, preg_replace("/[([a-zA-Z0-9_-.x7f-xff]+)]/s", "['\1']", $var));
  19. }
  20. function stripscriptamp($s) {
  21. $s = str_replace('&', '&', $s);
  22. return "";
  23. }
  24. function stripblock($var, $s) {
  25. $s = str_replace('\"', '"', $s);
  26. $s = preg_replace("/=\$(.+?)?>/", "{$\1}", $s);
  27. preg_match_all("/=(.+?)?>/e", $s, $constary);
  28. $constadd = '';
  29. $constary[1] = array_unique($constary[1]);
  30. foreach($constary[1] as $const) {
  31. $constadd .= '$__' . $const .' = ' . $const . ';';
  32. }
  33. $s = preg_replace("/=(.+?)?>/", "{$__\1}", $s);
  34. $s = str_replace('?>', "n$$var .= $s = str_replace('', "nEOF;n", $s);
  35. return "";
  36. }
  37. ?>

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